The Bills are down 21-17 with 1:54 to go in the 4th quarter.It is 3rd and 8, Can you complete the pass? Not a scramble for 5 yards. Can the QB do this repeatedly and get the TD. Who is our guy?
Blacks commit more crimes because they mostly live in Democratic controlled cities with no jobs or hope. Then get brainwashed by liberal singers, actors, and celebrities who glorify gangs. They could be doctors, lawyers, teachers and leaders but instead sell drugs. This is changing and will end soon. People of all races, creeds and culture deserve better.
Do you really believe I think you care about Jews and Black Americans? When you live in the past you can never progress to the future. No matter the Democratic party is about to become extinct. The Republican party is about to become extinct. America will be one.
December 8th 1941 to November 22nd 1963.
You are about to see a rebirth of America, Even the most loyal Democrats will not be able deny, discredit or defend what will be revealed.
The show is about to begin.
One party, One people, One country, under One God.
Yeah, Who wants America to be Great Again, lower taxes, higher pay, more jobs and a safe place to raise your children. America should be more like Detroit and Chicago run by Democrats, high taxes, gangs everywhere, no jobs and no hope.
Thursday cant come fast enough. Bills trade with NYGiants and get Sam "clutch" Darnold!!!!!!! It's not about the 1st 3 quarters it's about the score at the end of the 4th.