You cannot learn on the bench. Might as well roll him out now. McCarron and Petermen might be slightly better now, but that won.t make a difference in the game.
Whats worse Allen taking 5 sacks in the 1st half, or Petermen throwing 5 picks in the 1st half? All the Petermen followers say it was just 1 game, well it was just 1 game for Allen.
Whats worse, Allen taking 5 sacks in the 1st half or Petermen throwing 5 interceptions in the 1st half. Petermen followers state it was only 1 game, well it was only one game for Allen. Bottom line is the O-line sucks.
Jaylen Ramsey is a well spoken, deeply educated young man who is a credit to his college Florida state. He must have received a college degree in English.