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Everything posted by Rocbillsfan1

  1. yes it has to do with the Bills winning. Kind of hard to do that if the time runs out. The fact that Mcd got bailed out by a hail mary in the snow by a 3rd string QB makes you think he's some kind of genius. When looking at the odds in that situation it was an awful decision.
  2. It has nothing to do with Indy kicking a field goal or winning. The bigger worry was a tie and time running out.
  3. No it wasn't. Just because it worked doesn't mean it was the best call at the time. We needed a miracle to happen in that Webb pass instead of just giving the dam ball to the best player on the field. Stupid, Stupid, decision.
  4. the problem is you are acting like it's a guarantee that the Bills don't get the first. Grow some balls dude. You have better odds giving the ball to McCoy and telling him to make a play than having to go 65 yards relying on a 3rd string QB who just almost threw the game deciding INT in your own end.
  5. How bout the common sense odds that you no longer have the ball there's 4 min left in the game and the colts just had a 10+ minute possession. Coaching on both sides was atrocius today. I remember at one point the Colts punted on a 4th and 3 I think from the Bills 32. There should have been no punting by either team once you crossed the other side the field as kicking a fg wasn't really a good option.
  6. it's like people expected a 35 yard pass with the game on the line with a 3rd string QB to a backup WR in a half foot of snow. Like Duh I was totally expecting the Bills to be able to pull that off.
  7. So you really liked the odds of Webb throwing the longest pass of the day with the game on the line and having to start the final drive around the Bills 35 instead of getting a yard or two on the opponets 40? There were probably better odds of Webb throwing another terrible interception in his own end again.
  8. Yea the better thing to do is watch your teammate get pulverized in front of you and cry about it to the refs.
  9. 110% false. down by 20 late in fourth quarter with your backup qb in, the game is basically over. Guy assaulted your teammate in front of you and they were too scared of gronk to do anything. Absolutely embarrassing to watch.
  10. A fine? Are you !@#$ing kidding? Dude should be suspended multiple games for that illegal hit after a play that gave a player head trauma. Absolutely ridiculous.
  11. kitty ass Hughes was more concerned about talking to the refs then going and hitting front in the mouth. I usually hate when players get 15 yard penalties but how the !@#$ did no one hit gronk back. This would have been the only time all year I would have been fine with the players actually going after gronk right then and there. Did anyone else see I think the lb point at the play and yell at the ref? Like seriously guy be a man at that point and defend your brother. Absolutely disgusting on all ends.
  12. Jerry Hughes was blatantly being held on every play on that possession too. It was hard to watch
  13. Wow that was such an obvious hold on Hughes on that first down play
  14. glad I'm not the only one noticing the horrible calls and not freaking out about Peterman yet.
  15. shouldn't the second interception been offsetting penalties. Bosa clearly hit Peterman with a karate chop to the head?? Anybody else notice this. This is why it looked like Peterman was pointing the other way after the play.
  16. too bad we don't have any useful replacement for McCoy. We have dumb and dumber for FBs.
  17. I really hope you are joking. Dope and the Bulldog have been insufferable the last couple of days. And listening to them talk the past couple of weeks while the Bills were winning they didn't want to hear about any of the Tyrod blemishes. They act like all the fans are taking crazy pills for realizing that Tyrod is a gimmick QB that can't play the position at a high level in the NFL
  18. You forget McCoy as a RB and Clay as a TE. Tyrod has had the most weapons then any other QB in the playoff drought and he can't even crack a 300 yard passing game. SAD.
  19. I know I was at that game but concussions are no joke and that was a bad one. He had one anomily game the next week at home against a mediocre SD team coming from the west coast and playing at one o clock. His whole career was terrible after that and he even couldn't hold down a backup spot in the NFL for too long. He showed enough before that in his career to lead me to believe that his brain and his quickness never really came back the way it was.
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