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Everything posted by Rocbillsfan1

  1. maybe they can get a fourth if a team is desperate but yea I'm on board for his sake and ours. They need to build for the future at this point.
  2. So when Tyrod is moved next year and Mayfield takes over and Tyrod goes to his fourth team as a backup will that make him a journey QB? Stop being an idiot. Tyrod is a bum. Fitz is slighly better. He's also been a starter on Houston, NY, Buffalo, and most likely will take over for Winston who to this point hasn't been very good.
  3. they need to trade him for a draft pick if possible. Not sure what they could get. Hopefully a playoff team loses a RB. Maybe Pitt if Bell doesn't show. Goes back to Pennslyvania.
  4. And now Tyrod is on his 3rd team and will be gone by the end the year. Try actually making an argument about how Tyrod is better. Nobody said Fitz is a franchise QB he's just better than Tyrod.
  5. Get back to me when he ever throws for more than 300 yards in a game but don't hold your breath. He has two all pro wide receivers right now and what's he do today? Under 50% completion rate under 200 yards and a timely Interception at the end of the game. You are delusional if you think Tyrod is a better QB than Fitz. I guess Fitz did you wrong at some point though, maybe you lost some money on a bet or he had sex with your GF.
  6. Whose better Tyrod? give me a break the guy can't throw the ball to save his life. Flutie? Maybe Bledsoe but he really only had one year where he lit it up. If Fitz had all the weapons Tyrod had and had a solid defense things would have played out differently for him. Again I'm not saying he is a solid franchise type of QB. It's just all the Bills Qbs have been that bad.
  7. I said it after the playoff game last year, this team had nothing to look forward to this year. They had no franchise QB, too much dead money for this year, and barely and young players to look forward to that could grow with the team. The only good young talent we had was White, and potentially Dawkins and Milano and the jury is still out and how much of a core piece the last two are. The primary challenge was to find your future QB. They drafted one at the expense of using a lot of draft capital and Glenn to get him and then traded up again for Edmunds. Remember when we all use to laugh at how bad the Bills drafts use to be during the drought well here's a look at who is still on this team from the past 6 drafts which should make up most of your young core going forward. Now some of this is because Of Whaley and Beane letting people go or trading them so some of this is self-induced which is why I think people are upset. 2018 Allen project, Edmunds also raw and young, potentially Phillips? 2017 White, Dawkins, Milano 2016 Lawson bust 2015 John Miller lol 2014 - 2013 - Some young talent we've let go are Chris Hogan, Bobby Woods, Sammy Watkins, Goodwin, E.J. Gaines, Darby, Gilmore, Glenn, Henderson, Alonso, Preston Brown, Marcel Dareus. Even though I agreed trying to move on from Fitz and Tyrod they are still proven vets that are better than anything we currently have. We now have older vets like McCoy, Clay who is invisible, Benjamin who can't catch the ball. Wood and Incognito retire and what are you left with? Nothing! This team blows and unfortunately the only play at this point is to be horrible and get the #1 pick. I hope Beane saw this too and maybe he was trying to tank this year. Hopefully we don't ruin Allen in the "process". Then you need to trade that #1 for hopefully as much capital as you can get and mix that with free agency money next year which to be honest they probably shouldn't go crazy and overspend. Just a few solid veteran players would be nice and keep stock piling future picks if possible. They really need to take a look at trading McCoy if possible for his sake and the sake of building this team for the future because right now it's a !@#$ing dumpster fire.
  8. And he's still better than any QB we've had since Kelly and he beat the Patriots. I know not saying much though.
  9. Might be over emotional but he’s not wrong. If the goal was to tank then the season will be very successful but no one is paying to watch this **** in buffalo and don’t give me the crap about making the playoffs last year.
  10. There are experts who are also predicting them to win the division as well. Top 3 defense mixed with a top 15 offense usually means you are a playoff contender. I know what a shocker.
  11. And they’d be wrong. They have the best d in the league and a much improved offense. With no bell in Pitt I see them winning the division.
  12. Of course they are what are you even talking about. That said I hope everyone gets a good look at what a dumpster fire this team really is. I can even believe people were thinking of trading a first next year for Mack. We will be a top 3 pick for sure.
  13. Whose got the free agent list by position for next year
  14. He also didn’t challenge the td from the week before. I believe we ended up scoring anyways but McDermott so far to me has left a lot to be desired in terms of game mgmt. that’s on the head coach and he should be practicing for real games just like all the players are. not giving Allen more reps so he can evaluate a punter would be almost a fireable offense. I think he didn’t challenge it simply because he wasn’t ready or didn’t think the ref was wrong.
  15. Because in back to back weeks our starting qb has had to leave the game due to getting hurt behind a horrible online. I’m pretty sure all 3 will play this year.
  16. I’m not stating he is going to be the answer long term but the hate on this guy who is young and showed some promise is a bit much. People act like he’s worse than jeff Tuel or other ****ty qbs we’ve had the past 20 years.
  17. Also to test the defense genius and for the most part I’m agreeing with you.
  18. Pretty sure he looked better than tyrod last preseason and off to a good start this year, he also looked better than Indis qb in that snow game last year until he got hurt. People hate on him because the oline gave up and didn’t do their job against the chargers and he panicked like a rookie.
  19. I’ve made this point multiple times on this board using the indi game and the Jax playoff games as examples and almost nobody wanted to hear it on this board. His game mgmt could be a killer this year. That being said I think the reason he punted was just to get a chance to evaluate people and they weren’t really trying to win. Also how horrible is this new rule with the onside kick? It seems like there is zero chance to even get the ball now. What a horrible way to end exciting comebacks where you always felt like maybe it was a 50 50 chance. That rule needs to go out the window ASAP.
  20. Peterman looked pretty good to me in the colts game until he got knocked out, seems like everyone has forgotten that game.
  21. Russel Wilson won the job if Allen does too great, if not start whoever does. Also sprinkling in Allen makes zero sense this isn’t college, if someone else wins the job you play them until they fail.
  22. What about bortles as a comparison. I hope he can be at least that good someday.
  23. Not that I’m huge fans of theirs but the last 2 qbs to get us to the playoffs were Tyrod Taylor and Doug flutie. How bout just get us the best !@#$ing QB. Also I remember Rogers having to play away playoff games on the rd in domes. What if we have to play teams in the south? What a joke the weather line is at this point.
  24. It has nothing to do with politics it has to do with him being a terrible Qb. I would have been fine with just about any other qb selected in the draft. I don’t get why people don’t understand that people have very legit reasons to dislike Allen.
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