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Everything posted by Rocbillsfan1

  1. It’s not bothersome that he claimed moral superiority over all the black players that want to silently protest and bring awareness to racial inequality? The *****? Maybe he didn’t say white power and do a hitler salute but what he said was extremely hurtful and ignorant. But he’s allowed to his opinion and is right? Is he also right to think gayness can be prayed away and that you can be converted into straightness through therapy? Sounds like you are part of the problem.
  2. most of the employers don’t give a *****, they were concerned about racist/ignorant fans not giving their money to the nfl. It was always about money, and the nfl chose short term profits over having a conscience.
  3. Kneel during the kickoff or coin flip? People won’t even know what he’s doing, is he trying to do a touchback lol.
  4. Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea, Cuba, Central America, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc all under the guise of protecting American freedom lol. How much freer am I because of all those wars and trillions of dollars spent and millions of innocent people that were killed that were caught in the crossfire? Don’t worry this will be my last post in this thread I can see the fragile don’t want to be challenged into thinking critically.
  5. Our freedoms that the govt has been taking away while proclaiming to be fighting for them half a world away? Lol you’re hilarious. Also the military has a much higher percentage of people of color in it compared to the general population, why is that? Seems to me it’s because people of color have fewer options for advancements and education when they become adults so they use the military as a way to get what they are looking for. This institution is just another in the many that is built on a form of systematic racism that gives people less options in order to persuade them into doing the will of the powerful. So please don’t preach to us that this is about freedom.
  6. The military has been hijacked as well unfortunately and has only been used as a tool to kill people of color all over the world since WW2. While I don’t blame the soldiers it’s hardly something to be proud of.
  7. God I hate this argument so much. His job is to play football not be used as a pawn while the nfl does their parade with the military at every game. Where in his contract did it say that he has to stand for the national anthem?If it was against policy why didn’t they just fire him? The answer is it’s not which is why he was blackballed and not brought back the following year. Your job would never put you in this type of position because it would be illegal if they made you do something like this outside the scope of your job duties and then fired you for disobeying. The nfl sold themselves out to conservative values by taking money from the military and making this whole pageantry thing a huge spectacle before every game. Don’t pretend to be a fool. This was done under the guise of patriotism but really has nothing to do with patriotism. It’s more about the military using this as a recruitment tool. The nfl are the ones that made this political and they know it.
  8. If only fans could get into the games this year and then throw these vitamins at him.
  9. Just my opinion that he is talking out of his ass and crying like a whiny B word. Maybe go outside and take a walk. Yea I’m the knucklehead because a grown ass man is ranting about being able to help spread coronavirus as fast as possible. Seriously you mouth breathers are an embarrassment to the human race.
  10. There always has to be one knucklehead.... go inject some Clorox
  11. Might as well trade him at this point, the gm and coach got what they wanted which was a fresh start with their guy. Good luck fellas. Time to sink or swim. He should demand a trade.
  12. Yea, it can continue to spread. How are teams going to be able to protect their players? I was thinking today about what could happen if your QB gets infected and then has to miss a bunch of games. I also wonder if the nfl will allow for rosters to be even larger in case of some members of the team having to self quarantine. I hope there is a season but they are definitely going to have to come up with a very progressive and robust plan in order to keep things moving along. Let me guess you’re more of a bleach drinking kind of guy ?
  13. Great move for them and if they can trade dak for a bunch of assests they will be in a good place moving forward. He is no where worth the money he is asking for.
  14. 1 year prove it deal and I’m in.
  15. Bill o brien is an idiot but honestly glad we didn’t trade for Hopkins and got diggs. Where there is smoke there is fire. Hopkins is most likely a head case like a lot of prima Donna wrs. Sounds like the Hernandez comment could have been taken out of context but Hopkins will now be quick to save face as well and throw shade at bill on the way out. If anything he should have just moved on and been a man about the situation. He got out of Houston and should be happy.
  16. Next step score more in the first three quarters so you don’t have to come from behind.
  17. To the people saying this happens all the time have they posted any evidence yet?
  18. The real question for the people saying it was obvious he gave himself up by calling off his teammates. If the kick returner had walked towards the sideline with the ball and waited for the coast to clear and then ran it in for a td, do you think the refs would have overturned it and said he gave himself up? My guess is no, they would have called it a td and said wow what a brilliant move.
  19. It would suck but I have about 99% confidence that if the bills were already winning when this happened the rule on the field would have stood. This is all about the nfl arbitrarily putting their thumb on the scale and making it a closer game for ratings. Also the media loves making fun of the bills I’m sure that would have been the blooper of the year and everyone would love to laugh at the bills. But since the Texans were home and down 13-0 common sense prevailed. A buddy of mine told told me last night that the head referee during the conference and had his mic on for a second unknowingly and the thought process beyond calling a safety was being discussed before he turned it off. Wonder if we can get the video of that 30 second conference and hear it.
  20. Sure and your comment about the butt hurt Brigade being on patrol wasn’t in any way mocking and belittling posters. Like I said a real tough guy.
  21. PI is purely subjective and everyone knows this, so is holding. You know what’s not, what happened on the kickoff. It’s like arguing a charge or blocking in basketball when talking about PI and holding . your anger sounds more like a defense mechanism about being salty that the bills lost. I’m sad they lost but I’m more upset about what the nfl has become and that’s pure nonsense entertainment.
  22. Find another thread this isn’t about that.
  23. No one is aging anything about a lawsuit I even mentioned it was funny someone brought up lawsuit.
  24. Spoken like a tough guy. I’ll include an example for the close minded people. I play on a pool team that qualified for the all cities tournament which is a March madness style tournament that you have to earn the right to qualify for. winner gets $8000 and trip to Vegas to compete in nationals after 2 full days we were in the championship game and needed 1 more win to close out the match. The opposing player beat our player in that game by making the 8ball, the cue ball was rolling down the table and he picked it up while it was still rolling. I’ve never seen anyone do that before and by rules it’s a table scratch and a automatic loss. That was it and we won the game and went to Vegas. You can feel bad for people doing questionable things when the stakes are high and you aren’t thinking straight but rules are rules and all I’m hearing from certain trolls is get over it or it happens all the time with 0 proof that it does. And all the facts point that it shouldn’t have been overturned. Maybe by protesting season tickets it may make the pegulas step in and demand changes from the NFL. Again tough to say what it would look like but I think everyone would be in agreement that removing goodell might be a great start.
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