Not sure of that. Spotrac has $6.1M is cap savings.
General impression with this whole mess is Cole needs to chill and chill now. If he can't be adult enough to stay off the Twitter then
a trade or cut will just have to happen before next season.
I love Cole on the team and at home I yell C-O-L-E! when he makes a catch. I don't care about his vax state but he is getting paranoid
over this stuff.
During the game I thought at first McDermott was yelling at Cole and then I said "no, he's yelling about the flag and play".
Feliciano needs to stay out of this too. If he can't control himself he's not part of the "process". He is not helping anyone with his comments.
That's $3.75M in savings if he can't.
Sign Taron Johnson with the money if they can't control themselves! I'm starting to dig in with my opinion on this situation!