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Everything posted by ColoradoBills

  1. It's all good Jokeman! But yes, he's too pumped.
  2. One play 3 points. Dorsey has to just plod forward for 7.
  3. Just checking in..............how we doing Bills fans?
  4. Just tuned into ABC. I think the Bills should just forfeit the game and save the embarrassment.
  5. While we are waiting for kickoff, we @Dunkirk Donski can enjoy Yanet's 10 best turns.
  6. Same here. I can watch on my phone, laptop and tablet but I get that "enable tracking" deal on my ROKU YouTube App. What was your old browser and what did you change it to, if I might ask?
  7. Why get your weather through Sal when Yanet Garcia is available.
  8. I hope the training staff has the right stuff to get the crap out of a player's eye.
  9. I guess a lot of fans have their opinion on Tua. I think what Tua does well he does really well. The only way to find out how another QB would fare long term is to try it. GMs are scared of doing that, so they pay the QBs. The trend with the rule changes favoring the passing game has made the QBs more and more important. I see nothing changing that in the near future, so I agree with your points.
  10. I posted yesterday that he will be the highest paid player in the league to start the season next year. I'm sure his "guarantees" will have some availability clauses, but he will be pushing the $60M level. The only thing to stop that would be his health this year.
  11. That's young to me. LOL. You're welcome but even at my age I have to remind myself constantly what is really important. Maybe even more so.
  12. You sound like a young man. Don't let that mindset get dulled. Trust me when I say you have to keep working on it. Thanks for your story!
  13. As horrible as the 9/11 attacks were, for about 15 minutes my best friend and I were thinking the "unthinkable" happened. It was surreal. My best friend Dave and I were hunting near Gunnison Colorado. We hunted hard Saturday, Sunday and Monday and decided to take Tuesday morning off and sleep in. I can't remember exactly what time (Mountain Time Zone) we got up and I started to make a big breakfast in the camper while Dave mixed a couple of Bloody Mary's. Dave (a big baseball fan) decided to get his old analog tuner radio fired up to try get some scores. Reception in the Rockies is iffy at best. As the radio reception went in and out, we just heard reports of NYC sealed off and a cloud over Manhattan along with an attack on the Pentagon in DC. The radio news reporter was also reporting that all commercial planes are being recalled and fighter aircraft are being scrambled across the country. You can only IMAGINE what Dave and I were thinking! I will never forget Dave's look at me (a kind of horrified questioning look) and both of us being Air Force vets, I said what we we're both thinking. I whispered a one word question, Nukes? I will admit we were somewhat relieved when the next report recapped exactly what had happened. We cleaned up and drove off the mountain to Gunnison to call family and friends. Those 15 minutes were the most terrifying moments of my life.
  14. Buffalo Bills football is back baby! The Bills have a great organization from the owners to the cafeteria staff and have a great chance to continue to make the playoffs and pursue the dream of every fan ever cheering for this team, past and present, the Lombardi trophy! Just a long-standing belief of mine, the technologically driven 24/7 sports media market has robbed some fans of the true thrill of a new season. I enjoyed this opening week of football more than seasons past only because my Bills didn't play on Sunday. I switched between individual games and the NFL RedZone and enjoyed watching the games unfold, including the blowouts. These young men on our football team have been through a lot last season and now have to pick themselves up and go out every week and give it their all, starting tonight. The least I can do as a fan is thank them for their effort and root them on whether they are the team's star QB (which we all have to keep reminding ourselves that we have one!) down to the practice squad guy hoping to get a chance. I will continue to greet every new season with the same "little kid" hope I had during the AFL Championship teams I began watching so many years ago! I mean, isn't that really what being a fan is supposed to be all about. Go Bills!
  15. Giants with a great drive and then 2 plays.................................
  16. Some exciting afternoon games.
  17. Oh my, NE has a chance now.
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