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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. I assume/hope the gym workouts are practice for someday going out to a real hill/mountain and climbing to an impressive peak/summit.
  2. It reminded me of this scene from an old Cary Grant movie... People Will Talk A very good movie, and the train stuff was just a little comic relief. This video is a little jumpy, unfortunately. Beggars can’t be choosers
  3. Lego looks easier for that than the old Lionel stuff that I had as a kid. Lego ain’t cheap. Looks like a pretty nice house, so I guess he can afford it. I always think the fun is in the building of the layout. Once it works and you run the train around it a few times, then what? I used to like to make the Hotwheels track start someplace high, like on a dresser or something, and then see if I could make it go over chairs, into the next room, down the hall, etc. I did it “for my kids” and sometimes I would even let them use it.
  4. I wonder if she’s a gal who can’t say no
  5. My wife is going to be upset if she sees this picture. Imagine her her embarrassment to realize somebody was outside of the house taking pictures of her through the window.
  6. My family moved from Florida to Massachusetts in 1971 when I was between 8th and 9th grade. My life is broken up into distinct segments as a result of that move. I can assure you that I remember the Led Zeppelin albums when I was in Florida. I had a friend whose father was into rock music, and those albums were among the ones that would often be playing when I went over to his house. His mother, on the other hand, would play Johnny Mathis and Andy Williams. Quite a musical education for a junior high kid.
  7. I think you are right. I’m amazed at the lack of adjustments. Maybe they decide more run versus pass, or more blitzing, or something simple like that, but I think most of the time the adjustments are not as significant as people would like them to be.
  8. Merry Christmas to all my imaginary internet friends!
  9. I think the OP has a point, although there’s no need to be so negative. Next year there will be a big influx of new talent; some from the draft, and some as free agents. With a large influx of new teammates, it will take time for the team to gel. Next year may start off a little rough, but if the talent is any good, the team should get better pretty quickly. It may take until the 2020 season for the team to start to be dominant on a regular basis. Of course the talent evaluators and the coaches have to be good at their jobs for any of this to play out.
  10. Whenever I hear of Claudine Longet, I think of her series of appearances on McHale’s Navy. I loved that show when I was a kid. Much too politically incorrect to show now. There were several well known actors on that show. Back when TV was great.
  11. I was thinking more like a 12 Days of Christmas with Bills related items... ..... five good receivers four D linemen two new O tackles and a head coach who doesn’t need to clap etc.
  12. I see a lot of speed and big play guys, but I also see a lot of check downs to tight ends and running backs. The Patriots routinely destroy opponents with short passes. The Bills don’t seem to have check down options that are reliable. It may also be caused by Josh Allen throwing check down passes too hard to be caught. Is that a Josh Allen problem, or a receiver problem? Kenny Golladay won a ton of 50/50 balls when Detroit played the Bills. It’s that kind of big receiver that the Bills need. Benjamin was supposed to be that guy, but it didn’t work out.
  13. I always look at other team’s receivers and it strikes me that they are bigger, stronger, and play with a meaner and more aggressive attitude compared to Bills receivers. Fast receivers that stretch the field are nice, but the modern game is currently focused on tight ends and possession receivers, which is what the Bills lack.
  14. Best line of your rant, which was a great rant. Milano would have helped. Many runs were bumped to the outside for huge gains. Milano is pretty good at sniffing those out. In the end it wouldn’t have prevented the inevitable, but it would have helped.
  15. Seemed like a good guy in interviews and such. Didn't live up to expectations. Paid a lot for what he did. Time to move on. Shouldnt have been a hard decision.
  16. Merry Christmas Ice! I always enjoy the threads you start. As a LAMP.... I have a 49 mile one-way daily commute in Upstate NY. The reasons for that are complicated, but they largely involve a desire (not by me) to live near my wife’s parents. Trust me when I say this... Nobody hates winter more than I do. Nobody. Not even close.
  17. A superstitious belief in medieval Europe was that changes in the moon's phases could cause madness or insanity in certain people. Thus those showing mentally unstable behavior, particularly those deemed violent in nature, were branded as 'afflicted by the moon', moon-sick, or lunatic (from Latin Luna for Moon). If it’s on the internet, it must be true
  18. My son is a nurse at a hospital. Critical care and/or emergency department, depending on where he is needed. He swears that the full moon results in more admissions.
  19. We have a pot luck lunch. It’s fantastic. About twenty people. Crock pots as far as the eye can see. Cookies, sheet cakes, pies. Some store bought, most home made. You can sign up to bring things like soda, paper plates, etc. if you don’t want to bring food.
  20. It seems like creative blitzing could spook him if he’s hobbled. Why am I concerned that the Bills will half heartedly rush four and let the quick short passes slice and dice?
  21. My son had the house inspection. He may back out. The inspector found insect damage, mystery plumbing, cracked roof truss, failing bathroom tiles, roof at end of life, and several other smaller issues.
  22. I used to have relatives in Portland, and I would visit every so often. I always had a good time. We would take the train in from the suburbs, and hang around downtown for a while. Restaurants, brew pubs, food trucks, Saturday market, walks along the river. A lot of homeless people, which creeped out my wife a little, but I mostly just ignored them.
  23. My son is going through the mortgage process now. I can’t believe all the personal financial information that they want him to email to them. Everything that you aren’t supposed to do is exactly what they want him to do. I’ve spoken to other people who have recently gone through the process, and they said that they also were asked to email way too much sensitive information.
  24. Jets game - hardly any pressure on the QB Lions game - often pressure on the QB Pats game - ? I hope a lot of pressure on the QB
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