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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. I don’t care so much about this game. I have a coworker who is a Bears fan, so I guess I want the Bears to win. I only care that the Pats lose next week.
  2. My kids got participation awards. My daughter was never much of an athlete. Music was her thing. She looks back at those participation trophies and smiles. They bring back memories. She knew she was never going to play sports in school, so those trophies are all she has to remember her awkward forays into the world of athletics in her elementary school years. My son played on several sports teams, and was pretty good. He even played a little in college. He doesn’t have any use for those silly trophies.
  3. The Ravens need quick passes for a couple yards then see if the receiver can get a few YAC. These drop back and buy time pass plays will not work in the modern NFL.
  4. My wife was on the receiving end of that situation. What people (especially our kids) don’t understand is that if you insult or anger my wife, then my life becomes unbearable until things blow over. And they don’t really blow over. Memories will resurface when you least expect it. Don’t do that to me.
  5. I started having symptoms of sleep apnea in my twenties. Do you snore? If so, do people ever tell you that your snoring hits a crescendo, then drops off? Those observations by my college roommate and then by my wife inspired me to get a sleep study and get a CPAP. Talk about a love/hate relationship. i find that most sleep aid pills make me groggy the next day, and I also get restless legs when I take them. It’s weird but not that uncommon.
  6. I seem to hear it much more often than just on third down. I say keep it, but use it less.
  7. The hot doctor who falls for a bouncer. Classic. A movie part for Jeff Healey and his band. Culminates with big fight scene. Corny as can be, but a classic at the same time.
  8. My wife is all plastic and checks, never cash. I’m all cash. So for my family, i would estimate that for in-person payments it’s plastic 70%, check 25%, and cash 5%. Most monthly bills are paid online with either direct withdrawal from a checking account, or a credit card is used in order to get the bonus points/rewards.
  9. I have relatives and friends with ties to UConn, UCF and USF so I tend to root for those teams a little, but I don’t really have strong feelings about any of them.
  10. I really wanted them to win. I want the American Athletic Conference to gain some credibility. They were a bunch of leftover schools that no other conference wanted, so I consider them to be underdogs. I tend to root for the Bills underdogs.
  11. The roofers showed up yesterday by surprise, no advance phone call. They put some black caulk over some nail heads that were exposed near the chimney. They also put some black caulk around the edges of the flashing. They mentioned that the mortar didn’t look good, and I asked them to put some caulk in some of the cracks in the mortar as well. I know the chimney needs attention, I just hope it can wait until spring. I hate the idea of chimney repair in the winter, I worry that the quality of the material and the workmanship won’t be as good in cold, miserable weather.
  12. Not exactly taken to the cleaners, but overcharged. I was getting onto the Thruway, and there was an accident that blocked my on ramp. I was told to turn around and take the local roads to the next exit, about ten miles away. Fine. But my EZ pass account was billed for the maximum toll since I got on and off at the same exit. I wrote to EZ pass to explain. Crickets.
  13. Need a big bruiser. One cut and go. Move the pile if there isn’t a hole. No need to pay a lot, those guys are out there.
  14. When I was home from college (I think it was my junior year) I went to a New Year’s Eve party and didn’t get home until well past midnight. The next morning at about nine o’clock was the first time that my mother ever used the vacuum cleaner in my bedroom. That was forty years ago, and I still remember it as if it was yesterday.
  15. I had my roof done after thirty years with no leaks. Now, a year and a half later, I just noticed water dripping down the front of the fireplace chimney. On Wednesday I will be calling the roofer. Let the games begin!
  16. I mean the group that is constantly whining because the Bills shoulda, coulda drafted Mahomes.
  17. 1. Not the Pats 2. Saints because of Brees 3. Chefs so that the Mahomes fans on this forum will have meltdowns
  18. Football is by far my favorite sport to watch on tv. I enjoy watching football regardless of which teams are playing. I usually have one team that I root for over the other. I enjoy Bills games more, but I still enjoy football. My depression kicks in in about two or theee weeks when the season is pretty much over. I don’t get excited for the Super Bowl because it is more of a media event than an actual football game.
  19. I used to drink three large mugs (approximately 12 oz. each) a day, two in the morning and one in the afternoon. Over time, I realized that the afternoon coffee was hurting my sleep, so I gave it up. Then I realized that two mugs in the morning was making me jittery. Now I’m down to a cup of tea with breakfast and a mug of coffee mid morning. I wonder if it an age thing, or is it tied to not getting enough exercise, or something else.
  20. I lived in Ormond Beach during the sixties. About 100 miles from the space center. We could see the rockets from our back yard but they were pretty high at that point. If we went down to the beach it was more impressive. A few minutes after the launch, the ground would shake for several seconds. I remember the ground shook much more severely for Saturn V compared to other rockets. We were stupid to take it for granted and not make a bigger effort to get closer.
  21. That sounds like a blast. I probably would have been chicken even when I was young and a little bit adventurous, but I would have cheered from the sidelines.
  22. Halfway is only 56. For some reason I thought you were past that already. Must be close.
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