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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Looks like it could be. How can you tell? She’s barely visible.
  2. Because of this horrible commercial, I would hesitate to buy a Chevy (actually, I think most Chevy commercials are awful, but this brings it to a whole new level). especially when you are old enough to know where it came from...
  3. She was posted by me and others on page four of this thread. Good choice. Worth repeating.
  4. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen the same girl in three different turbo tax commercials. I think the vibe they are going for is nerdy, socially awkward, kind of cute. I’d say they did ok.
  5. Can anybody beat the Pats? I don’t think this Saints team can.
  6. Wheels coming off for LA. Pats will win by 30. How is Edelman wide open every stinking play?
  7. People are getting the vapors and swooning over Mahomes. I think Tyreek Hill is a huge part of the Chief’s success. He’s the guy I want on my team almost as much as I would want Mahomes.
  8. My father in law used to walk my dog. At first, he would leave the tv on CNBC because he would watch the stock ticker. At some point he started watching Fox News instead. Getting back back to the original topic, just say Martin Luther King Junior ten times fast. Sooner or later you will slur the words. This weather man’s coworkers probably know whether it could have been an innocent accident or a Freudian slip, but they’re not going to get in the middle of things.
  9. 10 rookies is too many rookies. They will use draft picks for trades, or to move up.
  10. I assume you have a connection via the bride’s side of the event? I might go for the people watching and future storytelling, but I don’t think I would go in anticipation of actually enjoying myself.
  11. I absolutely hated the Mash final episode. They decided to remind us of the horror of war instead of giving us a heartwarming homecoming for the characters. For the last few seasons, the show had become filled with messages rather than just being funny, and they decided to double down on it for the final episode.
  12. I really wish these links would come with a warning. If NSFW = Not Safe For Work, then maybe there should be NSFWS = Not Safe For Weak Stomachs.
  13. They redid The Day the Earth Stood Still, which was a favorite of mine along with Forbidden Planet. Unfortunately, the redone version of The Day the Earth Stood Still was awful. Putrid. A travesty. Fun fact... the animation of The Id Monster for Forbiden Planet as it was being zapped by the electric fence was done by Disney animators. Compare it to the scene “Night on Bald Mountain” in Fantasia. Same monster. Fun fact 2: Robby the Robot first appeared in Forbidden Planet. That same robot appeared in several movies, and also showed up in the TV show Lost in Space as a bad guy robot. (Not the same as the robot that waved its arms and said “Warning! Danger!” In almost every episode.)
  14. I just checked the label... that’s exactly what it is
  15. My mother in law has had colon cancer and liver cancer. Surgeries, chemo, some hard times. That was more than ten years ago. She’s been leading a normal life for at least a decade at this point. I’ve also had other relatives who have had chemo and surgeries for breast cancer and have been cancer-free for decades. I can’t personally relate, but I know that some people beat it.
  16. I’ve always been more of a Bourbon guy, but my son in law gave me a bottle of The Balvanie Scotch. I like it a lot. I’m not a big fan of the peaty Scotch varieties. They taste like dirt. Maker’s Mark and Nob Creek have been my go to for a while. My son got one of those giant bottles of Jameson at the duty free shop at Niagara Falls a couple years ago. I don’t know how much he has gone through, but I don’t think he drinks that much or that often. My brother is a fan of Blanton’s.
  17. I grew up thinking that Bart Starr was the greatest of all time. I’ve always had a soft spot for the Packers.
  18. McHale’s Navy. Hogan’s Heroes had incompetent Germans, and in McHale’s Navy there were a lot of racial stereotypes that would not be allowed. McHale’s Navy was mostly in the Pacific again the Japanese, but there was also a season or two in Italy with incompetent Italians and Germans. There was also the occasional female eye candy that would not be allowed. Also, any show with a strong, knowledgeable father figure would not go over. Fathers in TV shows theses days are all bumbling idiots.
  19. I think it’s on Sunday as a favor to the host city. People will likely spend an extra day, and thus extra money, in the host city if the game is on Sunday. It is going to sell out no matter where, when, or how much the tickets cost, so the host city benefits a little more with a Sunday game.
  20. My kids have trophies for piano and violin recitals as well as sports. I always thought it was pretty cool. It’s more unique to have a piano trophy than an AYSO soccer trophy.
  21. My son and his girlfriend have a history of fender benders. Typically not their fault, but I just don’t understand why it happens so often. It annoys the heck out of me, and I keep hoping they’ll grow out of it. It seems that whenever the accident involves someone with either GEICO or Progressive, the claim process drags on, with many angry phone calls, forcing their hand with police reports, that kind of thing. Maybe you can say that the insurance companies are helping their clients by moving slowly, but it’s annoying for the people who are trying to get their car repairs paid for.
  22. I was just wondering about this song. Those old commercials crack me up. HUMP DAY gets me every time. I know that GEICO is a lousy insurance company, but I must admit that some of their commercials are pretty good.
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