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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Monty Python Benny Hill Then there’s the PBS lineup.... Regular viewing by me and my wife... Keeping up Appearances As Time Goes By My wife and I watched them on and off.. Fawlty Towers Blott on the Land To the Manor Born Are You Being Served Last of the Summer Wine .
  2. Listen to this..... then listen to this..... it took me a long time to make that connection.
  3. I was always under the impression that Ivy League schools were more likely to pay off as a grad school, not so much as an undergrad. I know people who went to state schools for undergrad, then went to Ivy League grad schools. Ivy League med school, law school, business school, etc. is where the big advantage comes in. And the advantage has a lot to do with contacts rather than academics.
  4. I put a little water, a couple tablespoons, in the pan and then put the lid on. The water steams and cooks the top of the egg. It also helps to keep the bottom of the egg from getting too crispy. I don’t like the bottom to get too crispy. I try to get the yolk to be cooked, but soft.
  5. How to Make Money in Real Estate with Dunkirk Don Dunkirk Don’s Guide for Successful High Level Business Meetings
  6. Open the video on YouTube and read the comments. I challenge somebody on here to come up with something better than what has already been posted in the comments section on YouTube. I don’t think this video would convince me to spend huge bucks to have this company renovate my oil refinery, or whatever it is that they are trying to sell.
  7. This is the one I remember. I like the OP’s better. Much smoother.
  8. In the end Richie wasn’t even there any more. I think they they had two or three good years, but it got too bland and predictable. MASH was the same way and about at the same time.
  9. The show that was the source of the phrase “Jump the Shark”
  10. Do the owners of these boats have: A. Massive Wealth B. Massive debt C. More money than brains I just don’t get it. It might be fun once, but it doesn’t seem worth the big bucks to me.
  11. 1340 unread out of many thousands on my personal account. At work things are deleted after 90 days unless you move them to a private storage area. I haven’t moved things to private storage in years.
  12. he makes decent and topical films. That’s true, but are they cinematic masterpieces, worthy of major awards? Not to me, but that’s just my opinion.
  13. Why do all the TV stations show commercials at the same time? When commercials come on, I start flipping channels. If a different channel had something other than a commercial, I might be tempted to stop and watch. Of course, commercials are how TV channels make their money, so there is probably a deal among the channels to synchronize the commercials so viewers give up and watch some of them.
  14. Moab, Utah. Not too close to SLC, but worth checking out. Arches National Park, and a huge off-road bicycle community.
  15. I’m not too worried about entire trees coming down. It’s the individual branches that fall. They’ve fallen on my house, my car, and my wires over the years. So far so good, and we are at peak winds this morning for this storm according to the weather prognosticators.
  16. Our neighbors have three very large maple trees that are too close to our house. It’s getting to be annoying. We have paid a lot of money over the years to have branches that hang over the property line trimmed. Whenever a storm is in the forecast, we are on edge and we worry about the trees crashing into our house, or our cars, or the internet and power lines. The house is essentially abandoned. One owner lives two hours away, the other lives in Florida. The trees are closer to our house than theirs. We will contact them again this summer and see about taking the trees down. It may cost us thousands of dollars, but it would be money well spent.
  17. I heard that he damaged his teeth. Urban legend.
  18. I was in college in the late 1970’s. Frampton Comes Alive was pretty popular. I always liked the start of Do You Feel.... Well woke up this morning with a wine glass in my hand Whose wine, what wine, where the hell did I dine? Must have been a dream I don't believe where I've been Come on, let's do it again Do you, you, feel like I do? When he talks through that air tube thing, he said “I want to thank you” and people tried to believe that he was saying something dirty. I never thought so.
  19. I went from a ten minute (2 mile) commute to a one hour (50 mile) commute twenty years ago. Since the kids have moved out and my wife tends to put in long hours at her job, it wouldn’t be fair for a dog to be home alone all day. My father in law used to stop in and visit my dog, but he’s too old for that now. I hope you won’t be stuck with that long commute forever. I’ll be retiring soon, at age 62. I like the work and I like my coworkers, but that commute has worn me down. Especially in the winter. High blood pressure, deteriorating night vision, and lack of spare time are also contributing to my decision to retire. Sometimes I was able to carpool, but that added complexity and inconvenience that eventually outweighed the advantages.
  20. So sorry to hear about your dog. Lost my schnauzer to cancer a year and a half ago. She was 15. I keep thinking about that line from the song Mr. Bojangles.... after 20 years he still grieved. It’s not practical for my wife and I to get another dog right now. Too much travel and other responsibilities. There are five dogs in our life among my kids and other relatives. But in the evenings when it’s quiet in the house, I miss her. Maybe in a few years things will calm down and we’ll get another dog. I hope so. And one of the first things we did after the dog passed was to get another mattress. And I was shocked at the cost. Of course, my wife had to have the most expensive one in the store.
  21. A Zebra Mussel, a Northern Snakehead, and an Asian Carp tried to walk into a bar in Illinois, but they were locked out.
  22. That’s why I called it a cute little lock. Seasonal, and more of a novelty than a commercial necessity. I wonder if people could earn a decent living by working on those locks. I doubt it.
  23. We have cute little locks in Upstate NY. This one is a few miles from my house. Why get exiled just to work on a lock?
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