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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. If that’s the case, then I hope the Bills don’t play Miami until at least halfway through the season.
  2. I hope we have Miami early in the season, before Fitz takes over, and then the second game should be late in the season, after Fitz tanks. Just don’t play them in the middle of the season, when Fitz takes over and has a few good games.
  3. It seems like St Patrick’s day is getting to be bigger and bigger every year in terms of the parties, parades, and other such stuff. Maybe it’s because the weather is starting to change. My mother in law cooks corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, etc. and I eat my fill of it. My wife doesn’t like it so she just nibbles and eats a potato or two. Visiting my in laws is a chore, but if the food is good it’s not too bad. My father in law has Fox News on 24/7 so he has to tell us how great Trump is whenever we see him. I try to disarm the conversation by saying I don’t like the policies of any of the politicians in the news these days, which is a true statement, but my wife is so anti Trump that she sometimes gets into screaming matches with him. Good times.
  4. This whole scandal makes me think of Tommy Boy. It doesn’t matter what these kids do in college. The same parents that bribed to get them in will make sure they get a job when they “graduate”. The whole point is bragging rights for the parents and the kids.
  5. Clam Chowder Chicken Noodle French Onion
  6. After all that scrolling I thought I would be rewarded with a picture
  7. Pats LT to Raiders http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/26229294/lt-brown-leave-pats-raiders that guy is seriously huge. I’d love to think that weakens their Oline.
  8. Michelle Pfeiffer wasn’t too shabby. But I agree, the movie was bad.
  9. IMHO the boundary between Soft Rock and Country music is very blurry, which helps to explain the rising popularity of Country music. I often listen to soft rock on the radio (mostly oldies) as I drive, but for some reason I can’t force myself to listen to a country station. On TV, I watch DIY, sports, documentaries, etc., but almost never any TV shows, especially the sitcoms. They come and go so fast I can’t keep up, and they are all pretty silly and have no redeeming qualities. My wife likes to watch the evening news. The commercials tell you about their target audience. Medicine, incontinence, insurance, cheap cell phone deals, or any other senior citizen products. My my wife also likes to watch crime dramas. It used to be Law and Order all day every day, but now she watches British crime dramas on BritBox and Acorn. They are generally a little better.
  10. It was finally starting to be dim light for my morning commute. Now I have to wait three weeks or so to get to that point again. It takes a full week for me to get used to the dark mornings and for my body clock to adjust. I understand the motivation of not wanting it to be too dark when kids go to school in the winter, but the time shift is tough.
  11. I still have my TI from 1975, but I lost the battery charger, so it’s a paperweight. I agree with your HP key entry description.
  12. My freshman year in college (‘75-‘76) we had to use slide rules because scientific calculators were too expensive to assume that everyone would have one. I had a TI-50 which cost $75. From my sophomore year on, we were allowed to use calculators. When programmable calculators came along, we weren’t allowed to use them during tests. Anybody here a diehard HP RPN fan? I never got used to RPN. I was exclusively a TI user.
  13. I like to read a book with a lot of action to distract me when I’m on an airplane. I hate airplanes. Clive Cussler is a go to for me as an airplane book. James Bond ain’t got nuthin’ on Dirk Pitt. Around the house sometimes I’ll read history books, such as the Robert K. Massie books about WW1, which I have been crawling through lately.
  14. I got a fever, and the only prescription is More Cowbell Williams!
  15. I look forward to the Jimmy Spagnola threads. They are on The Stadium Wall, but they are definitely off the wall. I especially like it when people seem to take it seriously and get their panties in a twist. I also like any thread that mentions Asian carp.
  16. My wife and I watch jeopardy almost every night. One of the few tv shows we both like. This is upsetting. He seemed a little smug and pretentious sometimes, but he was somehow still likable.
  17. I made it through the whole thing. I’m not proud. Pugs, not Drugs!
  18. Best: Eddie and the Cruisers II: Eddie Lives! Worst: Eddie and the Cruisers II: Eddie Lives!
  19. Perhaps they could revive family shows with good parents, especially fathers... Father Knows Best My Three Sons Leave it to Beaver too boring
  20. I wonder if these kinds of things happen more often than we realize, and the kids usually keep quite about it.
  21. I’m not familiar with the area, but I’m familiar with the cars. I have fond memories of those old cars, but compared to the cars of today they were pretty rough, primitive, smelly, unreliable, poor handling and unsafe.
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