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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. That’s weak. I would have incorporated a silhouette of a airplane. They blew a once in a generation opportunity.
  2. I was was in love with her on McHale’s Navy. Then her life took a strange turn.... into the would ya? Category
  3. My wife wanted one of those Hum by Verizon things. It plugs into the diagnostic plug under the dash. It will report the car’s location to a cell phone app. You can also set it so that it texts you if the car goes over a certain speed or outside of a certain distance from home. I’ve never used those features, but I’ve used it to keep track of my wife’s progress when she goes on weekend trips to visit family or friends. It came in handy once when my daughter called and said mom is late and she was worried. I used the app to find out that she made a detour to do some shopping en route.
  4. It seems like if it goes to trial, the video will have to be released. I don’t understand why Kraft would make that choice.
  5. Well, I don’t worry about money, my job, or my wife’s job. If my kids are having troubles in their lives, they don’t talk about it. They’ve been on their own for years, so they rarely bother me for anything. I sometimes worry about storms in the forecast and my neighbor’s trees that are too close to my house. I sometimes worry about worst case scenarios with health, travel plans, or things going on in my kid’s lives, but that’s pretty rare. I’m at a good point in my life as far as worrying is concerned.
  6. Since Sherpa is a pilot, I’m thinking this....
  7. When we had to put our dog down, we arranged for a vet to come to the house. He gave her the injection while she lay in my wife’s lap. A pet cremation service came in immediately and took her away. We had the extended family all come over to say goodbye. She was fifteen years old, so we all had become very attached. That was a hard day.
  8. I find her to come across in those commercials as spoiled, entitled, bratty, and everything else that is wrong with young people these days. I don’t know what demographic they are trying to reach with those commercials. I just know that if I saw her, I would tell her to get off my lawn! I also don’t find her to be “hot”. A little bit cute if she keeps her mouth shut. Maybe.
  9. Doesn’t a flight attendant say “welcome aboard flight xxx to destination yyy” as the doors are closing? Or is that old fashioned, and they don’t do that anymore? Or did the flight attendants know where they were supposed to go, but the cockpit crew was given the wrong flight plan, and nobody noticed?
  10. Used to drink coffee at 7 am, 10 am, and 2 pm. Around age 40 I cut out the 2 pm cup. At age 50 I cut out the 10 am cup. The caffeine was making me jittery, and the acidity was upsetting my stomach. I enjoy drinking coffee. I hope I can continue to drink at least one cup a day.
  11. We ran into a similar situation. Fortunately one of the parents was the local orthodontist. $$$. He lived on a huge piece of property. A hobby farm. We met at his place when the real field wasn’t available.
  12. I used to be Graybeard (one word) but there was a password reset problem when the whole TBD software platform was changed. Graybeard was tied to a defunct email account and I had forgotten my password, so I just started over as Gray Beard. It would have been even better to be quoted by Greybeard and Graybeard.
  13. I was surprised that Buffalo peaked later than other spots across NY. Utica, Syracuse, and Rochester were all filled in with dark colors before Buffalo. I would have thought that since Buffalo was at the end of the waterway it would have filled in sooner.
  14. I would have to watch it multiple times to get all the nuances. Upstate NY peaked around the time of the Civil War and then started to fade.
  15. I agree. I think they were going for mature, intelligent, and very easy on the eyes. They succeeded.
  16. I just hope he doesn’t play the Bills during that great 4 game stretch!
  17. Can’t you show up to support or cheer for a friend? It seems like paying a fee to enjoy the food should be part of a charity event. At the chili cook offs that my brother goes to the running is optional.
  18. Another fundraiser they do in my town is a Prince Charming event. Elementary school boys and their mothers get all dressed up and go to a fancy event. I think it’s more or less a buffet dinner in the school gym. The mothers love it. Apparently the kids don’t seem to object.
  19. My brother likes to run in 5Ks. It’s a social thing. Sometimes it’s with friends, sometimes it’s part of a chili cook off, sometimes it’s in a unique place. The charity part is just a bonus. One event involved running around the Daytona speedway and hanging around the pits for a little while. Another event involved running across the Golden Gate Bridge. The charity aspect of the running event is not part of the equation if he thinks the event might be fun.
  20. There’s a guy in my town that has a grill on a trailer. He sets up in a school or church parking lot and sells grilled chicken dinners for take out. Part of the proceeds go to the group that got permission and advertised for him. The different school sports or other organizations like to get him to set up in the parking lot on the day of the school budget vote. Guaranteed steady stream of people stopping by to vote. Cha Ching!
  21. This is my approach. Winter thermostat in the mid 60’s, summer thermostat in the mid 70’s. Wear a fleece in the winter, wear shorts in the summer.
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