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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. I was watching a show on the Food Channel a few years ago, and a guy was pairing up different kinds of cheeses, jellies, and breads on grilled cheese sandwiches. At first I thought it was weird, but then I started to think that cheese and fruit is a good combo, so why not extend the concept to grilled cheese sandwiches? I tried it once, with cheddar and strawberry on whole wheat. It was ok.
  2. I'm ridin' in your car You turn on the radio You're pullin' me close I just say no I say I don't like it But you know I'm a liar 'Cause when we kiss, ooh Fire
  3. Dumbest move ever. This season is done for them. Time to think about the future. Are they saying Rosen is not their future? Fitz certainly isn’t anyone’s future. The only weak defense to this is that they are banking on Fitz’s familiarity with playing in Buffalo. Maybe he’ll throw to the wrong uniforms, although with Fitz is hard to tell.
  4. Don't want your love anymore Don't want your kisses, that's for sure I die each time I hear this sound Here he comes, that's Cathy's clown I gotta stand tall You know a man can't crawl When he knows you're tellin' lies and he hears 'em passing by He's not a man at all
  5. I always thought his name is Tallywhacker. Doesn't he have a hot wife? That could be a factor.
  6. Doobie Brothers and Todd Rundgren should be easy choices. After that it’s a crap shoot.
  7. Look at me I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree And I feel like I'm clingin' to a cloud I can't understand I get misty, just holding your hand Walk my way And a thousand violins begin to play Or it might be the sound of your hello That music I hear I get misty whenever you're near
  8. Don't know much about history Don't know much biology Don't know much about a science book Don't know much about the French I took But I do know that I love you And I know that if you love me, too What a wonderful world this would be Don't know much about geography Don't know much trigonometry Don't know much about algebra Don't know what a slide rule is for But I do know one and one is two And if this one could be with you What a wonderful world this would be
  9. Ever since BBMB shut down there have been several new posters. The vast majority of them are great. A few are bad apples. IMHO there was an overall uptick in trolling and ornery posters since that happened. Coincidence?
  10. Away out here they've got a name For rain and wind and fire The rain is Tess, The fire's Joe And they call the wind Maria
  11. The Lions have scored because of two different big plays that allowed them to get in the red zone quickly on both occasions. That is not sustainable. Other than that they haven’t done much.
  12. Who do we want? Pats protege or the apparently despised Rodgers?
  13. I remember watching that game for a few minutes. I didn’t care about the game so it didn’t really make much of an impression on me. Although what little I watched, I watched with my father, whose been gone for over 15 years. So thank you for reminding me, because it triggered a memory of my father, and for that I am grateful.
  14. I think having Thanksgiving farther from Christmas is a good idea. These days Thanksgiving to Christmas is almost a monthlong blur.
  15. Bills should get a win Who will QB for Dolphins Hope no Fitz magic
  16. Highlights of each game are generally disappointing. They will show one play, usually a touchdown, and give about two sentences worth of recap. Unless it pats or cowboys.
  17. I saw the movie The Devil Wears Prada with my wife and daughter a few years ago. They explained how a small group of people behind the scenes would predict/dictate the fashion trends for the upcoming year. In the movie, it was middle age people (Meryl Streep) with years of experience who would decide what would be popular. I think it’s interesting to think that someone could develop algorithms to make those decisions.
  18. I hate the Cowboys but I want them to beat the Jets. This is just wrong.
  19. Up with the sun, gone with the wind, She always said I was lazy. Leaving my home, leaving my friends, Running when things get too crazy. Out to the road, out 'neath the stars, Feeling the breeze, passin' the cars. Women have come, women have gone, Everyone trying to cage me. Some were so sweet, I barely got free, Others, they only enraged me. Sometimes at night, I see their faces, I feel the traces they've left on my soul. Those are the memories that made me a wealthy soul, I tell you, those are the memories that made me a wealthy soul.
  20. I had the hots for her for many years, but these days I have been taught to be wary of plastics, chemicals, and preservatives. I might need some liquid inhibition reduction before I can convince myself to go for it.
  21. I asked my daughter about tipping with plastic. She said apps like Starbucks or small businesses that use iPads with card readers usually have an easy tip option and she is happy to use it. Places that don’t make tipping plastic-friendly lose out because she rarely carries cash.
  22. Blasphemy! My mother in law hosts most holidays, and my wife and I are lucky to get enough leftovers for a sandwich. Now that she is in her 80’s my wife and I are hosting some of the holidays. Having leftovers is one of the only perks.
  23. When winter hits I do a lot of slow cooker recipes. Today it’s 60 degrees and sunny in upstate NY. Not slow cooker weather yet. I am am having my arm twisted to go to a restaurant this afternoon for en extended in-law family event. I’m not happy. I’m glad I’m not missing a Bills game, because that would change my mood from not happy to downright angry.
  24. I didn’t know what a captcha is so I looked it up. I don’t mind the ones that ask what letters or numbers are being shown with crooked writing, but the “pick all pictures with a certain thing in them” tests stress me out.
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