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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. I am not sure why people on this board are dissing Sanchez. He pretty much picked the Bills apart at home during the second half of the game. During the first half he had been intercepted and sacked, and he started to look a little flustered. Since the Bills couldn't get any pressure on him during the second half, he was able to regain his composure and play well. The Broncos were able to keep the pressure up for the whole game. A recurring theme with Eli, Romo, Sanchez and Dalton is that they get flustered and become unreliable if they start feeling the pressure from the pass rush. Unfortunately, the Bills weren't able to take advantage of any of those opportunities.
  2. Last season he lost at least one fumble, I think maybe even a couple of fumbles. Considering how few touches he had last season, that could be a serious concern. Maybe he fumbles in practice. However, I feel that they should use him more than they do. The idea that Fred should be an every down back is worrisome to me. Fred fumbled in each of the last two games. I don't think that is a sign of trouble to come, but it may be a symptom of too much reliance on one guy. Fred should be the main guy for now, but not the only guy.
  3. Agreed. If the Bills lose, I stay away from any other games, Sportcenter, Sunday night football, Monday night football, SI.com, etc. etc. etc. I hate to be reminded of the loss over and over again. If the Bills win, then I check out all the opportunities to hear some praise and see some highlights. It has a huge impact on my outlook for the next couple of days.
  4. The Bills and college basketball. March Madness!! I have a grad degree from SU, my daughter went to UConn. Big East (for now) basketball is the only other sport that I follow anywhere near as much as the Bills.
  5. Bills get back on track Ball hawks on defense excite Jackson moves the chains
  6. Today's opponents are tomorrow's team mates. Did anyone else notice that right before that touchdown, Nelson was getting his ankle retaped, and he looked like he was in pain? Anyone who thinks he should just "man up" and go play should realize that that is exactly what he did.
  7. The man love by broadcasters for Rogers doesn't bother me too much. Rogers seems like a good guy. Man love for Brady, Favre, Ray Lewis and a few other people who seem like jerks and thugs is what bothers me.
  8. Giants game. Third and short. Long throw. Interception. Twice. I think the idea of doing that again was the thing that makes this so hard to understand. At least, it was for me.
  9. We are all students of the game. I have been an avid football fan for decades. We all have seen the game evolve. We all have ideas that may help this team get out of the hole that they have found themselves in. We are a fan forum, we have no power. We can discuss things like short passes to tight ends, power running, two back sets, defensive schemes that don't leave the middle of the field open for short passes, etc. We can all discuss whether Gailey knows what he is doing or not, or ask why Spiller is not being used, or discuss whether Stevie is "elite" or lament the inability to pressure the QB, or wail and gnash our teeth as yet another player goes on IR, but what's the point? All we can do is watch and hope. If that is not satisfying, then what else is there to do? I will always watch and hope, but at this point I feel that even though there is a general consensus among the posters on this forum about how to fix the team, there is nothing that we can do about it. I'm no psychologist, but I guess it's supposed to be healthy to discuss these things with like minded people.
  10. Excellent post, sir
  11. It was clearly Fitzy's fault that Jones tied to catch the ball with his hands upside down and it bounced off for an INT, and it was Fitzy's fault that Jones fell down on a timing route so that the defender was the only one in the area. Not trying to be a Jones hater, but it is a weird coincidence that two of the INTs were passes to Jones. I have no idea what the play was for the third one.
  12. I thought it was cheesy, but I am not upset at all about it. He has been a consistent bright spot on this team. He can do whatever he wants with his ball. I hope she doesn't get in trouble.
  13. Its usually a stream of consciousness thing for most people, so their not going to be sensitive to the corrections that your trying to make. It might just be a mute point.
  14. OP nailed it. Remember, Gailey is a genius and the rest of us are unworthy of questioning his mega mind.
  15. I am shocked that somebody on this forum had the nerve to write this. Usually any hint at questioning Gailey as anything other than a genius is met with ridicule and derision. I feel that after the two poor play calls that resulted in interceptions in the Giants game, the handoff on fourth and a foot against the Jets, and the propensity for long throws into tight spaces on third down are all examples of a coach that is grasping at straws rather than choosing plays that would have a high probability of success. Maybe he over thinks these things. I also think that the waterbug back is no longer in style in today's NFL. Big backs with power and spread offenses seem to be the way to go. The defense is too quick for a waterbug to elude them.
  16. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Any time somebody on this forum writes that Chan is a genius and nobody should question him, I think of this definition of insanity. On the other hand, maybe this definition could be applied to anybody who is a Bills fan.
  17. I don't understand the emotions that people have about Spiller. He rarely gets on the field, and he is never given a chance to stay in the game long enough to get into any sort of rhythm. I was not a fan of the pick, and I still am not, but I hesitate to call him a bust since he hardly ever plays. Is there something that Chan knows that explains why he doesn't let Spiller play? Fumbles? Bad blocking? Doesn't learn the plays? To easy to tackle? If the Bills trade him, I bet he will turn out to be a good player for whoever gets him. He is expensive and fast. Fred is far superior between the tackles, but why not give Spiller a few sets of downs to see what he can do and give Fred a rest? At this point, maybe it's time for a few experiments to see what some of these other players can do.
  18. I wrote this about three or four weeks ago and somebody decided to be a wiseguy and make a snide remark in reply. I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who feels this way.
  19. I know Jones is hurt (ankle I think), but he had a horrible game. Fell down on that last interception as well. I am curious to read what the people who are good at analyzing things have to say about this game. To me, the play was mostly terrible on defense, but I can't really say anything more intelligent than that right now. Why do other teams constantly make completions to tight ends and possession receivers right between the linebackers and safeties, in the middle of the field?
  20. 34 - 17 Dallas. I am fearing this scenario exactly.
  21. I agree. Why no QB sneak on 4th and a foot? Why no zip on his passes, and no passes across the field? Why so few scrambles, even though he had some opportunities? Maybe his chest is still sore. He got hit a few times by the Jets, but nothing like when London Fletcher hit him. I hope an extra week to recover makes a difference.
  22. I feel as though the Dallas game is the turning point. Either the downward spiral begins if they lose, or the Bills are relevant for at least the next few games if they win. Dallas is pretty much "average" in this parity league, so beating an average team on the road is a big test. I believe it will be a close game, and a few lucky bounces or ref calls could make all the difference. In other words, it will be like most of the games the Bills have been playing for the last year or so.
  23. I don't think people should ignore the fact that Lindell was hurt while making a pretty tough tackle that saved a touchdown on that return. It's a shame that it happened in a game that was a loss. He is pretty big and tough for a kicker. He has made a few tackles over the past few years. Maybe there wouldn't be a kick return if he kicked it through the end zone, but on the other hand, why was a returner allowed to get to mid-field in the first place? I don't have statistics, but I would bet that considering the northern, outdoor stadiums where he plays most of the time, he is probably an above average kicker. Not great, but above average. I feel that he is another steady player whose presence will be missed.
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