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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Apparently the Bills aren't the only team that didn't get the memo about the importance of covering Welker.
  2. If the Bills have any chance to get to the playoffs, no matter how small, the Jets will have to lose. I want to see controversy, finger pointing and back stabbing on the Jets, which will be more likely to happen if the Jets lose. I want to see Tebow play at some point this year, which will be more likely to happen if the Jets lose. I guess I want the Jets to lose.
  3. Really good stuff. What I found interesting was that the pass rush was 4 guys almost the whole time. A few 5's shown and a 6 near the end, but almost always 4. I assume that was always the front 4, no stunts with a DE staying back and an LB going in or anything like that.
  4. Who is Lee Smith, and why did he have two false start penalties?
  5. He kicked four field goals (32, 34, 41 and 19 yards) and the Bills beat the Dolphins. Are we blaming Lindell because there was a kickoff run back for a TD? His kickoffs against Miami were to the 0, -3, 4, -1 and 10 yard lines (the one kicked to the 4 was run back). Other than the run back, the Miami starting positions were between the 20 and 30 yard lines. That seems pretty typical. We all know that Lindell is getting a little older and will be replaced soon, but I don't get the weak leg talk at this point in the season. Carpenter missed a 50 yard FG. I guess he has a weak leg also.
  6. Has anyone mentioned Fitz's blocking? On at least three plays he blocked for his RBs. Once on the edge, once in the backfield, and once into the line. Do any other QBs do that? I've never seen it. I know all the Fitz haters will say it doesn't matter, he's still terrible. I know he isn't most people's first choice for a QB, but I can't be overly negative about a guy with his desire to win, and his willingness to do whatever he can to keep the drive alive.
  7. From ESPN... New England Patriots linebacker Brandon Spikes was fined $25,000 for his hit on Buffalo Bills quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick last Sunday that later prompted Fitzpatrick to call him a "punk at times." Spikes, who said Thursday that he was anticipating a fine, was penalized on the play, which came with 10:36 remaining in the fourth quarter of the Patriots' 37-31 win. After the play, Fitzpatrick -- who had his helmet knocked off by the hit -- got in Spikes' space. In addition, Patriots rookie cornerback Alfonzo Dennard was fined $7,875 for unnecessary roughness for a late hit on Fitzpatrick, which came out of bounds in the second quarter. And Pats linebacker Jerod Mayo, who tackled C.J. Spiller after the Bills' running back ran out of bounds, was fined $10,000 for the late hit. http://espn.go.com/boston/nfl/story/_/id/8640224/brandon-spikes-new-england-patriots-fined-25000-hit-ryan-fitzpatrick-buffalo-bills
  8. The announcers were questioning the play call. Jump ball would have been the best play, not a quick route that let's the CB get in front of him.
  9. If Byrd and Levitre are free agents after this year, then there will be a bidding war. The time to extend their contracts was last summer. Now it is too late. Somebody may pay them the way J'ville paid Poz, Or, they may choose to go somewhere for better weather, or to be closer to family, or to be on a perennial playoff team, or to be in a big city with media hype (would Cruz be on all those commercials if he was in Buffalo? (I know what you're thinking, with Fitz throwing to him Cruz would be a nobody)).
  10. When ESPN first came on the air they had a show called "The Exciting World of Speed and Beauty." It featured cars, and girls in bikinis. Ahh, the good old days.
  11. When a player agrees to a new contract, he resigns. When a coach quits the team, he resigns. As in: I hope Byrd resigns and Wannstedt resigns.
  12. 15 to 20 touches per game seems about right to me. Too many touches and you are playing with fire. Injury, fumble, tired and caught dancing behing the line, etc. More than 9, that's for sure.
  13. I think there must have been a disturbance in the force during that drive, but Chan couldn't sense it. He must not be a Jedi. The collective energy of the fanbase yelling at the TV should have gotten through to him, but unfortunately it didn't.
  14. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong... Aren't Byrd and Levitre free agents after this year? Doesn't that mean a bidding war for them? Doesn't that make it a concern that they won't be on the Bills next year? Doesn't that impact draft and free agent concerns? Doesn't that mean that QB and LB won't be the only missing pieces? Just trying to spread some joy.
  15. I thought it was interesting when they showed Wilfork getiing in guys' faces for getting stupid penalties. Would anyone on the Bills defense get in someone's face for stupid penalties?
  16. Average Offense, Terrible Defense. Nix and Chan stay, Wannstedt goes. Priority for draft is QB and LB. I will be surprised if anything more complicated than that happens after this season.
  17. Didn't Mularkey resign rather than fire his old friend?
  18. In my opinion the season ended when Fitz threw that interception late in the Tenn game. I know the defense is a much bigger problem than the offense, and that one play doesn't determine an entire game, but that one play was like a dagger that killed the season. That play made it hard for me to root for Fitz anymore. Illogical, but I can't help it.
  19. Gailey and Nix have both said that the defense is underperforming. Ralph is mad that the team is losing. Nix says a new QB is part of the plan. Wannstedt does not inspire confidence at pressers. My guess is that next year Nix and Gailey will still be here, but there will be a new QB and a new DC. I actually think this team is close to having enough talent that those two changes will get us all thinking good thoughts in the off-season. Of course upgrades at LB and WR would also help.
  20. I wonder if they will offer Fitz a modified (lower pay) contract to stick around. No other team will offer him a better deal than what he could make staying with the Bills for less money as a backup. I hope that is what happens. I like the guy, even if he can't throw a football with much speed or accuracy.
  21. I keep repeating myself, but what is old is new again. TE and FB!! Look at teams like Giants, 49ers, Steelers, Pats, etc. Every so often Chan changes his silly pass wacky offense and puts in a heavy package with Chandler, Lee and/or CMac, but CMac should be on the field a lot more than he has been.
  22. I've been watching in a channel flipping mode for a few weeks now. The Bills are on CBS, but there is also another game on FOX, On other channels, there may be some NASCAR, or basketball, or some other show. I will probably watch the Bills for an hour or so, and then I will start flipping. I also line up a few chores to do, such as paying bills. And I don't mind if the dog needs to be walked. I used to get mad if the dog wanted to be walked during a game, now I don't really care. The Bills are just one of many distractions for my Sunday.
  23. and Byrd. Just think, we get to draft DBs again! Aren't we luckY?!!
  24. I remember something about he and dehaven weren't speaking or something. is dehaven the type of guy who holds grudges, or is on a power trip, or anything like that?
  25. People realize that this is Brady you are talking about, right? Kyle Williams got a 15 yard penalty for brushing up against him, and Kyle was on the ground at the time. Anybody who makes contact with him when he doesn't have the ball is going to get a penalty, a fine, possible ejection, and bring negaitive publicity to the Bills from all of the national media. I think the players have heard the message loud and clear. My personal belief is that cheap shots are not necessary, ballsy or cool, but that's just me. I also recall that the Bills were able to rattle him by getting in front of him and standing with their arms up. I have seen that technique work well with other teams and other QBs. The image of multiple 300 lb guys lunging at you and blocking your passing lanes is scary, even if they don't really get that close.
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