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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. You have to re-sign your key players or else you keep starting over. Byrd, Levitre, etc. must be re-signed. With the Bills it seems like the best players often leave after their rookie contracts end.
  2. Watching the Jets post-game show. Their remaining schedule is: jville, tenn, san diego, buffalo. They believe they will win them all and make the playoffs. That week 17 game could be interesting. They also have a HUUUGE quarterback controversy.
  3. 1) Playing with a big lead 2) Playing in the rain We finally figured out how to get Chan to use the run!
  4. Glad to see some props for Carrington. I have always thought he was a solid player in the defensive rotation. For some reason there are many people on this forum who like to bash him as yet another bust.
  5. I think we have a winner! This is what I have been predicting for a month or more. Some other team will pay crazy money and off he goes. Frachise tag may be the only way he stays.
  6. right now it's win out. if the team loses again, then ask the question again. 9-7 might get a playoff game. 8-8 won't. as soon as it becomes impossible to make the playoffs, then the idea of losing out for draft position becomes a more reasonable philosphy. i doubt the team will win out, but they might win this week.
  7. If a first down is on the line, then some extra effort makes sense. Otherwise, I am fine with Stevie hitting the ground or going out of bounds to avoid a strip/fumble and to save his body. I wish other players would do that. If the Bills become absolutely, positively mathematically eliminated from any chance of post-season play in the next week or two, then I hope Stevie will liven things up with a few touchdown celebrations. At that point a 15 yard penalty won't hurt anything (it may even contribute to a better draft position if it leads to the Bills losing a close game).
  8. This is my favorite so far. I like all three points. Except I would like to add one more thing.... No !@#$ing blackouts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Many years ago the Bills were on NBC. There is an NBC station in Utica, so we got to see the games that are blacked out. When they switched to CBS we became blacked out because the CBS station on our cable comes from Syracuse, which used to be received within the blackout zone. Now the digital signal from Syracuse doesn't reach the blackout zone. I don't know the rationale, but I know that someone made a conscious decision to maintain the blackout rule anyway.
  10. I agree with what you are saying. My point is that these coaches are so ridiculously awful that it is beyond my ability to comprehend how they got to this level of coaching in the first place. People say that a 13 year old playing Madden could call a better game than these coaches. I'm not going to go that far, but I honestly don't understand how these coaches can be as bad as they are.
  11. I know peole will disagree, but I am not impressed with this article. I believe Wilson is not a good football mind, and he has not put this team in a position to be successful for a long time. I also believe that bashing him is too easy. Most people agree that the talent level on this team is good enough to be competitive, possibly even better than average. Most people also believe that the QB, LBs and WRs are perhaps the biggest needs. Most people also believe that the coaching is a huge problem, and this is where I put most of the blame. How is Wilson to know that Gailey and Wannstedt would be so awful at doing their jobs? They both had reasonable resumes (not great, but not terrible), and they said all the right things when they were hired. I know that the big name coaches won't come to Buffalo, and that is largely Wilson's fault. He won't pay top dollar for a coach, the facilities are old and old fashioned, and the status of the team going forward is a big question based on Wilson's health and succession unknowns. But that does not give Gailey and Wannstedt any excuses for having terrible game plans, not adjusting during the games, and not using their best players in a way that puts the team in a position to win. Is Wilson saying not to use CJ very much? Is Wilson saying don't blitz? Is Wilson saying not to kick a FG from farther than 40 yards? Is Wilson saying that Fitz is a great passer? Is Wilson saying long passes on thrid and short, or short passes on third and long are the things to do? I don't think so. To me, it is Gailey and Wannstedt who should be called out for the mess that this team is in, not Wilson. Flame ON!
  12. Based on this article, Lindell was just as ticked off as anybody. Chan didn't want to do it. Lindell was doing it in warm-ups and was ready to do it in the game. You can say that Lindell is just covering his butt by saying things like that, but I tend to believe it is Chan's stubborn attitude that is the real culprit here. http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121125/SPORTS/121129485/two-bills-drive-1003
  13. It could be arthritis. I shovelled my driveway today for the first time this fall. I definately feel something from that.
  14. Lindell's kickoffs usually come down right about at the goal line, give or take a few yards. That is not as strong as many kickers these days, but it seems like it should be strong enough to try a 52 yard FG in a dome. I'm surprised the coaches have so little faith in him that they don't let him try. Just another example of coaching safe rather than coaching to win.
  15. I really believe we are close to a major announcement. I just feel it in my bones. TJax will play. Or Chan gets fired. Or Wannstedt is named head coach (yuck). Or something. Ralph can't let the status quo just squash all hope. Maybe they would be better off tanking for draft picks, which could be done under the cover of trying new schemes and talents. I just feel that something has to and will change now that they are more or less mathematically/realistically eliminated from playoffs.
  16. This. When Jauron was fired, Perry Fewell took over (and did ok). If Gailey is fired, Wanny will be the interim coach. Yuck.
  17. I'm impressed. A year ago (or was it two?) everyone was calling for Gailey's head and you said it was too soon. If you have gone over to the dark side, then perhaps that is a foreshadowing of some sort of impending action from OBD. I hope so.
  18. I agree that Fitz is not a good QB, but today he actually made two good throws farther than 10 yards! 1) He hit Dickerson in the belly and it was dropped. 2) He hit Stevie in stride. Even a blind squirrel can find a nut sometimes.
  19. The Bills have to win more. I live in the Utica area. The Giants are on FOX and the Bills are on CBS (subject to blackout). It seems like there are many more Giants fans than Bills fans, but I think that is because the Giants win more. The Giants also get a lot of bandwagon fans. I think the Bills fans are hiding in their closets out of embarassment and won't come out until the Bills start to win.
  20. Even though his arm seems to be weak and inaccurate compared to most QBs, and he makes some dumb throws late in games, I will never hate on the guy! Happy Birthday Fitz!
  21. Speaking of Jerry Sullivan, I thought he did ok with his article this morning, http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121123/SPORTS/121129776/two-bills-drive He questioned the whole "pass in short yardage situations" mentality. Not just Gailey, but all around the league.
  22. Eliminate field goals as a rule? No. Have coaches go for it on fourth and short more often? Yes. Same with punts. Punting when less than 50 yards from the end zone? No, thank you.
  23. I was laughing out loud watching that game last night. I am amazed that the Jets were able to put such a beat down on the Bills in week one. Let's see what happens week 17. By week 17 the Bills will either be playing for a wild card spot, or they will have already been eliminated and it won't matter. I also played the highlight clip and the Yakety Sax song from Benny Hill at the same time. Excellent combination.
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