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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. The days of Sam Gash blocking, rushing and being used as a dump off receiver a few times per game are a thing of the past. Now the trend is to have a big back or tight end who can each do some combination of those things with a little more speed and a little less bulk. I think it's a shame, I still think having a fullback with a mean streak should be on the roster. I always felt Corey Mac was underutilized.
  2. all you need to know about an eagles game...
  3. So far this team has lost a game they could have won, and won a game they could have lost. Too early to know what we've got.
  4. apparently a team was... http://www.chargers.com/news/article-1/Bolts-sign-cornerback-Crezdon-Butler/06c650ee-ec7d-4a14-8f7d-c11b7af43560
  5. I like when you identify when a blitz is not a breally a blitz. If you only rush four, but one or two of them are DBs, it's not really a blitz even though most announcers will call it a blitz. Another often mis-named play is an end-around (completely unrelated to this defensive discussion, but while I am on the subject of mis-named plays I thought I would bring it up). For some reason, people (even announcers who should know better) like to call it a reverse, even though nobody reversed, the end just came around.
  6. Good for Marrone. I like the "get back to work" attitude that he seems to have. And the by-line for the article is our fellow TBD poster, John Wawrow.
  7. lmao My wifes says I'm getting these for Christmas
  8. I would say those two rinky dink penalties cancelled each other out.
  9. They came on when all the other games ended. Just in time to see the last second touchdown and the victory. I was following along on the ESPN play by play and the TBD shoutbox while watching the GB-Wash and Phil-SD games on TV. Not a bad way to kill a few hours!
  10. I agree. Sometimes I even wait an extra minute or two past the sheduled start time just to make sure I don't hear all the pre-game nonsense.
  11. You probably already found this (it's on a website of Buffalo Bills Radio Stations). Their web site says they will be broadcasting the game. Probably won't be able to pick it up in your car until you are halfway home.... 100.1 The Hero broadcasts from Bradford, PA. It covers South Western, NY and North Western, PA.
  12. WFXV is located in Rome and it is on the FOX channel on the Utica Time-Warner cable. According to the channel guide on the tv, Washington versus Green Bay is going to be the game they are showing tomorrow afternoon. Is your FOX channel WFXV?
  13. I'm in Utica, and my very unscientific and unproven belief is that the Giants fans (bandwagon fans in my opinion) outnumber the Bills fans, and Bills fans outnumber the Jets fans. And almost everyone is a Syracuse fan. I also don't buy the manager's story, and I don't see why it is so hard to switch a game when you realize your mistake two days in advance.
  14. I think communication is the problem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQzni6JZuGw
  15. I agree. My kids went to college and were surprised at how poorly prepared the kids from other places were. You get what you pay for. Maintaining the aging infrastucture in winter isn't cheap. Don't forget that elsewhere a few inches of snow will paralyze a city, but in this area the plows, sanders, salters are all out 24/7 to take care of the roads. Whenever I go somewhere else I am shocked at the price of food, especially the price of restaurant meals. Upstate/Western NY has higher taxes, but there are many other aspects of living that are cheaper or better than many other places. Someday I will probably retire and sell may house and move somewhere closer to my kids. Unfortunately, to buy something similar to my little 3 BR ranch in some other part of the country will cost me about $100K more than what mine will sell for. Talk about cheap housing around here!
  16. I wonder how many players are fined each week. Moats didn't do anything particularly egregious, so I would imagine that facemasks, late hits, crackback blocks, etc. must get fined quite often.
  17. I got the same reply as everyone else. At least he answered quickly on a Friday evening. That is pretty surprising, but the result is still no good.
  18. Well I'm mad. I wrote an email, but it probably won't help. There must be some Packers fan at the station. As I keep saying, the Bills are not that popular in central NY, and this is just another example to prove the point.
  19. Thank you sir, may I have another?
  20. I have too many friends and acquaintances who are Jets fans. If the Jets beat the Pats after the Bills couldn't, I would be abused mercilessly. I also don't want Rex or Geno to have any more bragging rights. Mathematically, it may make more sense for the Pats to lose in order to make parity more likely in the AFC East (if the Bills can beat the Jets), but I really think that I will be slightly rooting for the Pats.
  21. I guess I'm naive. I was surprised that it is unusual for coaches and captains to discuss how things are going. Why wouldn't this be a common practice for every team?
  22. Utica is in the blackout zone for CBS. I whine about this at least twice each season on TBD. If the game is on FOX (which I think happens if the Bills host an NFC team) Utica will get it because the local FOX channel is based in Rome, and Rome is clearly out of the blackout zone. If the Bills host an AFC team, then the game is on CBS (I think). The CBS channel on Utica Time Warner Cable is from Syracuse, and Syracuse is in the blackout zone. Theoretically the Syracuse over-the-air broadcast can reach into the blackout zone. That is no longer the case ever since the transition to the digital broadcat format. However, somebody at OBD decided not to redraw the blackout zone boundary in order to entice people in the Syracuse area to go to the game. I believe that strategy backfires somewhat, because there are far more Jets fans in Utica than there are Bills fans. The Jets fans are glad when the Bills game is blacked out since the local broadcast will show the Jets game when that happens.
  23. Bad playcalling and inability to convert on third down are almost the same thing. For that matter, bad playcalling, inability to convert on third down, and Spiller being shut down are almost the same thing.
  24. I mostly just say "Please don't suck" over and over as I worry and pace.
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