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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. I have a wait and see approach. The revolving door at QB tends to be a little disconcerting. Even if EJ plays, I have concerns that he will be rusty (probably), or he will get hurt again (is that an unfair concern?).
  2. I like the mention of the dumb idea of using Spiller on a draw right before halftime. I was wondering what that was all about when it happened. He was already limping and the play had about 0.001% chance of success, especially since Spiller wasn't able to play with nearly his normal amount of explosiveness. Why put Spiller in harm's way for such a useless attempt?
  3. After the team is mathematically eliminated from any chance to make the playoffs, the season has a different feel to it (at least it seems that way to me). I always wonder if the players are starting to think more and more about not wanting to get hurt. Some players start to pout and sulk (at least it seems like it to me). Different players and schemes are emphasized more (such as starting Brohm and giving Fitz a week to rest his nagging injuries). I always wish they would try some more exotic and fun stuff to keep the game interesting, but for some reason they don't do it as much as I wish they would. I am not looking forward to that part of the season this year, but I fear that it is coming.
  4. I never understood drafting a small, fast guy so high. The Bills need a big, mean guy like Eric Moulds. These small, fast guys are one trick ponies, and it just isn't worth having them on the team for such a limited perceived ability.
  5. AgreeWas it Tuel's fault that so many passes were dropped? He floats balls, but he didn't stink the place up by any means. He showed poise by throwing the ball away, running a little, and calling time-out at a smart time. He's not starter material, but as a THIRD STRING he's not that bad.
  6. This is Tuel's last chance to show that he belongs. I have my doubts about his ability to do well enough to save his NFL job/career. I'm predicting a few sacks, a few fumbles, a few picks, and several off target throws to open receivers. Other than that, I think he'll do fine.
  7. I wish somebody could explain why they would bring in another wide receiver, and they have never let Easley play. Is Easley that bad? Is he unable to learn the playbook? I get it that he is an ace on special teams, but come on, if you need more receivers then why doesn't he get on the field? Even Tasker was given a few offensive snaps every so often, especially when injuries took out the starters.
  8. Now don't go and get all logical on us. You have been on TSW enough to know that there are two groups of coaches on this team: Pettine who is usually assumed to be pretty good, and everybody else who are all just a bunch of screwballs from a no name college program.
  9. Did anyone on here actually see the game yesterday? Lewis got speared in the ribs on the first play. He was obviously trying to avoid contact for the rest of the game. He would dive to the ground if anyone got near him. I don't think his performance would have been nearly so bad if it wasn't for that first hit; My question is more along the lines of how badly is he hurt, and is it bad enough to force them to get Flynn ready sooner rather than later? If it is just a bruise (that would lay most of us internet tough guys up for a month) then he will still be the most logical choice until EJ comes back.
  10. Maybe some of what you've got will rub off on me
  11. There was a reason Fitz got rid of the ball as quickly as he did. The O-line can't protect for more than a few seconds. I was yelling "get rid of it" to my TV several times today because I knew that Thad was playing with fire by holding the ball for more than a few seconds while he looked for an open receiver. That is a skill that must be developed by whoever is playing QB, at least until the O-line starts playing much better.
  12. You're gonna be in trouble now! Last week on this forum we were all lectured that we are not allowed to criticize Hackett. He is doing a great job, and the rest of us don't know anything about play calling in the NFL.
  13. That's rediculous!!(I know it's spelled ridiculous, I'm just piling on)
  14. Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner. I feel the same way about them.
  15. That may work if he doesn't play like the "best safety in the NFL" for the rest of the year. It will still require some big bucks, but it may be doable.
  16. Since this is what I want, I will predict the opposite. I have a much better record at predicting games when I pick the opposite of what I want.
  17. Wow. Just when you think the drama can't get worse, the talking heads are accusing him of faking injury. Maybe just a way for Harrison to get his name in print. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/josh-freeman-minnesota-vikings-rodney-harrison-accused-of-faking-concussion-102613
  18. It's only been a few years since the running back went from being your most sought after big name (for big money) to a mostly plug and play kind of position (except for the notable exceptions such as Adrian Peterson and a few others).
  19. It will be a moral victory, possibly even a morale victory. I think it will be close at the close of the game. Just don't choose to make it personal if you don't like the personnel who chose to be trolling TSW today.
  20. Thinking with my heart and not my eyes, I thought Fitz would turn out to be the real deal. I never thought Schobel was anything special, but then the stats started to add up and I realized he was the real deal.
  21. I was thinking of starting a thread to discuss Thad's play. I agree that EJ will play again when healthy, but I also think the Thad is a pretty good QB and deserves some props. I like that Thad slid a few times rather than take the hit. We can't afford to let him get hurt at this point. I also think that Thad knows when to throw hard and when to have some touch on it. I think he threw behind his receivers last week, and this week he was on target more. I wish he would learn to throw it away rather than take a sack. Maybe next week he will show that he has learned that as well.
  22. yet I don't think that game was blacked out in the Miami area. I can find no evidence on-line about that game being blacked out. How can this be?
  23. good point. but i think the draft is such a crap shoot that having 3 picks out of the top ~45 versus having 2 picks out of the top ~45 isn't worth trading away williams, even if such a deal could be made.
  24. Williams is an asset as a safety and as an emergency cornerback. You don't trade players like that. Denver's first round pick will probably be somewhere between pick #28 to pick #32. The Bills' second round pick could easily be somewhere around pick #40 to #45. Is trading away an asset really worth that pick?
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