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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Thanks for the response, and I agree with your summary. I predict the draft in 2014 will concentrate on other positions of need, and the team will go forward in 2014 with the same two QBs. Maybe a late round flyer, a UDFA, or a relatively inexpensive vet will be brought in to make camp interesting, but I doubt anybody will unseat EJ and Thad as the 1-2 combo for next season. I also predict that it will be the draft in the spring of 2015 that will be the next chance for a QB in the early rounds if nobody steps up and shows that he is the man going forward.
  2. Was this forum in existence during the Flutie versus Johnson debates? I'm sure the Thad versus EJ debates pale in comparison, but they are beginning to get pretty animated!
  3. This. The Pats tend to beat the Bills on the ground, not with Brady throwing the ball. "43's the Mike" was the buzzword last year, and then they ran right up the middle for five to seven yards on every play. This year it will be the same thing but with a different number.
  4. +1A shut-out impies the D was playing very well, but there were a lot of bad throws and dropped passes. How much of that was because the Bills D was that good, and how much was because the Miami offense was that bad?
  5. I want them to care enough to have Brady play, and I want the Bills to put Brady on his backside several times.
  6. He's got the same agent as Byrd (I forget the guy's name), so it is assumed he will ask for a lot of money, the Bills won't pay, and he will be gone. He is/was a good D-lineman for the rotation, seems like a good guy when interviewed, but not necessarily an outrageously gifted/all-pro caliber player.
  7. One observation with EJ is that he throws behind his receivers. As if he doesn't realize how fast they are going. Especially with the crossing routes. I think with a little more experience he can improve on that, and it will make a big difference.
  8. I listened to Thad's presser. He said you have to throw deep every so often to keep the defense honest and prevent them from stacking the line against the run. Basic stuff, but it was nice to hear. He also gave credit to the O-line several times during the presser becuase they were playing so well.
  9. Not sold on Manziel, but I agree with the rest of your comments.
  10. Terrible ice storms up there today. If you are watching a ball game, I assume you are not in the region without power, tv cable, internet, etc.
  11. According to my listings, WTVH is showing Jets and Browns
  12. Doesn't the blackout extend to radio as well? I have had trouble in the past that I thought was because of a blackout. I don't think WGR can put the game play-by-play on the radio or on the web if it's a blackout. Not sure though.
  13. At the very end the guy says that if you look at the most boring thing in the right way, then it becomes unbelievably exciting. ...just sayin'
  14. I wonder if Moeaki will actually play much. There have been a lot of guys who rarely see the field, except maybe for special teams. I'm talking about guys like Easley, Gragg, Rodriguez, and Wingo. Just being active doesn't mean he will play. I keep thinking that at this point of the season, all of these guys should get a chance to show what they can do, but in past years with different coaches, it almost never seemed to happen.
  15. I think you have it backwards...the signal from Syracuse may no longer reach Rochester now that it is digital, but Syracuse is still blacked out. Since Utica gets its CBS on the cable from Syracuse, Utica is also blacked out.
  16. rarely. twice on group outings. the last time, the guy who drank a bottle of jack daniels before the game and then was totally obnoxious until puked all over left me thinking that this isn't my idea of a good time.
  17. I'm a football fan. The Bills are my favorite team, but I will watch whatever game is on. This week it looks like I will root for the Browns to beat the Jets. That should be entertaining. Blackouts are stupid and will never cause me to change my plans for the day in order to go to a game.
  18. This is good for me. But I am really worried about the injuries. Sometimes the injuries come in bunches and then they seem to stop happening. I hope that is the case for EJ. Have to give him another year, and decide this spring if you want to draft somebody else or get a vet for insurance. Or both. And you have to decide if this new guy, Thad, or Tuel are good enough with the premise that EJ may turn out to be injury prone so your backup had better be somebody you have confidence in.
  19. I like watching Thad. He runs around like his hair is on fire and tries to improvise. Not what an "elite pro" would do, but fun to watch! I also think Thad and EJ is almost like a Flutie and Johnson comparison, but I don't really want to poke that hornets' nest on this forum.
  20. Props for Summers. They almost never used McIntyre last year, glad to see this group of coaches are starting to use Summers this year. He is bringing back fond memories of Sam Gash.
  21. A "no" vote means to keep SJ, as in "don't trade him." Are you sure you voted the way you intended?
  22. The announcers were talking about a penalty on #70, but when I was watching the game I clearly heard the refs say that the penalty was on #10.
  23. By realistic I mean something that might actually happen. I agree that the "can't say" parameters are likely needed to turn the team into a playoff winner, but in reality they are very unlikely to happen. Are there some things that you believe that the team might actually do that would make you optimistic that they may be significantly less awful next year? I'm not setting the bar high, just "less awful" is all I believe I can expect.
  24. I used to get upset. I don't anymore. This group of coaches and players will not win. They are going to have to make a big splash in the draft and in free agency this spring/summer to generate some buzz. Right now, I attempt to watch the game with my son (food, beers, nap is the usual order of things). But we really don't care at this point. This might be an interesting topic for someone to start: What realistic moves must the team make to get people excited for next year? Can't say "fire all the coaches and hire so and so" because it isn't going to happen. Can't say "Have Ralph sell the team to so and so" because it isn't going to happen. That's what I mean be realistic moves. Personally, I would be happy if they actually get some players that seem like they might be good choices for some positions with critical needs (TE, OL, etc.). And maybe even pick up somebody for a QB competition as well. And maybe get new OC and ST coaches.
  25. Big and strong is better than small and fast. That is true with just about every position in football. For WR, maybe one small fast guy to go long, but otherwise big and strong will do the team much more good.I'm not much of a fan of waterbug backs either, but that is another rant.
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