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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. I'm impressed. These answers are so good it's scary. F5
  2. I have a concern that without some signficant changes for next season, the players will realize pretty quickly that the losing will continue. A self fulfilling prophecy. I feel as though the need for upgrades at ST and QB coaching is legitimate, and it also sends a message to the players, not just the fans. If the players don't have faith in their coaches, bad stuff happens. it's easy to say that these players have been playing the game their whole lives, but if the coaches are not stressing/practicing the importance of staying in their lanes, wrapping up, hitting low rather than high, etc., then the bad habits creep in. (A personal gripe, you don't tackle by bumping or grabbing at the shoulders. Wrap up the legs!)
  3. Jairus Byrd would be my first choice. Possibly Brandon Albert (OT, Chiefs) or Eric Decker (WR, Denver). Somebody with more name recognition such as Oher or MJD (hey, he has a J in his name!) would be a possibility, but I don't think they would be worth the price they would likely get.
  4. The Bills made a big splash in the free agent market to get Mario Williams. He is very good, but he is probably over paid. But it's not my money and the Bills are under the cap. Should the Bills do something similar to keep Byrd? He is very good, but he would probably be over paid. But it's not my money and the Bills are under the cap. I just have a mind-set problem with over paying somebody, but I should probably get over it since it's not my money and the Bills are under the cap.
  5. How is this different from the Marrone situation last year? He resurrected a struggling Syracuse program, then left for the NFL which most likely left some of his Syracuse players, recruits and fans confused and unhappy. I know, I know, Syracuse isn't the same as Penn State, and the Syracuse program was doing well but not great when Marrone left, but I still believe the situations are similar.
  6. A big splash in free agency will get the fan base excited (a la the Mario Williams signing). I'm not sure if re-signing Byrd will be dramatic enough to do the trick, even though it would be a logical thing to do.
  7. I know Johnny Football is playing hurt, but he hasn't made anything happen yet. He hasn't done much in the past few games that I have seen him in. I truly doubt the Bills will draft a QB in the first two rounds, if at all. And I hope that if Manziel is available, they pass on him. If they do draft him (if he is available) I will look at it as a publicity stunt to try to sell tickets, rather than a serious attempt to draft the BPA.
  8. I always wonder if the "lose the locker room" situation could be exacerbated when the players realize that the coach is hiring his buddies, and not necessarily the best available people for the various coaching positions. And I believe that the players will have very little patience next year if things don't turn around pretty quickly. Play calling, play design, and clock management are examples of things that are taken out of the players' control and they have to rely on the coaches to do what makes sense. If the players realize the coaches are letting them down, how long before they stop trying, and start having phantom injuries, or become chronically tardy for meetings, etc.
  9. Marrone has a unique opportunity to get a WR coach, a QB coach, and a new ST coach. If he drops the ball on this, then it will be hard for even the most hard core homers to defend him. But they will anyway.
  10. +1000I have posted a few times that people should put some realism into their expectations. They are not going to fire all the coaches and hire Jon Gruden. They are not going to trade the entire draft for the next two years so they can move up to draft Teddy Bridgewater (or whoever the most desired QB might be). They are not going to wiggle out of any present commitments to play in Toronto, although it makes sense to wish that they do not renew the series when the time comes. My wish is smart drafting, trading and free agent pick-ups. We all know that a big WR, upgrades at TE, LB and O-Line are needed, and the Byrd situation must be addressed "intelligently" (whatever that means). Coaching upgrades at QB coach and ST coach, along with a smart pick up for the new WR coach are also desired. Other than that, there may not be much more that can be realistically wished for.
  11. I've been trying to stay quiet and keep my fingers crossed that Marrone will right the ship and all will be forgiven and forgotten. Unless there is something that we don't know (like Hilliard wanted to be released) this sounds like Marrone will protect his cronies and throw other people under the bus just for show. Some other additions and subtractions had better happen quickly (ST and QB coaches would be a good start) or else Marrone is going to have a hard time getting people to want to believe him or follow him. It's meaningless for fans on an internet forum to get upset at this coach. However, many of the players on this team are already familiar with the concept of a coach with no credibility, and I believe it won't take long for the players themselves to give up on Marrone if he doesn't quickly do some things that are clearly needed.
  12. I kept scanning down the list looking for somebody for the O Line.I watch a lot of college football, but I don't have a clue as to what O Line talent would be worth drafting for a pro team.
  13. I've seen slippery conditions favor a short passing approach. The QB and the receiver know when the receiver will make his cut. The DB has to react and can't get traction. Experience, timing and accuracy favor the Pats. If it is very slippery, the run game doesn't work because you can't get traction to cut (CJ) and you can't get traction to move the pile (Fred). I don't know if the forecast calls for enough rain to make traction an issue. A light rain is no big deal. Heavy rain or snow can change everything.
  14. In wet conditions the short pass game becomes effective. The receivers know when they are going to make their cuts, and the DBs have trouble getting traction to react and stay with them. That favors the experience of the Pats. The game could get ugly. 34-13 Pats.
  15. Is there is a perception that he has talent because he was he drafted in the first round, or was he drafted in the first round because there is a perception that he has talent?
  16. Marrone and EJ both get "incomplete" as a grade from me. I think they both can turn out fine (I have a little more faith that Marrone will turn out fine than EJ at this point). Too many strange events this year with injuries (that isn't really new, happens to every team every year to some degree), new assistant coaches, three inexperienced QBs, lack of vet leadership, new rules (hit low, not high, etc). I think Marrone started the year showing enthusiasm and fire on the sidelines, and ended the year looking like a deer in the headlights. That is a little worrisome to me.
  17. I think Shanahan, Schiano and Rex come across as jerks, and I would like to see them canned. That doesn't necessarily mean they will. On the other hand, I always liked Coughlin and Wade, but that doesn't mean they are safe.
  18. If the Bills make the playoffs while Fred is still a big contributor, then I think so. As of right now, it's a tough sell. He's one of the best players on a below average team.
  19. This is the problem with the whole press conference scenario. If you ask an easy question, you get the canned answer. If you ask a tough question, you get on the bad side of the coach, and you still get the canned answer. It requires walking a fine line to try to get some meaningful information without ruining the good will that you have built up over time. This is why I get ticked off when I see people on this forum abuse wawrow (and other reporters or people with some sort of inside connection). Their hands are tied when it comes to what can be reasonably asked, shared or expected. With that said, I would like to know if he would be willing to identify any specific areas that will be addressed in the draft or free agency (such as Oline, WR, TE and LB). Are there any envisioned changes to the coaching staff at this point (like getting some help for Hackett). Will special teams coaching or strategy be a priority in the off-season since they weren't that good. Who beside EJ, Thad and Tuel will be the QBs on the roster in training camp. For example, will it be a draft pick, UDFA, and/or reasonably priced vet? (even though he clearly won't/can't answer that).
  20. If he pays any attention to wise-guy fan forums, he will know that the only answer to this question is "Ground up and in the freezer"
  21. I think you are on the right track, but having 3 OL, 2 WR and 2 LB on your list seems a little unrealistic. No way all of those positions will be upgraded. I think that 1 OL, 1 TE, 1 WR and 1 LB might be more believable. And might be good enough. Ok, maybe 2 OL.
  22. Hey ma, look on the bright side. I got the highest grade of all the kids who failed.
  23. Not Seattle. Get Beast Mode out of the limelight as fast as possible. Not New England. For obvious reasons. Denver would be ok so that Payton can get another one with a different team.
  24. Many people say that home field advantage is worth three points. At the end of regulation the score was tied. If this was a home game, the Bills would have been ahead by three at the end of regulation. I tend to buy this logic, but it can't be proven. I also don't think it can be tied to any particular single play (e.g., a fumble, dropped pass, completed pass by the bad guys, etc.)
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