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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. This is what I was thinking when I saw the selection.
  2. Would rather have kept SJ13 and done the draft differently. This may work out for the best, but it's not what I would have done. But I'm just a fan with a keyboard, so I have to hope the people in charge know what they are doing.
  3. Accuracy and willingness/ability to thread the needle is suspicious, not strength.
  4. I'm against it. Trade down and get offensive line was my plan. A ton of receivers for a QB with an unproven and suspicious arm. And mortgage the future. Another 6-10 season is my prediction.
  5. I like that a QB and Eric Wood are hanging out together. It is a picture of Tuel trying to play golf, but he messed up his tee shot and it went backward. Twice. Tweeted by Eric Wood.
  6. When I saw the name of this thread, at first I was wondering what team you were going to be referring to. Many teams have had several years of bad drafts. Even the Patriots have had some notoriously bad drafts. I will admit, the Bills have pulled some bone headed moves in recent history. And you forgot TJ Graham when mentioning recent questionable draft choices.
  7. Beat me to it. Also, I want an the Bills to trade down, get an extra pick or two, and take an O lineman in the first round. Whatever they do, that won't be it.
  8. I think he is more Rob Johnson than Doug Flutie
  9. I agree with the OP to an extent. The team needs a big back. Like Marshawn Lynch. A Beast (Ironic that he was once a Bill). Somebody who can pound and move the pile, block, catch the ball, out run most linebackers, etc. CJ is quick and versatile and a great weapon to have, but I don't think CJ is that move the pile kind of guy. Fred could do it five years ago, but now he's getting old and every time he gets gang tackled I cringe and I'm afraid to look. I don't know if that guy is drafted or a UDFA, but I think there is a need.
  10. Will Smith comes back to Utica and has a camp in the summer. His stats are put in the local paper every week. He also got a little extra attention in the local paper for the headhunting scandal. The scandal may not even have gotten mentioned if he wasn't involved.
  11. I think it depends on what team he ends up on. If he is on a winning team with many role models and a coach that doesn't take flak from anybody, he may turn out ok. If he is on a bottom feeder team that doesn't demand respect, then he will start taking plays off, etc., and won't live up to the hype. Since he will probably get picked early in the draft, he may end up in the latter situation.
  12. Last year's Budweiser tearjerker was better. Had nothing to do with beer. Going after a different demographic I guess. The Tebow one is awesome. I think every time you watch it you catch a few more details that make it better.
  13. I wonder how much of his contract was guarenteed... http://profootballmock.com/browns-fire-new-head-coach-sixteen-hours-job/
  14. I read some of the comments. Obviously a bunch of bandwagoners. Whining that their team was eliminated one game from the Super Bowl. Oh dear. A few people said they should count their blessings and enjoy the ride, but they were drowned out by all the whining. Amazing. I can only hope that the Patriots miss the playoffs sometime soon just to see what kind of reaction that gets.
  15. I hope he's not late to any team meetings in Hawaii.
  16. Check post number 7. I think we may agree on something.
  17. I agree with this assessment. I think RB may need to be added to the list. If Fred gets hurt, then what? CJ can't handle the job by himself. Last year CJ was playing with an ankle sprain so he couldn't juke or explode like we all know he can. And CJ is not much of a between the tackles runner. Fred ain't getting any younger, and I think going into yet another season with Fred as the primary offensive work horse is pretty risky.
  18. This list gets me so excited for the draft! No way the Bills can pick a clunker. OL (Greg Robinson) or WR (Sammy Watkins) are my picks, in that order. Sammy Watkins is only listed as 6' 1" and 205 lbs. If he was a little bigger I would be more prone to pick him.
  19. About ten years ago, my neice had a weird book of trivia, and she showed me a page that had a map of Africa, and somewhere in the middle it was labeled "The Buffalo Bills are a Superbowl Dynasty here". I laughed, but I also thought it would be pretty cool if I could get my hands on some of those shirts.
  20. How do you tell if analytics is better than gut instinct? Isn't gut instinct what separates the good coaches from the great coaches? Based on gut instinct a coach can say "we have run to the right twice, it's time for a pass to the left" or "player x seems to be doing well today, let's throw him the ball" or "player y seems to be a step slower than usual today, let's exploit that and send players in his direction" etc. Aren't some coaches better at doing "analytic" type thinking on their own, without collecting a lot of data? (Apparently not Wanny) The example of diapers and beer shows how seemingly unrelated things can actually show a significant interdependence. Those are the types of things that would be interesting to find out about.
  21. I question analytics versus statistics. For example, if a running play to the left with FJ22 will get you at least two yards 80% of the time, then when it is third down and two, you should call a running play to the left with FJ22. From what I have just read, that is not really what analytics is all about. That's kind of a shame, because I wish somebody would impress on these coaches that when it is third down and short, a long pass play that focuses on a single, well covered receiver running along the sideline will fail 95% of the time and stall your drive.
  22. No need to get formal. The nickname for William is Bill, so all those guys named Williams can just be referred to as the Bills.Coincidence?
  23. Garrison Sanborn was robbed! Excellent news for Kyle though.
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