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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. The Bills dropped catchable passes. The Texans caught droppable passes. (By the way, I predicted bad things on this board with the trade-up for Watkins. I am one of the few who opposed the move. He ain't Megatron or Andre Johnson, and IMHO not worth trading up for. In the NFL, a guy who "plays bigger than he really is" will not make plays like he did in college. For that matter, I was against the CJ Spiller pick. A guy who could use his speed in college to beat defenders by running wide will not get away with that in the NFL.)
  2. Did anybody actually think this year the Bills would get into the playoffs? We all saw EJ last year and in preseason to know that he is a project. The idea that the defense and the running game would be good enough this season to carry a team with an unproven/raw/project QB is just not realistic. Should EJ be given the rest of the season to see if he will improve? Should they put Orton in even though he is not the QB of the future for this team? What is the best plan for this season, given that the chances that this team will make it into the playoffs is somewhere between slim and none?
  3. Usually when I watch an NFL game I think how scary fast the passes are thrown. I wouldn't want one of those passes to hit me and there is no way that I would even try to catch one. From what I can tell, EJ does not throw passes like that. Not at all. No zip. Is he afraid to?
  4. Winfield was a great open field tackler. He would go low, ankles and feet. You may not make a highlight reel, the guy may fall forward for an extra yard or two, but you will make the tackle. I am amazed how many DBs don't seem to grasp such a fundamental understanding. Especially when tackling a guy who is going full speed and outweighs you by 30 pounds or more.
  5. People seem to be voting for EJ. If the purpose of the poll is who would win TODAY from that list, I'm not sure EJ is the man. If the purpose of the poll is who would win THREE YEARS FROM NOW, then I could see picking EJ as a likely candidate, but that would require a heavy dose of speculation. Since the group consists of two guys with limited experience (EJ and Geno), two guys who have had enough experience to show that they aren't the answer (Tallywhacker and Moore) one guy with no experience, and two guys with reasonable resumes, it should be no surprise that the more experienced guys would get most of the votes.
  6. Weakest parts of the Bills right now are Oline and DBs. The DBs should be able to handle Fitz. It's up to the Oline to get the job done. And Richardson may be getting his first start. All eyes will be on the Oline (at least mine will be).
  7. wow. that is one sorry list. right now, today, it COULD be orton, but I don't like saying that.
  8. As of right now Richardson is penciled in as the starter since Williams is hurt. So the experiment begins!
  9. suckitudinal paranoia I lie on the couch in the fetal position up until game time and repeat over and over, "Please don't suck, Please don't suck..."
  10. I have recently wondered if EJ will follow Dalton's career path. Big guy, not particularly mobile, not known for great accuracy. After a slow start, he got to be somewhat respectable. His team re-signed him because they figured the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. This is one of those "good is the enemy of great" scenarios.
  11. I said they have spent high draft picks on cornerback and Oline in the past few years, therefore they recognize the priority. The fact that they did not choose wisely is a whole different topic. I think the only first round pick in the last several years that I have been happy with on draft day was Dareus. Spiller, Gilmore, Manuel and Watkins were all head scratchers in my opinion. I don't know enough about Olinemen coming out of college to have opinions, so I trusted the Dougs to know who they were picking.
  12. Gilmore seems to be the target of a lot of ill will from this board. If the Texans win and Fitz has a good day, the torch and pitchfork crowd will likely go after Gilmore.
  13. There wasn't the signs of panic as in past years. Gailey would abandon the run if the team got behind even if it was early in the game. For this game the mix of run and pass was still about the same even though the Bills were behind. And it's not as if the run game was all that effective. They had a plan and they stuck to it. They didn't panic and start going pass whacky like Gailey used to do. But low percentage, long, sideline passes to a double covered receiver on third and short? Twice! Why? I thought with Gailey gone that stupidity would also become a thing of the past.
  14. The Bills have spent high draft picks on O-Line and Gilmore. It's not as if these positions aren't being treated as priorities. For some reason, these highly drafted players all decided to have a bad day at the same time.
  15. I hadn't thought about it from that viewpoint. If they don't trust EJ to make some "routine" throws at this point, that is pretty scary.
  16. No comments on the play calling? Run, run, pass, punt. I wonder how much freedom EJ has to change the play? Are these the plays that are called from the sidelines, or does EJ change them at the line?
  17. I copied and pasted the link to make it work. IMHO, this just adds to the body of evidence that the Bills are a second rate team. It begs the question, if they cut corners with the cheerleaders, what other corners are they cutting? I know cheerleaders have nothing to do with the game itself, but the group that is supposed to make people think happy thoughts is instead making people think angry thoughts.
  18. And that's why the Bills hardly ever get anyone voted to the popularity and name recognition event otherwise known as the Pro Bowl.
  19. Marshall Wake Gates (Rivers is a whiner, and he makes Brady look stoic in comparison. I can't root for a guy like that.)
  20. I am not sure where to go with this... http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24659460/tom-brady-i-probably-touch-my-centers-butts-more-than-their-wives
  21. Now I get it. I didn't realize that a FOX station and a CBS station share a web site. That seems kind of weird.
  22. Your link is to a FOX station. FOX shows NFC games. Is there a CBS station in the area? CBS should show the Bills (Syracuse CBS WTVH has it listed as Bills-Chargers for this Sunday).
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