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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Interesting comparison. It seems as though you use comparative terms when somebody with an inclination to look up statistics could poke holes in your generalizations. If you use statistics to answers some questions, such as: What are the rushing yards given up by the defense? What is the percentage of passes completed against the secondary? What is the TD to INT ratio of the QB? etc., etc., etc. You will likely find that the Bills weaknesses are not as weak as the Jets weaknesses, and the Bills strengths are stronger than the Jets strengths. I don't have the patience to look up such statistics and rankings, but if somebody had that much time and interest, I bet the statistics would help to explain why the Bills are 4-3 and the Jets are 1-6.
  2. An away game against another AFCE team. Historically, not a good scenario for the Bills. The Jets aren't as bad as their record would make you think. The Bills aren't as good as their record would make you think. 17-16 Jets.
  3. There are people who say that having Richie Incognito or Ray Rice or Adrian Peterson on their team would be ok because those players would help them win. Doug Flutie is/was an arrogant jerk, but he helped the team win and was fun to watch. That is unforgivable, but beating your wife and kids apparently isn't so bad.
  4. Week 8 - Bills @ Jets--LOSS Week 10 - KC @ Buff--LOSS Week 11 - Bills @ Fish--LOSS Week 12 - Jets @ Bills--WIN Week 13 - Browns @ Bills--WIN Week 14 - Bills @ Denver--LOSS Week 15 - Packers @ Bills--LOSS Week 16 - Bills @ Oakland--WIN Week 17 - Bills at NE*--LOSS
  5. Great work, thanks again. I was yelling for Orton to throw the ball a few times. I think he occasionally holds on too long and gets himself in trouble. I know Brady has time to order a pizza while he waits back there while the Bills rush three guys, but Orton doesn't have that luxury. Sometimes I think the clock in his head must get stuck and he forgets to throw it away if there isn't anybody open.
  6. Re-sign Hughes... As long as you can get him out into space
  7. I was happy to see Gragg get a few short passes thrown his way. Work him in, see what he can do, use him for dump offs and get a first down.I am baffled how tight ends, a full back and a couple running backs are still not enough to keep the defense from mauling Orton. Of course, Orton is not very mobile. He reminds me of Bledsoe, who reminds me of Cuba Gooding walking across the courtroom with his diving suit on at the end of "Men of Honor"
  8. I predict no significant drop off in running game performance. In fact, it may slightly improve. Fred can weave through the first one or two levels of defense "like pouring water from a glass" to quote Tasker. Spiller tends to dance too much and doesn't get a chance to use his speed very often with all the inside running plays that he is inexplicably assigned. If Booby and Bryce can just plow ahead for "a few yards and a cloud of dust" (or rubber pellets, whatever) then the net result may not be all that different. Good point about picking up blitzes. Fred was the best. Spiller, not so much. And both could run routes and catch. Both had pretty good ball security (I said pretty good, not great).
  9. You gotta love that after Spiller was hurt, he split Boobie out for a screen or a dump off in the flat. Let's run Spiller's play without Spiller! Oh the irony,
  10. If the running game is so bad, does that mean that the other teams are stacking the box against the run and rushing extra guys to go after the QB? If that is the case, isn't the cure for that to have enough of a passing game to force the defense to hang back and cover receivers? Is the O-Line so bad that only rushing four is sufficient to make the QB hurry and cripple the running game?
  11. Welcome back Spags! You haven't been posting as regularly as you used to. That must mean you expect big things this weekend. You are saying this will be the beginning of the rise for the Jets and the beginning of the fall for the Bills. Could be. But I think that if the Jets beat the Bills, it means that neither team is going to be playing in January. See you Sunday evening!
  12. How did the linebackers do today? I saw Preston Brown blow up a screen play. I find it interesting that he's a rookie with the most snaps of all the Bills LBs this season. I saw a running back look at Spikes and dive to the ground. Anything else?
  13. Don't forget aaron williams broke his collarbone when he was playing cornerback (his rookie year i think). The next year he came back as a safety and has been much more successful.
  14. Watching Florida State and Notre Dame is like watching the Jets and the Patriots. Is there any way both teams can lose?
  15. If the Bills lose the booing will be deafening. Goodwin let himself get benched as a precautionary measure.
  16. Flutie reminds me of Fitzy except with a little better accuracy. They both made their offensive lines look better than they were. Either get rid of the ball quickly, move around to buy time, or improvise and run for it. Players that hang in the pocket too long get clobbered with lines like that (RJ for example).
  17. Maybe they should get Ivory out in space. He would be a threat to score every time he gets the ball.
  18. In central NY, there are a few Jets fans that love to give Bills fans a hard time because the Jets have been finishing the season with a better record than the Bills for the past several years. This may be one of those rare years when the tables are turned. If the Jets beat the Pats right after the Bills were embarrassed by the Pats, that would be a reason for the Jets fans to have bragging rights over Bills fans. I will take a small amount of comfort when the Jets lose.
  19. No Goal as a Rallying Cry might make sense. But Wide Right is just a slap in the face.
  20. 9-7 would be a good start. But how will he get from here to there? Something significant will have to change. He can't allow the offense to keep running the same three plays and get it done. He can't keep allowing such vanilla defensive schemes and get it done. He will have to assert himself and show leadership to change from the status quo. That will be how he will win me over.
  21. Bills 20 Vikings 17 Game will be exciting at the end.
  22. Yup. I have given up on Marrone and his cronies. What a shame. A waste of talent with this coaching staff.Will Pagula make significant changes this off-season? Will he find a football czar? These are the moves I am looking for, not some lame lip service from Marrone.
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