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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Change the question to "who should be the starting QB for the Next Game?" That would be fun. And revisit the question every week.
  2. I like to say "every day is better than the next"Say that sometime and see who is paying attention.
  3. Thanks for pointing that out (not being sarcastic). The idea that Orton's arm was turning to mush because he threw it too many times hadn't occurred to me. It makes a lot of sense. An interesting twist that once again points to coaches not understanding the situation.
  4. Too close to call. I believe Whaley is capable of assembling a playoff caliber team. I don't have that kind of confidence in Marrone. However, IF Marrone is here next season, they just might make it in spite of him.
  5. The McLovin fumble was when my hopes dwindled, but I agree that the pass that saved them on 3rd down near the end was the final nail in the coffin. I disagree with the name Fitzorton. Fitzorton would have thrown an interception when the game was possibly still winnable. This was regular Orton. And I don't think he was that bad. He threw the ball away a few times to avoid a sack, which was a good thing IMHO. He had some passes dropped by #14, #10, #38 and #84, to name a few. Some of those were pretty good passes that should not have been dropped.
  6. 26CornerBlitz is one of the main reasons I come to this board so often.
  7. My one complaint about Orton is that he occasionally loses track of the time and gets sacked when he should just throw the ball away. Maybe this will be the wake-up call he needs to stop doing that.
  8. People were talking about Carpenter as a money kicker. Then he missed an extra point. AN EXTRA POINT!!!
  9. From the list of names in the OP, I hope the OL guys on the list are seriously being assessed.
  10. Obviously, Marrone isn't the only coach with obviously as his obviously favorite word.
  11. Do the downfield attempts include throwing it away to avoid a sack? EJ is sacked much less than Orton. Did that happen because he threw it away, and throwing it away statistically goes into the long attempts category?
  12. Oh no. Please don't say that a player may improve even though most people doubted him!The EJ people, the Hackett people, the Pears people (if there are any) will all grasp on to this straw and the woulda, shoulda, coulda arguments will all start over! Unless that is what you are trying to do.
  13. The confidence of the defense was fun to see. Those guys knew that the Jets were not going to do much against them, and the next fumble or interception was just a play or two away. It shows that confidence and momentum can make a huge difference in the way a team plays.
  14. Big city sports media is a whole different animal. The Jets have dug themselves a hole that will take years to get out of. He even gave Marrone props for admitting that the Bills didn't play all that well for the first half.
  15. Interesting. Bills are better than average on first down. Now look at three-and-outs or third down efficiency. Not so pretty.
  16. Of all the "Fire Hackett" and "Leave Hackett Alone" threads, this is possibly the best post, although there have been a few other good ones as well.People saying to leave him alone because the Bills currently have a winning record remind me of that internet joke, "How can you say I'm a bad driver? Nobody died." Just because the Bills have a winning record doesn't mean there is nothing wrong. The predictable and ineffective runs on first down are stupid. Another overused cliche is "What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
  17. He started with 300 yard games, but lately he has been slacking off.
  18. Was it Gannon who said that Hackett is a friend of his, and he knows that Hackett will be disappointed in the poor running game of the Bills. I started yelling at the TV that if it is not working, then change it up!
  19. Agree. I felt the D Ends were getting suckered in and then Vick would run past them. The D Ends and Linebackers needed to avoid the temptation and hold the edge. They got burned a few times when they let Vick (and Harvin) get around the corner.
  20. The announcers were at a loss for words. They didn't know who these guys were.
  21. That is hilarious! I would like to know what they were saying. Maybe they were just having fun.
  22. he was trying to blend in with the color on the field so nobody on the kicking team would realize he was there. high school trickeration attempt. obviously the bills realized he was there so the trick didn't work. obviously.
  23. Bills O Line scares me. Rex will exploit that weakness. Geno needs to hit a few home run passes and then BOOM, the Bills are playing catch up and that rarely works out. Of course, it could be the Bills who exploit the Jets weak O Line, and Orton who hits a few home run passes. I think I am just conditioned not to expect that to happen, especially away games in NY or NE. I think you two just won the internet
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