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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Does Rex get a tax write off for using his truck in a TV commercial?
  2. I look at it as a glass half full... I reporter who knows nothing about the Bills didn't say anything obviously wrong or stupid. That's a start.
  3. Smart play calling on offense is critical. The defense will be good enough to keep the games close. The O-line is not great, but should be good enough. The QB will need to be a caretaker/game manager. The best chance to score on offense will be to rely on runs/slants/screens. That was pretty much the same as last year, and awful play calling may have been the single factor that doomed the season.
  4. Don't forget that the Bills were one of very few teams that have had blackouts in recent years due to insufficient ticket sales. If you are some weanie just looking casually at facts that will support your argument, then that fact alone will sink the status of the Bills fan base. I know, I know... big stadium, bad weather, lousy team. Jacksonville tarps over seats to reduce their stadium capacity, etc., etc. I'm just sayin'...
  5. What about fathers like me, who have created years of depression and dashed hopes for their kids? I did the unthinkable. I turned them into Bills fans.
  6. President McKinley... Born in Ohio. Assassinated in Buffalo.
  7. Sooner or later each team will have to designate two or three "Big Money" players and then fill in the rest of the roster with second tier players. In most cases, the QB will be one of the Big Money players, along with a DE or LB. The GM will have to figure out how to manage the money so that the drop off to the second tier players is not too debilitating. That will be a new GM skill that people will be talking about for the next few years. And comparing current or future GMs to those in the past will no longer be relevant (cough, cough, Polian).
  8. Has DCTom said your an idiot yet? Imagine living next store to someone like that. That would be a hard road to ho. Unless you could care less that he is a curmudgeon. Otherwise you might get a low self of steam. Were you ever upset that they never got CJ Spiller in space? Does it bother you that they would have to use a Russian rocket to do it?
  9. But is K the cerebral QB who can figure out Stevie's unorthodox route running? I doubt it. I also don't think the SF coaches knew the best way to use Stevie either. "My way or the highway"
  10. I've asked this question before... The salary cap forces each team to pay similar amounts to players. However, were the Bills before Pegula always trying to get away with spending less on other facets of the franchise, such as coaches' salaries? I believe that now that they are willing to spend more, the Bills fans will soon be seeing the difference in the win/loss record.
  11. I like Fairburn. I check his articles on syracuse.com. If anyone wants to see viral, small minded and uninformed commentary, I highly recommend checking out the comments at the end of the articles on syracuse.com. It is funny in a sad and depressing sort of way.
  12. If Dareus thinks he can get top dollar after this season, then he will probably avoid signing soon. If he wants an insurance policy in case he isn't as good or gets injured during this season, then he may be willing to sign for a slightly lesser amount now. My bet is that he will wait until after the season and expect the HUGE payday.
  13. ... the subway darlin' don't stand in the pouring rain I believe Jarius Wynn will be an impact player this year.
  14. If he plays it means the NFL has caved. If he doesn't play the Bills will have an easier game. Therefore, I don't want him to play. However, My dream of watching the law firm of Williams, Williams, Williams and Williams converge on his head can't happen if he doesn't play.
  15. 1) I like Jon Stewart in small doses. And I think he sometimes brings up issues that the mainstream media doesn't want to talk about for whatever reason. I believe he will be missed. 2) Even compared to Marshawn, Gronk seems like a meathead. Remember this video game contest with Conan? http://www.google.com/url?q=http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/175794-i-hate-marshawn-lynch/page-15&sa=U&ei=Hm5PVe2uCpWgyASejIHwBw&ved=0CAUQFjAA&usg=AFQjCNHDEhw5yGoX3JUXP3ZLkvvhbENlxw
  16. I can't imagine anybody would be able to predict beyond the first round. In fact, beyond the first 10 the accuracy of the mock drafts is pretty bad. I wouldn't put any faith in a mock for pick 50 or 81. Especially Kiper. He seems to always have agendas for each different team that are way off base.
  17. After seeing that, I will be rooting for this guy to make the team and get some quality playing time.
  18. I agree with these comments (and a few more). O-Line and QB are big question marks. I bet that most teams will game plan assuming that the O-Line and QB will not hold up against a few well planned blitzes, stunts and other schemes designed to confuse them.
  19. Ironic that Rick Springfield was recently in a court case in Syracuse because he bumped somebody as he danced through the crowd at the State Fair and she claimed that she was injured. It was a big deal in the local news. And why is that pertinent? Look up the words to one of his most famous songs, "Jessie's Girl" and then you will know. But be careful, some web sites make the same mistake by confusing the words. His initial grumbling seems natural and understandable to me, but we all know that McCoy will love it in Buffalo once he gives it a chance.
  20. I think Matthew Fairburn generally does a pretty good job with his Bills coverage. However, this short article has "mute" instead of "moot" along with some pretty contorted sentence structures. My high school English teacher would be rolling in her grave if she knew what passes for journalism these days.
  21. Like most people, I voted for workmanlike. This is really just my hope. In reality, I think they will try to go for a big splash in order to create hype and sell a few more tickets. I believe that with a few smart additions, (O-Line, mid-tier QB) this team is a playoff calibre team. I think that Rex and Whaley are like kids in a candy store, and they may spend Pegula's money on things that they really don't need.
  22. My daughter in Portland, Oregon sent me this one... "Hey Seahawks, do you want to win the Superbowl?" "No thanks, we'll pass."
  23. i agree. for some reason that commercial made me angry.
  24. I thought the most common theory is that the Jets would be accused of tampering, since it would seem like they must have made a verbal deal with him before he quit on the Bills. Perhaps they decided that their team was in enough chaos, and decided to avoid any bad publicity based on perception, implication and speculation by the media and the league. I doubt the Jets owner has Goodell on his side the way Kraft seems to.
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