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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. http://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2015/09/buffalo_bills_de_ik_enemkpali_added_to_active_roster_suspended_four_games.html#incart_river According to this article, "To make room for Enemkpali on the active roster, the Bills released defensive lineman Andre Fluellen"
  2. I sometimes think there is more continuity in college ball. The NFL can turn over most of its roster in just a couple of years.
  3. I have seen an effective technique against Brady that does not emphasize the pass rush. Have the big guys get close and stand up to get in his passing lanes, rarely blitz, and maintain tight coverage on the short routes. The Bills did that a couple years ago and it worked better than trying to sack him.
  4. That pass to Edelman over the middle was clearly behind him. If a Bills QB threw that, 1) it wouldn't have been caught, and 2) everybody would be asking for the QBs head.
  5. There is a full hour of hype before this game. I can't think of a worse punishment than listening to Bob Costas talk about Tom Brady. I'll turn on the game around 9:00 and hope that the game is in progress and I don't have to endure any of the garbage that goes on first.
  6. Long (20+ yards) pass to Harvin near the right hash marks. Incomplete. 17 First Downs.
  7. That's my favorite statement that I often want to say to people such as bosses, politicians, my kids, etc. Except I put it, "You're either lying or an idiot." Applies perfectly to Goodell, and I think many people are starting to realize it.
  8. Most of the comments at the end of the articles consist of people saying it's just jealousy. Even people who say they aren't NE fans are saying that it doesn't really matter. I am shocked that so few people think this gave them a competitive edge.
  9. Clearly, Brady is now Goodell's boss. Would any ref want to do something to displease the boss's boss?
  10. You're also right. It is his right to correct somebody.
  11. Going to implode in terms of his confidence going away, which would likely cause his quality of play to become increasingly problematic. I believe he needed a chance to sit out and regain his confidence, which is kind of a Catch-22. If he continues to play poorly, then his confidence will likely just get worse. If he doesn't play, then he has no opportunity to regain his confidence.
  12. In hindsight, that would have been the right thing to do. However, after the JJ Watt pick six, it seemed like EJ was going to implode, and many people felt that a change was needed.
  13. I watched it live and it looked to me like his foot was painted blue by the TV line. He was inching back just before the ball was snapped, so he may not have been offsides by the tiniest of margins. I knew what the penalty was as soon as I saw the flag. Within the margin of error of most ref calls, I would not argue that one.
  14. Tyrod makes me think of Ball Joynt or Coyl Spring. Hopefully not Ydle Arm. However, I am in the "Just Call Him Tyrod" camp.
  15. More Jets cuts: Anybody on here a "Rex Guy"? WR T.J. Graham Saalim Hakim Austin Hill DeVier Posey Jonathon Rumph TE Matt LaCosse OL James Brewer Dalton Freeman LB Bryan Johnson DB Javier Arenas Curtis Brown Keith Lewis
  16. MarQueis Gray had a catch and a pretty solid game all around. He had some bad drops in the first two games. I don't know if he makes the team or not, but he helped himself in this game.
  17. TT and Vick are both from Va Tech. TT came right after him and was considered "Vick-light" since he scrambled around and made things happen, but not quite to the same level. Makes sense that they are friends.
  18. My daughter went to college in a different state. We made a deal that she would call every Wednesday evening and every Sunday morning. Ten years later, she lives on the other side of the country, and she still calls every Wednesday evening and every Sunday morning. I can't stress how important that is, on many levels. My son went to school locally and lives just a few minutes away. We never made any deals about calling since he was so close. It turns out, he almost never calls, and if he does it usually means he needs something.
  19. I have a hard time getting past the dog abuse, but in spite of that I still don't see why anyone would sign this guy, When he was put into the BIlls game last season after Geno had three (or was it four?) turnovers, he clearly didn't know what he was supposed to do. He did things like turn the wrong way, and he threw the ball to the wrong receiver. More than once. I think he even admitted that he didn't expect to play and never studied the playbook. Why would any team want him? When people say the Bills should have taken a flyer on him, I think Rex would rather not get burned twice by the same guy.
  20. I liked the way Darby played. He never hung his head, and he kept going full speed. He was always close, and for a first game he did not look like he was overwhelmed. Late in the game I saw a few guys with names that I've never seen before who looked out of place, too slow, etc., and some of them were starting to hang their heads as if they knew that their chance to make the team was somewhere between slim and none.
  21. Why does anybody ever try to return a punt? There is ALWAYS an illegal block. Just take the fair catch.
  22. Poor EJ. I really want to see the guy succeed. It just doesn't seem like it is going to happen. And every time I see RAMBO in on a play, it makes me smile. I don't know if I will ever get tired of that.
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