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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. If the Syracuse receivers actually caught a few passes, the game would have been much better. The posters on this forum blamed Watkins for not catching a pass five feet over his head. I would love to see a forum discuss the many, many, many drops and bungled non-catches that the Syracuse receivers had, and many of them were very good passes. Shake my head.
  2. Weather here in Upstate NY is beautiful today! 4:30 start gives me a chance to go on a little hike before game time. I usually watch the game with my son, but he is working today, so I will watch alone. My wife will check on me occasionally to determine if I will be in a good mood or a bad mood later. If it was a rainy, dreary day I wouldn't be happy about the later start time.
  3. They just said the Bills game might be the first chance for both Cruz and Beckham to be healthy in a long time. You can't have too many cornerbacks.
  4. I didn't drink any alcohol. Not even a single beer. I haven't watched a game without a few beers in a long time.
  5. Unfortunately, almost all games are won or lost by just a few plays. The parity league.
  6. GET RID OF THE BALL! Brady picks you apart with several slants and short sideline passes, then after a while he goes for the big play down the field. Those short passes are out of his hand in about one second. Tyrod was holding the ball and looking, looking, looking for WAY too long.
  7. I agree with both of these statements! I think Tyrod learned a few things, like get that clock going in your head and don't stay in the pocket too long, Roll out is a better plan. I also thought the secondary did ok, but a game plan that uses linebackers in pass coverage is exactly what the Pats are looking for. Don't do that. I thought FireChan was being a little crazy in the shoutbox, but with four minutes to go, I started to think it could be done.
  8. I've said this before and I'll say it again... Brady gets the ball out in about 1 second. TT (and most other quarterbacks) hold it much longer. TT held it for several seconds quite often, usually with bad results. Is it play design? Awareness? Experience? And why are their receivers ALWAYS open in the flats? Against everybody, all the time. Ironically, Fitz is also good at getting the ball out quickly.
  9. Beam me up Scotty. There is no sign of intelligent life here.
  10. Let me get this straight... 1) Sammy gets open several times 2) TT doesn't choose to throw it to him 3) This is Sammy's fault 4) He was drafted too high 4A) This is also his fault What am I missing, other than Fantasy Football is just stupid? I work with a guy who wants the Bills to win, but somehow he has Edelman in his fantasy league. I don't think he will be upset if Edelman doesn't have a good game this week.
  11. It has been reported for weeks that McCoy has some hamstring issues. Limiting his practice so he can rest a little before the game is logical. I choose to believe that the sky is, in fact, NOT falling.
  12. I would like to skewer Goodell. Brady is Goodell's Boss which is the G rated version of... Goodell is Brady's B___h or the ever popular: Brady says, "Jump" Goodell asks, " How High?" of course, ticking off Goodell could come back to haunt the Bills.
  13. Tyrod long pass (20+ yards) on the right to Harvin. Incomplete. 17 First Downs
  14. There should be an over/under on how many threads will be started next week because of bad ref calls. I say there will be over two and under five before the mods can stop them.
  15. Great interception but if it's fourth down, knock it down.
  16. Why do they keep running McCoy into the line? Use Williams for that.
  17. The thing about these phantom penalties is that on Tuesday they will say that they were bad calls. Gee, thanks.
  18. Exactly. Now don't get cute with it. Don't do it again for a looong time.
  19. Going to lose the challenge, but they get an extra long time-out for it
  20. How the Bills will play Is a mystery to me Beer will get me through
  21. The Pats will find a weakness and just keep exploiting it. They don't suddenly decide to try something new to keep the defense guessing. If it works, don't fix it. Keep it simple, stupid. "43's the Mike, 43's the Mike"
  22. Dang. Whaley is even more on the ball than I thought. Maybe this is SOP, but it seems pretty shrewd to me.
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