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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. I think every punt should be a fair catch. The idea that a return will be successful without a penalty is a dream these days.
  2. You didn't mention the running game. Karlos Williams is a stud, and I like that he hits the line even if there isn't a hole rather than try to bounce it outside and take a big loss. But they went to the well too often and too predictably.
  3. The Giants had some looong drives followed by 3-and-outs. The fact that the defense had any gas in the tank and the game was still within reach until that bad missed tackle should not be overlooked.
  4. So many thoughts... Urbik was in for a while. Even I could see what a liability he is, and I rarely watch line play. They showed a new defensive idea late in the game. They had a LB and CB both line up on the WR, The LB would chip him at the line and then head toward the middle of the field to do his usual assignment, and then the CB would pick up the WR as usual. This would throw off the timing and prevent those quick passes that can cause death by a thousand little gains.
  5. that train horn is annoying. i change the channel now to avoid it.
  6. Why is it that whenever the Bills beat somebody, it turns out that they are a terrible team? I hope it doesn't mean that the Bills are not as good as we think. Also, I am going to be very nervous when the Bills play the Fitzy's.
  7. The Jags may pull the trigger midseason. After all, they have an associate head coach/line coach with NFL head coaching experience!
  8. I agree that this team seems destined for the playoffs, but I will NEVER be optimistic at the start of a game. I will be scared and unapproachable as the game starts tomorrow, even though most people think the Bills should beat the Giants easily. I will NEVER predict a victory for the Bills. I live in an area dominated by Giants fans, so if the Bills lose I will be the target of ridicule for a while. Too many years of dashed hopes, too many years of being ridiculed for being a Bills fan, too many years of injuries piling up. Yes, there is depth and there is better coaching this year, and Tyrod has turned out to be better than many people thought (so far). But I have seen defeat clutched from the jaws of victory too many times. My poor wife, she doesn't understand why I care about something as trivial as football, but she knows that if the Bills lose I will be in a bad mood for a while. The bad mood used to last for several days, but all these years of bad teams have made me much less likely to let it bother me for very long. But losing to the Giants or Patriots has an extra sting. I sure hope the Bills win tomorrow.
  9. Long pass to Harvin (>20 yards) on the right side of the field. Incomplete. That's my prediction every week. I doubt they will ever do it.
  10. In another week or two several teams will be virtually eliminated from any possible playoff scenario. I doubt anyone changes coach until that point. How do players react when they realize this season is in the toilet and it isn't even half over?
  11. Check out Brady's numbers on that web site. He gets positive marks for beating the Colts, Bills and the Jags. Are you telling me that Brady's quick outs to Edelman (which he hardly ever drops) are worth more than Rodgers scrambling to buy time and throwing a perfect strike, with his favorite receiver out for the year? Are you telling me that the Colts, Bills and Jags ALL have better defenses than the Chiefs? I don't pretend to understand this grading stuff, but it sure seems arbitrary and slanted toward somebody's man crush.
  12. Jayne Mansfield was killed in a car crash. Her wig came off during the crash, and it was initially reported that she was decapitated. I am assuming the when Rambo crashed into him he hit Darby in the head. Thus the decapitation --> Jayne Mansfield reference.
  13. I like Aaron Williams. He plays with passion and he can really hit when he gets a chance. We all know about the stupid penalties. My question, was there any drop off in safety play with him out of the game? Will he still be the starter as soon as he is healthy again?
  14. McCoy was doing things that reminded me of Spiller, and I was never a Spiller fan. Boobie was completely ineffective. Karlos was the best RB on the team today.
  15. If the Bills score again, everybody will be heading for the bus, and it will be a good time to just exchange punts until the time runs out.
  16. Phantom PI call followed by another PI call handing the Pats another touchdown.
  17. I just looked at the various "Expert" predictions on-line. It was about 2 to 1 in terms of the number of "Experts" who picked the Jets compared to "Experts" that picked the Eagles. The Jets had better have an amazing second half if they are going to be right.
  18. I agree with the experts, clearly the Jets are the team in the AFCE that will give the Pats their biggest challenge.
  19. Wow. What terrible games! How can I wish that all teams will lose? I think the Jags will get beat easily. However, I think the Pats brought their A-Game to Buffalo, and they will play just hard enough to win against the Jags. I will root for the Iggles to beat the Jets, but I don't like doing it (tough choice: root for a division rival, or root for Chip Kelly).
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