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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Many years of Bills history has caused me to make this prediction... Jets 31 Bills 17 I hope I'm wrong, but I can't help myself. After this game, talk of Rex "losing the locker room" will be the hot topic. PS: The Jets have an incredibly EASY schedule for the rest of the season. I don't even think Bad Fitz could screw this up (if he appears in the next few weeks as expected).
  2. When the Bills humiliate and dominate the Dolphins everybody will say that Moorman should lead the charge every week. My son and I still laugh when we talk about Moorman running the obstacle course at the Pro Bowl many years ago. Rather than move the sled, he went around it and took a time penalty. He was so fast that he almost won the competition. They used to have several different skill contests leading up to the Pro Bowl, and they were much more fun to watch than the game.
  3. I remember that the Bills were pretty bad when he was the coach, but I am always surprised by the venom people spew at him. He seems to always get another high paying job, so somebody must think he has something to offer. Of course, it always seems to be on bad teams. He probably will work for a lot less than other coaches with experience.
  4. I wish somebody could remind me why we are supposed to hate Mularkey. Maybe I don't remember correctly, but he was told he could keep his job if he fired his assistants. He said I could not respect myself if I did that to save my skin, so I will fire myself instead. Why is that something that we are supposed to hate? I must have it all wrong.
  5. Appropriate on many levels...drinking for the fans, getting up again for the team (and the fans) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2H5uWRjFsGc
  6. Thanks for the info. My bad. I should have known. Somehow this slipped through the cracks of my mind.
  7. What's up with Aaron Williams? I haven't heard anything about his status. Is he back? For real this time?
  8. EJ is the only NFL QB to be part of a losing game in three different countries. How can you not respect that?
  9. They just said Ryan Mallett could get a phone call....
  10. That is a good write-up on the BIlls. Summarizes things nicely. If it is that obvious to the national media, it must be obvious to the owners.
  11. 12 out of 32 teams make the playoffs. Not all of those 12 teams have "elite" or "franchise" quarterbacks. In fact, in any given year some teams with "elite" or "franchise" quarterbacks don't even get into the playoffs. Some of the differences between the Bills and a playoff team include consistency, good coaching, good player selection, discipline, injuries, team leaders, and players that believe, If you find yourself playing for a legendary team with legendary coaches and legendary players, you tend to believe a little more and try a little harder. If Aaron Rodgers, Eli, Peyton, Brady throw you a pass, you don't get alligator arms. If James Harrison is on your team, you don't wiff on a tackle. If Belichick will sit you on the bench and cut you for stupid penalties or fumbling, you don't let those things happen. Success breeds success.
  12. once you get backed up close to your own goal line, the other team will start declining the penalties.
  13. I agree. Whaley is somewhat experienced at the GM position at this point. We hope he has learned from some of his previous decisions/gambles that have not turned out well. I think he has earned another chance. Rex is the one I am losing patience with.
  14. I will watch the games, talk about the team, hope and dream. But in reality, I will be shocked and amazed if this Bills team makes the playoffs. Having the team get healthy may make games against Miami, Houston or a few other weak teams winnable, but I don't think this team could win a game against a team with a winning record. I think we are in fan purgatory. It may take another year or more before the Pegulas decide to do something that helps. Many questions will need to be addressed before this team turns a corner. Will the defense learn Rex's scheme? Is Rex's scheme any good? Will it require massive player turnover? Will the QB question be addressed? I like TT, but he I don't know if he is a good a pocket passer, and running QBs don't last long. Will he grow into the job? Be injured too much? Will Watkins ever reach the potential he was drafted for? Will the O-Line continue to improve? Etc, etc, etc. Will a "football czar" be able to help? Who would that be? Getting some of these questions answered may be interesting, but rooting for a playoff team may not happen this season. Again.
  15. Thanks for the info. Great job as usual. You probably need a drink or three after watching that. The "comeback" against a "prevent D" is a good input. I think we all kind of knew that was the case, but it's good to get confirmation.
  16. I keep checking the story lines to see if the Bills are going to do something on their bye week. Realistically, I know it is too early to declare this season a bust and make changes. However, I am so disappointed in Rex with all of his bragging and side-show personality, I would love to see something happen. I also know that the injuries have been ridiculous, and it is premature to pin the poor W/L record on Rex. But my disappointment causes me to wish something would be done. Rex is being paid too much for anyone to just eat his salary and send him away. Perhaps bring in an "associate head coach" and knock Rex down a little in prestige. But nobody with any credibility would want the job. I think I just made a circular argument. The fate of a Bills fan.
  17. I'm not convinced a review would help with most PI calls. There is almost always some sort of bumping, hand swatting, etc. when a receiver and a defender are side by side. They can rationalize any call that they make or don't make. Although, with the play being discussed, it sure looked like Robey was playing the ball and it seems inappropriate to call that a PI penalty.
  18. If this team only wins 9 games or less, they will feel the need to make a splash in the offseason. Another year of Whaley and Rex will not satisfy the fan base. Will they bring in a football czar with name recognition? Will they rework some contracts to free up cap money so they can get a QB with name recognition? Something will have to change to rekindle hope (and sell tickets).
  19. I know several Syracuse fans, and most of them root for a different team, and only follow the Bills because of geographical proximity. Maybe that is what makes them smart fans?
  20. Jets are for real. Split maybe, but will not beat them twice. If the Bills are a playoff caliber team, they will have to win a few tough ones.
  21. I feel as though the Bills have so little hope for playoffs, I can go ahead and root for the Jests. Go Fitz!
  22. can ej get his act together? is putting in the unknown guy not worth the risk?
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