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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Bocephuz: IMHO, you do a great service to casual fans such as me, and I look forward to and enjoy reading your analyses. I get pretty angry when somebody decides to give a hard time to people like you, Bill from NYC, YOLO, wawrow or several other posters who genuinely add some meat to this board. And that's all I'm gonna say about that.
  2. What would become of Hughes on the Pats roster? My son has a friend who is a Pats fan. Bandwagoner. I would love to ask the kid what it feels like to be on the receiving end of questionable officiating for once, but I don't want to alienate the kid. He's basically a good kid, other than his choice of teams to root for.
  3. And the Bills logo gets smaller and smaller in the on-screen graphics each week until it finally goes away.
  4. Alex Carrington and Stefan Charles instead of Kyle and Mario. This seems ok to me. Time will tell.
  5. It isn't the Chiefs offense that scares me. It's the Bills offense (or lack thereof) that scares me.
  6. Since the trade deadline has passed, it is a moot point. I was just trying to be sarcastic/funny. And in the off-season, Dallas will surely figure out a better option than EJ, so the whole discussion is just for fun.
  7. I'm thinking that if the Panthers and the Cheetahs end up in the Super Bowl, the Panthers will win big. This team is impressive.
  8. I am thankful that we are one year closer to the day when the Bills will be good and the Patriots will be bad.
  9. Closing the barn door after the cow got out. Leo fumbled, the Bills lost (not necessarily cause and effect, but an argument can be made).
  10. I'm probably over emphasizing that 1 target game in my head. The fact that this is not a "pass first" team also makes it seem like he isn't getting much action.
  11. Seems like he was the favorite target earlier in the season, but lately not so much. Not sure why.
  12. I have been noticing today that tight ends that stand at least six inches taller than anyone else on the field are getting used by many teams. Clay isn't as tall as some that I saw today, but he is strong, can run routes well, and has good hands. The fact that he isn't being used to move the chains more often is indeed puzzling.
  13. It's the final race of the season, which means the champion will be announced at the end of the race. Really, really bad planning. It's NBC, should we be surprised?
  14. Not that I believe in jinxing the team. but all this talk about how worthless he is makes me think he will stand in the endzone and make a catch too high for the defense to stop. He does that every so often, and I wouldn't be surprised if it happens on Monday night. Then who will look foolish?
  15. Not to change the subject, but sometimes when Wawrow visits this board, inevitably a few people abuse him for not asking tough questions or leaking insider information. I always wonder what sort of naive kids would think that would be a good idea.
  16. I believe the Patriots find guys who are willing to make a deal with the devil for short term glory. Welker, Edelman, Amendola will all be drooling in nursing homes by the time they are 40.
  17. Agreed. First and goal. Run, Run, Run, Field Goal. Would have had the same outcome but taken more time off the clock. You might even get lucky and punch it in with one of those runs.
  18. I looked it up. It says the daughter of a color blind man could inherit normal cones from the mother and abnormal cones from the father, which could then lead to a girl with enhanced color sensitivity. I believe that my daughter could have that trait. I will talk to her about it when I get a chance.
  19. When you have as many turnovers in your favor as the Bills did, you really should win by more than 5 points. I'm happy with the win, but as somebody said in a thread a few years ago, this manner of winning is unsustainable. The Bills offense was pretty anemic for long stretches of time. The defense and a few bad decisions by the Jets truly won this game.
  20. Old Black and White games always had one team with a light colored shirt, and the other with a dark colored shirt. It is a fairly recent trend for both shirts to be a medium or dark color. And yes, as a color blind person, I can assure you that I saw gray versus gray.
  21. I have pretty severe red-green colorblindness. I couldn't tell the uniforms apart most of the time. Both teams had predominantly white helmets. I thought it was funny. Now that I realize that it has been in the news, maybe I should make a fuss because I am being discriminated against! For Revis versus Sammy, I was looking at the numbers on their jerseys to tell who was who. Sammy's hair also helped. In fact, I used numbers a lot. O-Line is mostly 60s and 70s, so I used that to determine who was offense and who was defense when Tyrod was getting chased around in the backfield. Unfortunately, I had plenty of chances to use that technique.
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