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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. How many games were one play away? The phantom PI on Robey against the Jaguars. The last minute throw that was too high for Watkins against the Pats. etc, etc, etc. Every so often there is a year when it comes down to a few key plays that stand between the Bills and the playoffs. A few key injuries. A few bad plays. Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda. Here's the thing... the good teams make those plays.
  2. My thoughts exactly. I'm torn. Cowboys and Jets are two of my least favorite teams, and I would normally be thrilled if the Bills beat either of them. This year, I think sending a message and improving draft position may turn out to be a better choice in the long run. I won't root for the Bills to lose, but I will think that every dark cloud has a silver lining if they do.
  3. you should put a list of screen names and see if we can pass a test by matching the screen name to the quote.
  4. In the past the mantra was "Support the team or they will move out of Buffalo." Interesting (refreshing) that nobody is saying that with all this talk of boycotting to send a message.
  5. I think Whaley has done a good job, and I would rather keep him and fire Rex. But with the big contract they gave Rex, I think they may go the other way. It could only work if they can find somebody with good credentials who will take the job, and let everyone know that he is supposed to give Rex a hard time about the lack of discipline that the team shows too often.
  6. This may turn out to be a good scenario. Rex isn't going anywhere with his contract. They have no financial stake in Whaley going forward. If they can hire a POWERFUL GM, then maybe Rex can be held accountable and the situation could improve.
  7. Syracuse Basketball NCAA tournament in 2003 with Carmelo Anthony, etc.
  8. I believed that the defense was in good shape, Roman would make the offense better than Hackett, and a few new key players at RB, TE, QB, OG would also make things better. So yes, this year the poor W/L record surprised me. Hurt? No. Bills fans get used to waiting. We waited out Donohoe, we waited out Jauron, Greggo, Wannstedt, Hackett. We waited out Orton, Bad Fitz, EJ. Now I think we have to wait out Rex. Not what I was expecting at the beginning of the season, but it may be inevitable.
  9. No official word, but all the "experts" on this forum seem to feel: Mario, Kyle almost certainly gone. Bradham and possible other LBs probably gone. Robey and other smallish DBs probably gone. etc. It may just be the natural turnover kind of thing that happens every year, or it may be the result of finding guys that fit the perceived scheme of having big guys clog up the front while the guys on the next levels make plays. It would be hard to change too many positions all in a single offseason, but it will be interesting to see what happens. In my opinion, the offseason moves may be more interesting than the last three games at this point. Playing with a line-up of second and third stringers due to injuries, and needing a pretty far fetched set of circumstances to fall into place in order for the Bills to make the playoffs isn't very compelling to me. In fact, the game isn't even televised in central NY this weekend. We get the Giants game on FOX instead.
  10. So let me get this straight... For the sake of continuity it is a bad idea for the owner to blow up the coaching staff, but it is okay for the coaching staff to blow up the roster and bring in guys that will fit the new scheme. Makes sense to me.... NOT
  11. I am rooting for anybody but the Patriots. I am a Bills fan. I root for the Bills to win. I really want the Bills in the playoffs. Based on that fact, what I want in the NFL is rarely what happens. Take it to the bank, the Patriots win it all.
  12. So based on the TV map, Syracuse, Utica and most of Upstate NY get the Giants game instead of the Bills.
  13. When the Bills don't matter, I relax and watch because I enjoy football. Unless it's the Pats, then I watch in hopes to see Brady cry. ^This You Bet!
  14. I believe it was advertised as a safety issue. If the defense jumps, the offense should have a chance to brace for impact. That sort of makes sense to me. A do-over would require a whole new huddle, since the way the O Line moves could give away the play. It would also require a ref conference to decide of the penalty was egregious or not. A lose-lose situation. I think the whole flopping and creating penalties situation is getting out of hand. Throw a long pass and get a PI penalty. If a lineman gets close to the QB, go for a roughing penalty. Graze a helmet, get a blow to the head penalty. etc. "
  15. Please let this happen! This is exactly what I have been hoping for. I have said in other posts that it is unlikely that Rex will be fired with his current contract, so let's hope they bring in somebody with real football knowledge and experience should be brought in to be Rex's boss.
  16. In order to still like it, I would have had to like it in the first place. Didn't like it then, don't like it now. Can't imagine I will ever like it.
  17. Is every thread going to turn into a "TT SUCKS" thread from now on? Just like the "CARPENTER SUCKS" threads a couple weeks ago. Who would be better? Who are you going to get? How much time will the new guy get? And when do the EJ fans come out of the woodwork to let us know that if EJ had been given just a few more chances, he would have turned the corner? I was impressed by TT. He threw too many long balls that seemed to be throw aways, but without knowing the play call, I can't condemn him for that. He has a nice touch on his passes, and he runs just enough to move the chains. Personally, I would like to turn every thread into a "OLINE SUCKS" thread. How many good plays were called back by holding? This offense seems to have a lot of bad plays with the occasional successful long bomb. That is not sustainable. And why is the third play from scrimmage always a trick play that fails? That seems to be the pattern for much of this season.
  18. I keep thinking that maybe Aaron Williams got so fed up with Edelman that he ended up hurting himself by making a flying leap at him. Emotion like that can backfire for sure.
  19. - Rambo had a pretty good game. He laid the wood a few times. - Who was playing safety at the end of the game? I saw #10 and #81 back there, and I think there were a few other special team/offense guys as well.
  20. Nihilarian, I also agree with your post. Unfortunately, I also agree with MGK above. Nothing will happen. It's too soon, and the Pegulas know that the team will still make money even though Rex was a bad hire. The deck chairs will be rearranged (lose a good player, then sign another who is a "Rex guy"). But the unprofessional, sloppy way the team is handled will not change.
  21. I get what you are talking about. Part serious, part humor. On the other hand, I remember several years ago some Colts rookie running back lit the Bills up and nobody saw it coming. This kid's name was Edgerrin James.
  22. Disappointed: yes Pissed off: no Too many years of the same to get emotional about it. Part of me thinks that if the wheels come off, the Pegulas will be forced to do something sooner rather than later. I would like to see a Football Czar brought in, and have Rex maintain the title of head coach, but have somebody else drive from the back seat. Make Rex do the press conferences and be the huckster, but have somebody else make the schemes, and bring in some discipline and maturity. A Parcells type of guy, but he is too old at this point. I don't know who this other person would be, but it would be the only way to right this ship without dumping Rex. I truly do not believe that Rex will make the team better on his own if given more time.
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