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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. I was thinking that in many other languages the adjective comes after the noun, which is why in French NATO is abbreviated OTAN, because it refers to an organization and all the other words are adjectives. Has anyone on this board ever brought up the fact that "BUFFALO BUFFALO BUFFALO BUFFALO BUFFALO" is a complete sentence?
  2. The description is confusing. If a particle from the sun is reflected back toward Earth, it would be a Sun Particle. Particle Sun sounds like the sun itself is made from a particle. May the Schwartz be with you.
  3. I don't want a head coach who is personally involved with developing a QB. I don't want a head coach who is a "specialist" in offense, defense, special teams, a certain position, fitness, weight training, water intake, film study, or any other specific aspect of running a team. I want a head coach who knows how to delegate, knows how to lead, knows how to enforce proper behavior, and who know how to manage game time decisions.
  4. Apparently Denver and San Diego are interested in interviewing him. That sounds like some tough competition.
  5. Watkins is not a bust, but he may have been too expensive. I never thought Donte Whitner was a bust, I just thought he was too expensive.
  6. I want a head coach who is not a "defensive genius" or "offensive genius." I want a head coach who is a manager, organizer, strong personality, leader, serious, and flexible. Let the OC and DC do their jobs. I am tired of the idea that Hackett was the OC but he was under Marrone's thumb, Gailey was a HC and OC, Thurman was the DC but he was under Rex's thumb, etc. I also am tired of fitting the players to the scheme instead of fitting the scheme to the players. The idea that the players aren't the right fit so we will have to go through a few off-seasons until we get the players that we want is lazy and not professional.
  7. I'm not sure if it will be possible this time. The defense can't stop the run. There is no QB on the roster who is worth getting excited about. They will probably have to draft multiple DBs. The new coach will likely be somebody without a great track record (I never drank the Rex koolaid myself, because his previous few years were pretty bad). Not a good recipe for tasty koolaid.
  8. The only reason you fire Rex before the season is over is so that you can move fast to hire his replacement. If Lynn is the guy you want and he is truly being considered by other teams, then you sign him yesterday. If you want to hire a coordinator from NE or some other good team, then you have to wait until their team is eliminated from the playoffs. Why fire Rex now if you can't get one of those guys until February? Such a Billsy dilemma.
  9. I think of accountable recognizing and fixing your own shortcomings. If you don't know the playbook, study it. If you are making stupid penalties, stop it. If you are not wrapping up on tackles, start doing it. etc. It shouldn't take a coach or a team captain to point out these kinds of mistakes. Fix them on the next play. Fix them the next week. Fix them on your own.
  10. three more years is a question to me. at least one more, and see how it goes from there. i am not a Rex fan, but firing a "big name" coach after two years of still being relevant in December is not a good strategy. imho
  11. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. After the nuclear apocalypse, the only thing left will be cockroaches, and Ryan Fitzpatrick.
  12. In bad weather the short pass is the key. Even the announcers mentioned it. The QB and the receiver know the route, and the DB has to react. In bad weather the DB will have to move slower, and may fall down. Advantage offense. For some reason this does not seem to be common knowledge.
  13. I'm one of those colorblind people who couldn't tell the teams apart. I was using the uniform numbers to figure out whether a player was on offense or defense. It was frustrating and funny at the same time. There were a few news stories during the week after that game about color blind people having problems. I don't think we will see that combination again.
  14. I have friends and relatives in the Pittsburgh area, so I don't hate it when the Steelers win. However, I always root for the Bills above any other team, and I was hoping the Bills would rise to the occasion last week. It was not to be.
  15. I thought Hall of Fame was for "players that changed the game." The penalty for going out of bounds on kick coverage is the Tasker Penalty. He changed the game.
  16. When the world ends in a nuclear war, there will be two things left: cockroaches, and Ryan Fitzpatrick. They can fight over the Twinkies.
  17. I wish I could figure out what it will take to turn this franchise around. I think I would go find a coach who is a SOB with no sense of humor and no nonsense (cough cough, Belichick). The players would have to buy in, which might not happen until there are more wins than losses. Marrone was like that except for his huge ego, lousy assistant coaches and coordinators, and terrible in-game coaching and clock management.
  18. I was amazed at the hits many of the NE players took and they just get up. Edelman's brain will be scrambled by the time he is 40. (Isn't Welker already showing signs of brain damage?) Whenever a player for the Bills takes a hit, I assume he will be out for a while. Whenever a player for NE takes a hit, he gets up and laughs. What is going on? This is a real question, I just don't understand.
  19. Why are there so few plays for the BIlls that involve a QUICK pass? I see TT standing like a statue surveying the field too often. I almost never see a designed play to a quick slant or pass to the outside. Those plays are becoming the bread and butter of several teams these days. Are the Bills just not adapting to the times? Does TT have slow eyes? Is he too scared to throw the quick pass because it's a timing throw to a spot rather than leading a receiver?
  20. I once dated a girl who said if the pun is too obvious, just let it go. I only dated her about three times. I couldn't live up to her standards.
  21. I sure wish there was a way to determine if it was a Lynn instead of Roman thing. There seemed to be more short passes. The read option/sweep was working. Fullback blocking was better. Coincidence?
  22. This is a good way to put it. For some reason, people don't seem to realize that the bad offense put too much pressure on the defense. People also don't seem to realize that for the past few seasons, Fitz has been pretty good for about four games, then he gets hurt and tired. That's when he starts making his infamous bad passes.
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