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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. On TBD, people know how to use the search function so they don't start dozens of redundant posts about EJ, TT, DW, etc.
  2. Is it rational to think they can still restructure his contract, or has that ship sailed?
  3. This doesn't look like a website with a lot of credibility, but I just stumbled across this from a facebook link... http://www.12up.com/posts/4632970-superstar-running-back-hints-he-could-soon-be-a-free-agent Is this an example of a self perpetuating rumor?
  4. Makes me wonder how the Pats can get guys from a dumpster and turn them into all stars. Maybe the coaches emphasize different aspects of the game. Maybe their playbook is simpler, and it is up to the players to execute. Maybe they coach technique along with the plays. I have no idea. I just don't understand how one team can dominate so much in the parity league. I know the easy answer is that Brady is the key, but I think there is more to it than that.
  5. I think the OP's scenario makes a lot of sense, and I believe it will happen... In about four years
  6. So sorry. Prayers for you and your family and your son.
  7. This x1000 Just say no to the injury prone pocket passer. Cap money will be hard enough to find. Don't spend big bucks on somebody who will be on IR before October.
  8. I agree. A lot of the powerhouse college QBs have a play that involves one read. If that read isn't open, then tuck and run. IMHO, the Bills shouldn't draft EJ 2.0.
  9. We're going to build a bully I'm going to fit the scheme to the players. Nate Hackett was the Best Offensive coordinator. No one was better. He designed the game plan and called the plays. All of them. He did great. Dennis Thurman was the Best Defensive Coordinator. No one was better. He designed the game plan and called the plays. All of them. He did great. Tyrod Taylor is a Pro-Bowl Quarterback... oh wait, that happened
  10. I've had a few experiences in my life (school, church, work) in which a loose and easy going leader caused things to go awry. The fix involves bringing in people who are all business, no nonsense types. I feel as though that was what was done here. I think it was the right thing to do. Time will tell.
  11. ok. Now I feel like an idiot, but I understand the quandary. I bet he would be pretty valuable for a team with a QB who can really use his speed. I'm not convinced the QB for the Bills (whoever he is) will be able to really use him. He isn't built to be a possession receiver, or play special teams IMHO. I doubt he would be worth the price of his next contract for the Bills.
  12. Are there ramifications for cutting him before/during/after training camp? I could see him being cut if he loses a battle to a cheaper guy for the fourth, fifth or sixth receiver. If there is some significant cap benefit for cutting him before training camp, that could make the decision a little tougher. If there is no benefit for cutting him early, then it is a no brainer to keep him and see how things work out in training camp. He had some good games this year, and is worth the benefit of the doubt. It would be nice if he could play special teams, but he doesn't seem to be rugged enough for that.
  13. I was trying to point out that the poll was vague enough to allow multiple interpretations. By saying "win a SB" I assume he meant as a starter. If he is trying to imply that TT has not yet displayed a skill set comparable to the four QBs who are playing today, then I agree. I was also trying to weigh in on the "Dump Tyrod" argument. I realize he is due for a big payday that would be a bad cap hit, but until a better QB is identified he probably should be kept. And his cap hit is not out of line with other "average" QBs. I believe he should be kept, and within a year or two a legitimate QB competition can occur. In the meantime, if the new coaches are any good this team should be able to back into a wild card game, which isn't great but it is a step in the right direction.
  14. Does winning the SB imply that he has to be the starting quarterback for most of the season, including the SB? If that is the criteria, then I doubt it. Does being the backup quarterback on a SB winning team count? If that is considered "winning" then it's a crap shoot. Does keeping him imply that he must be the starter, or can he be kept in order to be part of a legitimate quarterback competition (maybe not this year, but in a year or two for sure)? Keeping him with the implication that he must be the starter doesn't seem smart or realistic.
  15. I was glad the Pegulas bought the team. I was glad to see that they are willing to spend some money on players, coaches, facilities, etc. I was disappointed when they hired Rex. I was glad when they realized their mistake and fired him. I am hopeful that the new coaches will bring a more serious attitude and success will follow. Unfortunately, with salary caps and a small talent pool, the QB situation will likely be in limbo for a couple more years, but I have the patience to wait and see on that issue.
  16. I don't understand why it is legal for everyone to get set and the QB starts with the snap count, then all of a sudden everyone stands up, looks around, looks at the sidelines, gets reset, and then the snap count starts all over again. They do it in college and pros. I don't get it. Once everyone is set and the QB starts the snap count, how can they all suddenly get up and move around again?
  17. When Sammy is not too injured to play, he gets open. For some reason, he is not targeted very often. He has expressed dissatisfaction about that. His numbers could be better. Not trying to bash TT, it just seems like those two haven't developed a chemistry. Perhaps it's because Sammy has been injured just often enough to prevent the chemistry from developing.
  18. I also like that he said he's not a 4-3 or 3-4 guy. He believes in fitting the scheme to the players, not the players to the scheme.
  19. I watched on facebook. I like the guy. No nonsense. Instantly gives off a vibe that he won't take crap from anybody. Spoke slowly, quietly and clearly.
  20. Not a fan of his "hurry up" offense. Especially with a QB who likely will be new to the team. He is also too used to being "the guy" and won't want to be second in command.
  21. it's on like a mofo there are deers in my yard ground up and in the freezer where else would I rather be?
  22. 1) get a HC, OC and DC that most people would say aren't terrible 2) either keep Tyrod or find a QB who most people would say isn't terrible 3) draft players that most people would say aren't terrible 4) pick up a few players in free agency that most people would say aren't terrible 5) have Sammy, Marcel, etc. ready to go without suspensions or injuries
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