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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Does it matter what the rest of the team thinks? If the QB switch is made with the playoffs still a mathematical possibility, does that send a message of panic? Is TT popular among his teammates (I think he is)? Will the players send a message one way or the other somehow? Is there anyone with insider info? I think a QB switch at this point would likely hurt morale, but I don't have any reason to know anything. I was impressed by Peterman and I would like to see him play more. I immediately noticed his high release and it seemed like he was almost passing down toward his receivers on the short over the middle passes. But I don't think he will play again until TT is injured, or if there are other garbage time situations, or if the team is mathematically eliminated and the last game becomes meaningless.
  2. ^This. Well put. I'm glad I didn't have to type all of that.
  3. I think the DBs (especially Hyde) are tackling very well. They aren't doing the shoulder bump like Gilmore used to do. They are wrapping up legs and bringing people down. The bad news is that if DBs are making open field tackles, then the other team's offense has just gained several yards.
  4. I spun it six times and got six different answers. All of them good. Lack of Talent was my first one, so maybe that's the one I should go with.
  5. I've wondered about this. It's a lot of fun to go out and sling the ball around, but sooner or later you're going to take a hard hit. Some QBs look skinny, and many just look like normal sized guys. I'm amazed that they last as long as they do. When a QB stands in the pocket and makes a throw with somebody bearing down on him, I can't imagine what that must be like.
  6. Brees threw some jump balls that his receivers went up and got. I see that in almost every game that I watch, except with the Bills. Tyrod doesn't do that. Maybe that can't be taught and it could be the biggest reason why Tyrod isn't the answer.
  7. That's a lot of good thinking and coherent writing, and you did it within an hour of the end of the game. I'm impressed. And I agree with everything you say. My observation is that they ran Shady on some downs that seemed like passing situations. With the awful blocking and/or play design, Shady gets tackled for no gain a little too often.
  8. oh no. I might become a Peterman fan. I didn't want that.
  9. I have a gut feeling that soccer is growing faster in the US than football is in the rest of the world. And soccer's growth in the US will take away from football. It already has in many high schools.
  10. So if the Bills play well but still lose, is it a moral victory?
  11. ESPN ran into a perfect storm. First, they expanded too much... ESPN, ESPN2, WatchESPN, ESPNU, ESPNnews Then, they got more competition... NBCsports, CBSsports, FOXsports, MSG, SNY, other regional stations Then, they expanded even more... Conference networks are related to ESPN, such as ACC network AHHHHH... Too much coverage and not enough sports Then, the sports leagues charge crazy prices for broadcast rights Then, some of the on-air "personalities" started getting huge contracts I don't think there is anything that ESPN can do to return to the past and make ESPN great again.
  12. This is a good example of the NFL shooting itself in the foot. Who wants to watch bad football being played in ugly uniforms? Is there a penalty on every play?
  13. Every time somebody starts one of those "guess the score" threads I guess a losing score for the Bills. I just can't seem to make myself optimistic. But then I watch with my heart thumping and my nerves frayed. My wife doesn't understand. I'm not sure I do either.
  14. Why would the Bills want to beat an NFC team? Doesn't that just hurt their playoff chances?
  15. NFC North and AFC South. That looks easier than this year, but how can you really know?
  16. It's hard to win in the NFL And for the record... not everyone thinks
  17. Look at NASCAR. 15 or 20 years ago it was at a peak. Now the stands are empty, sponsors are bailing, races are on obscure TV channels. They keep tweaking the rules to make things more exciting, which isn't working. Now it takes too much money for new teams to compete, drivers keep changing team from year to year, and the cars are all the same with different logos. I see a lot of parallels between football of today and NASCAR of 15 years ago.
  18. An OT can have a long career. Nothing can be done to make him healthier for this season at this point. Have him play with very little practice if that helps him to get through the season. See what happens with off-season surgery/rehab or whatever is called for. Decide next year whether he is worth holding on to or trying to trade. In other words, do the Billsy thing... wait and see if it gets better next year.
  19. The Bills game is on Fox, and the Jets game is on CBS. I hope both games are on in Upstate NY. I enjoy watching Fitz (and I'm too cheap for Sunday Ticket). Did you know he went to Harvard? And he wears his wedding ring? And he sometimes squeals like a little girl? And he hosts great neighborhood cook-outs?
  20. I like this breakdown. Now where do you put Eli? I've never thought of him as elite, but he has won the Superbowl. An interesting contradiction.
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