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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. go for the first. just dive across. don't pass to the corner. please.
  2. they've been keeping this offense secret all season until now
  3. And he has never forgiven the Bills. During his entire career from that point forward he was planning a way to avenge that loss. Now is his chance. Muah ah ah.
  4. cumuli (plural of cumulus, which is the puffy type of cloud)
  5. Hanging the tree upside down is a new fad. It would let the ornaments hang better and allow better access under or near the tree. But it just seems weird. I don't know the mechanics of how it's done. We go with an artificial tree because it takes my wife forever to hang ornaments, and then forever to take them down. The thing is in our family room for at least six weeks. Can't do that with a real tree. Needles would all fall off.
  6. Almost everybody talked about how bad Hackett was as an OC. When he left, things improved. Now almost everybody is talking about how bad Dennison is as an OC. Why do coaches stick with such obviously bad assistants? Pride? Stubbornness? Friendship? Loyalty? Fear of appearing indecisive?
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