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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. zj - an old jeep model Also slang for NSFW activities that could happen at a tailgate. Look it up in urban dictionary.
  2. We have a winner! I am starting to think that many football coaches aren't as bright as we are led to believe. That Pats win because they actually have a HC, OC and DC who are genuinely intelligent. After the misfits that the Bills have tried over the past couple of decades, it is obvious that TB12 is not the only cog in the machine that makes them so hard to beat.
  3. I think Dennison is sold on Peterman as his backup. I think a rookie and/or a vet will be brought in. Pocket passer types. If that happens there is no room or need for TT. If TT somehow wins the heart and mind of Dennison within the next few weeks, then you don't bring in a different vet, you just keep TT around. If that is the case, TT, Peterman and a rookie QB to be named later will be competing for the job.
  4. Overall great write-up, especially under the circumstances. I refer to points 5 and 6 on your list... My observation is that the linebackers are a constant source of consternation. Would upgrades at linebacker help to address these two issues? We also have identical Christmas lists.
  5. I thought her color announcer was pretty uncolorful (Mr. McFeely from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood?). She made a few mistakes such as "Two Yard Gain" when it was actually a Two Yard Loss. Things like that. Not great, Not bad. I'm used to her voice because she announces a lot of college stuff. I don't usually think too much about who the announcer is, and I won't care if she announces a game I'm watching or not.
  6. Tolbert inactive and Webb as backup QB? I keed. I keed. It doesn't make sense to me either.
  7. I've never understood why games have to start so late. I assume it's because people in the Pacific Time Zone don't want the game to start before they get out of work. With DVRs or streaming that doesn't seem necessary. Why don't they consider the people in the Eastern Time Zone who have to go to work in the morning? I haven't watched the second half of a night game in decades.
  8. This is what I was thinking. They win this week, everyone on this forum starts thinking that things are finally falling into place, then they dash our hopes. Again. However, another Billsy move would be to lose, lose then win. That last win just hurts the draft pick. Not much, but enough for people to grumble about it.
  9. 1) I like the idea of Joe Webb having a bigger role. As a wildcat/option QB. Give Tyrod a chance to take a play off. 2) If Joe Webb doesn't have a bigger role, be prepared for abuse from the internet tough guys.
  10. I can't see the Bills winning either of the two remaining away games
  11. Has anyone with a history of injuries ever come to Buffalo and it turned out ok? It seems like the other way around. People come to Buffalo and their injuries get worse. Not a fan of Bradford and his knees coming to Buffalo.
  12. Why do people throw shade at the OP? Pretty much all of what he says seems logical. There have been insiders on this forum for years. WIth new coaches and a new GM we may have a legitimate new insider. I don't get the hate. If it turns out in a few months that we realize he is just blowing smoke, then we can say we've been tricked like all those Peter Pan links. In the meantime, any chance for an inside look at the thoughts at One Bills Drive seems good to me.
  13. He's not fast enough to stretch the field. Will he have to catch those short passes in front of linebackers like Edelman did? That's like selling your soul for a chance to play in a playoff game.
  14. College football is still huge. The football powerhouses that get into the championship games are going strong. A lot of those college players want to go professional. Even if college football starts to decline, there will still be plenty of players who will want to go to the NFL. Maybe the caliber of the players will start to decline, but there will still be plenty of people who want to play. I don't think the game will die because of a lack of people who want to play. The popularity of the NFL may decline because of the high cost associated with going to games as well as the cost to TV networks to buy the rights to the games. The other stuff is a distraction, but it won't kill the game. Tweaking the rules and bad refs don't help, but they aren't going to kill it anytime soon. The protests are hardly in the news anymore. I often make a parallel to NASCAR. NASCAR peaked about 20 years ago. Now it's on less popular cable TV channels, and the stands rarely look crowded. The cost of fielding a car and the constant search for sponsorships are factors that are causing many teams to give up. The constant tweaking of the rules is also killing NASCAR. I can't enjoy it anymore. Stage racing, the chase for the championship, mystery cautions, and rules that make all the cars practically identical make it no fun.
  15. I hadn't thought of it like that before. Now I'm intrigued. I know he did great on the Wonderlic, but that doesn't mean he understands how to play with intelligence. If he doesn't get himself killed he may turn out ok with enough on the job training. I hope his concussion isn't too bad. I would still like to see him play again this year. Like on the road in New England! That's could be a real sink or swim opportunity. For the Army-Navy game they digitally superimposed the yard lines with the same technology that they use to mark the line of scrimmage and first down lines.
  16. This season it seems like the WRs (and now the QBs) keep changing. Matthews, Clay, O'Leary, Benjamin are all in and out from one week to the next. It takes time for everybody to get comfortable with each other. DT seems like the kind of guy who could become a reliable weapon if things were a little more stable. Maybe next year that will be the case.
  17. My prediction: Tyrod will be back. Peterman won't practice due to concussion, game time decision.
  18. Every year at draft time people say that the QB class isn't really very good, but NEXT YEAR is going to be great. And then the next year they say the same thing. EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR.
  19. Blizzaks on the front wheel drive family sedan from November to April
  20. Having the Pats in the same division has been a consistent problem. The Jets and Phins succeeded a few times, maybe because they were a little better at finding a QB, and having better drafts, and sometimes having better coaches. Not great QBs or great drafts or great coaches, just better than the Bills. If you and somebody else are both being chased by a bear, you don't have to be faster than the bear, you just have to be faster than the other guy.
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