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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Ebb The joy of the holiday will ebb in a few hours or days.
  2. Wow. This takes me back. The power chords at the start of Smoke on the Water are among the best ever.
  3. It’s amazing how many people diss the idea of the “eyeball” impression versus statistics. Until the statistics don’t match the “eyeball“ results.
  4. This happens every year. There was already a topic
  5. Trent Richardson is having a good season in the CFL
  6. Drub Doob dB Dweeb I hope at least one of these words is appropriate for The Season
  7. Correlation does not imply causation! just kidding. That’s one of those TBD sayings that seems to rear its ugly head from time to time. I agree that sometimes everything seems to go right or go wrong in bunches.
  8. Try doing the other way around. I got on in Orlando and off in Syracuse. 60 degrees to 0 degrees in less than three hours. But at least my car started!
  9. Several Oral-B and Other tooth related hygiene commercials. Here are two examples. Young and cute. Perhaps not “hot”.
  10. In-laws come over. Ham dinner (not a fan). Days of prepping the house. Hours of cooking. My kids are all with their significant others this year. My wife hates Trump. Her relatives love him. I try to be diplomatic and find common ground. Not a good day. Not terrible. Boring and stressful. A great combination.
  11. Second half. Gronk became the guy. Circus TD catch. Anytime a play was needed, he was open. The end.
  12. If Gruden was to come to Buffalo in some parallel universe would people be happy about it? For some reason, I don't think I would be. A lot of hype, and who knows what his process would entail. Would it be Rex 2.0? Probably not, but I would be nervous.
  13. I'm in Syracuse occasionally. Dinosaur generally doesn't disappoint. There are some other places in Syracuse that are pretty good as well, such as Limp Lizard. There are others, but I can't think of their names right now.
  14. I agree that Tyrod's athleticism is underutilized, and I wish he could work with the coaches to better use his ability. However... Edelman gets his bell rung on almost every play. He's going to be in a nursing home by the time he is 50. I think Welker is headed that way also. Not only would I not want to doom Tyrod to that situation, I don't think Tyrod is resilient enough to handle those hits. I hope he is too smart to subject himself to it.
  15. I've said in many threads that Gilmore doesn't tackle. He bumps with his shoulder. Too often the receiver or running back can handle the bump and keep going. DBs should learn to tackle big guys who are going fast by grabbing ankles. The DBs on the Bills this season seem to do that. Gilmore never has, perhaps he never will.
  16. Part of me wants him to shut down and come on strong and healthy next year. On the other hand, playoffs are still a possibility, so all the best players are needed.
  17. I predict the refs are going to be so sensitive to the idea that the Bills might retaliate that they will be throwing multiple flags on every play.
  18. The Bills could win on Sunday. Or they could lose by 30+ points. I think it's one or the other.
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