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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. I saw a blurb on TV a few days ago that was all about concerts conflicting with football. Apparently Ed Sheeren, Beyonce, and Taylor Swift all have Saturday concerts at various big city NFL stadiums this fall. They can’t have a concert on Saturday and a game on Sunday afternoon on the same weekend. That is supposedly why some teams have multiple Monday night games, etc. and why some teams don’t play at home much until the weather is too cold for concerts.
  2. I remember telling a friend right before the draft that if they didn’t take o-line or d-line then they are idiots. I also remember being royally ticked off by that pick.
  3. Did the apple tree go from being too small to being too tall in one season? Is that a symbolic reference to a much longer epoch?
  4. Wasn’t there a thread about cars a few weeks ago, and people discussed haggling for new car prices? There are always people who claim they took advantage of a dimwit salesman and got their car at an insanely cheap price. I never believe it.
  5. A Separate Peace Catcher in the Rye Of Mice and Men Farenheit 451 Atlas Shrugged 1984 Animal Farm A Tale of Two Cities Great Expectations Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare) These were all required reading in school. Outside of school I typically read sci-fi and/or fantasy. I remember one summer during junior high when I read about 20 of the Tarzan, Center of the Earth, and John Carter of Mars books by Edgar Rice Burroughs. I haven’t thought about that for decades. Brings back a lot of memories.
  6. I had it for three months when I got a new car a year ago. I didn’t use it enough to justify paying to keep it going. I still get email a few times a week from them telling me about a great offer. The offer involves a low introductory rate followed by automatic renewal at full price unless I remember to call and cancel. I don’t want to go down that path.
  7. I was living in the Utica area at the time. I have no recollection of this event.
  8. Late April is a bad time for tragic events. Columbine shootings were also in late April. There are other events as well, I can’t remember all of them.
  9. I remember events, but not dates. I remember feeling sad when this happened, in contrast to how good I felt when the first space shuttle flight of Columbia was a success. i also remember other events... assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK. Moon landing. Evacuation from Vietnam Nam,... etc., other major events that I instantly knew were significant.
  10. On 7/7/77 I bought a pipe for smoking that cost $13.13. True story.
  11. But when will Gronk/Brady/Belichick retire or be traded?
  12. That may be his best option. Collect pay but be brushed aside. I believe he would get more money by being cut rather than quitting.
  13. If he is under contract but he still wants to play, then maybe he has some trade value. I wouldn’t want him back at this point because he would probably have a bad attitude and would be a negative influence or a distraction. He won’t get a better deal somewhere else due to a bad reputation which is only getting worse with these Twitter rants.
  14. Right now: Minor icing. Major wind. Thruway will be a little slower than usual tomorrow. Torrential rain with strong wind in the forecast.
  15. I also use a CPAP. I’ve been snoring since high school. My father was a loud snorer, and so are my brothers. I always wonder if a CPAP could have prevented my father from having a heart attack at age 51. I have tried going without it when I travel on business, but I can’t sleep without it. It’s a hassle to bring on airplanes. Usually I have to take it out and put it through the X-ray machine by itself. It’s too important to entrust to checked baggage.
  16. I don’t think a high speed train is necessary in the USA. Just make a train that goes 70 mph, runs on time, is affordable, is clean, and has functioning restrooms. I can dream, can’t I?
  17. For the drip coffee maker I put water in the reservoir, then put the filter in the basket, then put coffee in the filter.
  18. I’ve ridden on the TGV from Paris to Nice. You don’t realize how fast you are going. It’s very smooth and quiet for a train.
  19. It doesn’t look like there is enough parking.
  20. Some teams are perennial winners. Some teams are perennial losers. I wonder if one of the differences between these two types of teams has to do with having the GM, HC, OC, DC, etc. all in agreement when it comes to hiring and firing players. Personally, I’m pretty nervous about the QBs in this draft. No consensus on the sure thing. Even if the Bills trade up to #2 as some people predict, it will still be a crap shoot.
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