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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Does anyone know if Kimball’s ice cream in Westford, MA is still there? That was THE place to go when I was in high school.
  2. TBD gold. Coach has demonstrated that if a QB stinks it up for a couple games, he will get pulled so somebody else can get a chance. It doesn’t matter who starts, he will be on a short leash. IMHO, that makes sense under the circumstances.
  3. You would need a special segment by Deep Voice
  4. I lived in Massachusetts for about eight years in the 70’s. I was a Bills fan because of OJ. I never liked the Patriots. I still root for other Boston teams, a little. I was never a Yankees fan.
  5. I usually need a vacation after a vacation. When I go on a trip with my wife we usually get up early, do a lot of walking, try to be at certain places at certain times, etc. We plan, and plan more, and make contingency plans. It can be stressful. Weird sleep timing, weird foods at weird times of day. After that, I need a vacation.
  6. Bring this to PPP. I purposely avoid PPP so I don’t have to see this kind of stuff.
  7. I think some of the non-Bills conversations are interesting and worthwhile for everyone. People come on here to vent, to boast, to share joy, to share hard times. Who’d a thunk it.
  8. Does he say he wants to play for two more years so that people won’t consider him as having one foot out the door already? Does he want to avoid the whole “final season” hoopla? I think he would love the attention he would get when every game is the last game that he’ll play in a given stadium or against a given team, etc.
  9. His mother said he was humiliated, then later in the article it said he laughed it off. Sounds like the mother was being overly dramatic. I bet most people would think it was funny. I wonder if they thought Laude was supposed to be Loudly.
  10. I heard a blurb on the radio about people putting flea and tick collars on their ankles. Apparently that’s a bad idea. They don’t work on humans and they can cause neurological disorders. But they’re safe for pets?
  11. My limited experience with local newspapers is that they are cheerleaders for local teams. I’m confused or naive because the negativity of some of the BN writers with regard to Buffalo teams baffles me.
  12. I believe the explosion in ticks is partly because people don’t let their cats go out and roam the neighborhoods anymore. Cats are killing machines. Mice, chipmunks, baby rabbits, etc. The rabbit population has exploded in my area of central NY. Cats could reduce the population of the small rodents and other creatures that are part of the life cycle of ticks. My wife hates cats. They’re sneaky. No cats for us. And if we had one, we’d probably be one of those families that would never let it outside. Support your local feral cats!
  13. She is an American starlet. If she was British there wouldn’t be even half as much interest. There is also a lot of juicy behind the scenes drama, and that gets people excited. Personally, not interested. I’ll be traveling to visit relatives this weekend. No easy access to TV. Lucky timimg for me.
  14. I hear Laurel but when I use the tool I hear Yanny starting at about one quarter of the way from the high pitch end. 3/4 of the range on the slider I hear Laurel, 1/4 Yanny.
  15. Drafting Spiller and hiring Rex were things that got me mad immediately when they happened. Other things too numerous to list got me mad as they developed over time.
  16. A fullback who can’t catch a ball once or twice per game for a screen or checkdown is worthless. DiMarco can’t catch. Bring back Sam Gash!
  17. “so cold he dreams of hell” I’ll think of that line next winter
  18. No huddle works if it works. If it doesn’t work then you end up with a very tired defense. If the offense is able to successful matriculate the ball down the field, then the no huddle offense can be a successful tactic. If the offense is not effective, then the offensive time of possession will be short, which can result in the defense having very little time to rest before they have to go back out and play more. That will likely cause the defensive players to become tired, which is not a desirable situation.
  19. That was interesting. I didn’t do very well. I thought I knew arcane grammar rules pretty well, but apparently not well enough to be a copy editor for The NY Times.
  20. Can’t help but I can relate. In my case it’s a dog and a cat. Dog is always the center of attention. In the evening, cat decides it’s her turn for a little attention. Dog doesn’t put up with cat getting even a few minutes of attention. Have to get mean with dog so that cat can get a few minutes of attention in peace.
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