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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. As did we. Just pong for a year or two, then an Atari console. Pong was crazy expensive by the standards of the 1970s.
  2. I used to like crunchy. As I have gotten older and my teeth have become more sensitive to hard, sweet, cold, etc., I find myself gravitating toward smooth. My favorite is actually the fresh ground stuff from the health food store. It’s a rough texture, but closer to smooth than crunchy.
  3. If people are willing to say that Bledsoe should be first on the list because he was good for about eight games, then why not say Fitz should be first on the list because he was good for about eight games? I was never a fan of Bledsoe. Immobile pocket passer. I found it easier to root for Fitz. Obviously, the fact that I liked to root for Fitz doesn’t make him better. I’m just surprised that so many people put Bledsoe first with a qualification that it was based on half of a season.
  4. I lived in that area in the 1970s. It was a very popular ice cream stand. One of the kids was in my high school class, but I didn’t really know him. I remember he had a nice car for a high school kid. That should have tipped me off that business was better than I would have thought. I think I’ve been back to that area twice in the last thirty years, and I haven’t been to the ice cream stand in about forty years.
  5. Perhaps I over reacted. But she’s not up to the standards of a lot of these teacher-student news stories. The big, gummy smile made me cringe.
  6. Word of warning. Don’t click on the picture to make it larger. You can’t un-see it. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
  7. The comments at the end of the article are great!
  8. My in laws are like Archie and Edith Bunker. Always bickering, never in a good mood. When a holiday involves having my mother in law cook, it’s a mixed blessing. She’s a great cook, but the atmosphere and conversation is awful. My kids and their cousins hated going to holidays there. Boring and stressful. And kids don’t really care if the food is good.
  9. I used to go to the Portland area to visit relatives. Tillamook cheese, yogurt, ice cream Salted caramel in a cone while walking along the tourist strip in Cannon Beach Stewart’s, Perry’s and Mercer’s are all good and local to upstate NY. There’s also a mom and pop ice cream stand near me that has pistachio soft serve.
  10. I was nervous when I first read the topic. I thought it said High Maintenance Poseur, and I was worried it was about me.
  11. My grandmother was an Afghan factory for a few years, about forty years ago. She must have made at least twenty. I still have one that I use often, one for occasional use, and one stored away. The one that I use often is a little tattered but it still serves its purpose. I have other stuff stored away. I have some Matchbox cars in a little Matchbox briefcase, a Lionel train that I used to put around the Christmas tree when my kids were little, and some Aurora slot cars. All of these things were purchased and given to me as presents in the 1960’s
  12. I do a lot of home handyman stuff, but sometimes I need things done right away. When I do something, i plan, research, and take my time. Sometimes I need things done quickly, or I need more muscle than just myself. The last time I had my hot water heater replaced, the plumber was not paying attention to the flue vent angle, and he was about to hook it up with the flue going downhill as it connected to the chimney. I pointed it out and he redid it. Not cool.
  13. I’ve had to call plumbers for leaking water heaters and for broken, frozen pipes. They can charge whatever they want when you are stuck. I know it, they know it, they know that I know it, I know that they know it. Cash if possible.
  14. I have relatives who are beekeepers. They are worried about chemicals on plants from big box stores. I don’t really know anything about it, but I do what I’m told and buy plants from places that advertise that their plants are safe for bees.
  15. My father in law is a vet. He tells me every time he goes to Home Depot about the discount. Every so often he runs into somebody who wants multiple forms of proof that he is a vet, which ticks him off. He’s the assistant commander of the local American Legion, and he goes to the VA for medical services, so he has the IDs, but he doesn’t like it when somebody questions his authenticity. It’s usually hard to find somebody to help you at Home Depot, and many of the ones who are there have only limited knowledge. Not like the old family hardware store where the old guy knew everything. I usually look look up what I want on line before I go so that I can find it easier. It works for Lowe’s, too. I go in there knowing that the item is in bay 12 of aisle 7, or whatever.
  16. McCarron’s tats look awful. Cheap and amateurish. Farmer tan, lousy tats, dad bod, Frank Burns chin. Pizza delivery boy sounds about right
  17. Wow. When I lived in that area it was one ice cream shop. Now it’s got multiple locations and includes amusement park attractions. They must be doing something right. Good for them.
  18. You didn’t expect his mother to intercept your message. That partially lets you off the hook.
  19. My brother in Florida converted his pool to salt water. He has a service come and take care of it. It’s great.
  20. We (and by we, I mean my wife) are big believers in a lot of chlorine and fungicide. We occasionally get a green tint, but never an algae bloom. However, this year I may have to replace the lever for the valves on top of the filter mechanism. The lever is hard to move and leaks. Not looking forward to it.
  21. My wife and I wish we had just settled for a hot tub. My wife only goes in the pool to vacuum it. It’s her zen thing. She stands in waist deep water and methodically moves the vacuum back and forth. And she HATES house cleaning. I don’t get it.
  22. I have a pool. My wife and I used it twice last summer. It is messy, frustrating and expensive to get it all cleaned up and ready to use. I honestly think I would rather run a snowblower than deal with a pool.
  23. You bring up a good point. Just how short will the leash be? With Allen and McCarron, whoever starts will know that there is a guy on the sidelines who could be seen as a better option if things aren’t working out. Three bad games? Five bad games? Put n the other guy if there is going to be a tough game and the Bills are a significant underdog? (Which is what may have been the case when Peterman went in against the Chargers. Try the new guy and send a message to the old guy in a game that would have been an upset if the Bills won no matter who played.)
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