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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. I had a 1980 Mazda 626 two door with a 5 speed. Fun car but terrible in snow. Rear wheel drive and light weight. It would spin out all the time. I had good tires and drove very slowly. My wife and her father both hated that car in the winter. It scarred me for winter driving for years afterwards. Then I got a Subaru Legacy wagon with AWD. That was much better in the winter.
  2. my parents let me call the old family truckster “my car” for a few months when I was a senior in college. 1969 Ford Ranch Wagon with a 390 ci v8. It never saw a gas station that it didn’t like. After college i bought a car a car that my friends and I referred to as the “go kart”. A 1973 Toyota Celica that was amateurishly repaired after an accident. Mine was silver.
  3. I represent that statement! but I’m not convinced anyone ever called me “special” I remember feeling old when I realized my coworkers weren’t born when JFK was shot.
  4. High school kids were born after 9/11/2001. Next year high school graduates will have been born after 9/11/2001.
  5. It’s too late to get Richie Incognito to be your salesman. I went looking for that video and it’s gone. Are there any internet sleuths who could find it archived somewhere?
  6. I was excited to see Brian Brohm play. I thought he was a diamond in the rough.
  7. Exhaust pipe. Where the waste comes out after fuel is used like food to make energy.
  8. Lawsuit Time! https://www.barstoolsports.com/boston/idiot-who-got-trucked-streaking-at-a-cfl-game-files-a-lawsuit/?_branch_match_id=515643860224807825
  9. I’ve been wondering about that. How does driving while impaired work with weed? Is it up to the cop to say he could smell it and the driver’s eyes are red? Does the cop have the driver get out and walk around? Is it all captured on video as evidence? People can’t be expected to have a blood test on the spot, and that would likely be inconclusive anyway. Drivers using weed may have slower reflexes and may be less observant. Maybe not as dangerous as drivers using alcohol, but impairment is a concern. I’m all for legalization, but I just don’t know anything about the legality of driving with it fresh in your system.
  10. From the Weird Al Yankovic song White and Nerdy... ”the only question I ever thought was hard, do I like Kirk or do I like Picard?”
  11. How much time would they give you for not saying “sorry”?
  12. As far as Beadle is concerned, I used to really enjoy SportsNation with her. I could even put up with Cowherd because of her. Now she seems a little too made up, and her cuteness seems a little forced. Probably just a symptom of age. Not a fan of the funky half brown and half blonde hair style that she had the last time I saw her on TV. Still doable. As far as Erin Andrews is concerned, get that nasal, whiny voiced, hawk nosed creature away! I’ve never been a fan and never understood the hype.
  13. CMA Unless you want to say slivers are smaller and splinters are bigger. Or the other way around.
  14. There was an awesome kids’ playground near us that was made mostly of wood. Bridges, towers, swings, etc. After a few years it had to be torn down. The wood exposed to weather became rough and kids got slivers and splinters like crazy. Kind of a shame.
  15. I live downwind of Lake Ontario. I don’t see sun or blue sky from November through February. But the sky is usually just gray. Sometimes it is purple black looking, but that usually means snow is imminent.
  16. I remember hearing about the RV deaths. The experts said it was a derecho, not a tornado. Lightning was constant for an hour or more. I didn’t think about going into the basement for safety, but I probably should have. Power was out and many tree limbs were broken, but no real damage at my house.
  17. If analytics says don’t punt when you are on the other team’s forty yard line, then I like analytics. If analytics says don’t throw a long sideline pass to a well covered receiver on third and short, then I like analytics. If analytics says don’t go to a prevent defense, and instead you should keep the pressure on in order to protect a lead, then I like analytics.
  18. https://www.cnyhistory.org/2014/09/labor-day-storm-1998/ “Shortly after 1 am on the morning of Labor Day 1998, a line of fierce thunderstorms moved into the area, striking Central New York from the west with wind gusts of up to 115mph. The storm devastated the community, damaging hundreds of buildings and tens of thousands of trees. More than 200,000 people lost power, which was not restored to some until the following week. New York State declared the community a disaster area and federal aid was sought.”
  19. I get annoyed when people say I can’t complain about heat in the summer and cold in the winter. I have to pick one or the other to complain about, not both. Bullpoop. If it’s above 80 or below 40, I’m complaining. End of story.
  20. Today was too hot for me to do a lot of yard work. I have been doing yard work almost every weekend for the past two months. Today I took a break. I did a little, but not as much as usual. I have trees, gardens, rock walls, shrubs, etc. I could work every day and it still wouldn’t look very good. Frustrating.
  21. My dad is the reason I’m a football fan. He was a Giants fan. My father in law is a Giants fan. I broke with tradition to become a Bills fan. My kids are Bills fans.
  22. In my family, if someone says “ow,” someone else will say, “are you really hurt, or are you trying to make me feel good?”
  23. I was thinking that anyone who could sing and rock like she did is also talented enough to pretend to be shy in order to set up the shock factor.
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