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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. You were lucky it wasn’t an LG phone.
  2. https://www.amazon.com/Haribo-SUGAR-Classic-Gummi-Bears/product-reviews/B006J1FBLM Please check this link. Perhaps you already know. Perhaps it’s too late.
  3. Naw, it’s a research project. Some like skinny, some like curvy. Some like smiling, some like pouting. Some like the classics, some like the new ones. Some like make up, some like the natural look. its childish demeaning, disrespectful, and fun.
  4. Does it involve something swooshing out of nowhere?
  5. It’s in dispute. China just built an airfield on it.
  6. I’m sure I’m over simplifying this... I have relatives who are very materialistic. I keep saying that a good family, good health, and a job that you don’t dislike are all that matter. Once you have what you “want” you will just want more. My words fall on deaf ears. As as far as religion and spirituality are concerned, some relatives go to church regularly, others go occasionally, and others try to avoid it. Based on my observations of family members, I don’t think going to church correlates to kindness, generosity, humility, acceptance, or any other virtue. In fact, some of the ones who go rarely are the ones who seem to display characteristics that imply spirituality.
  7. There are so many shows like this on so many channels along with YouTube. I hope it does well. I want to like it, but the TV landscape has changed so much in the last decade that the old shtick may not be successful.
  8. If I thought I could gain intelligence through sex, I definitely would have changed some things about my high school days.
  9. My wife and I never had Facebook. My kids have quit it. I was given a Google Home Assistant as a gift. I didn’t want it but I felt obligated to set it up. It wants way too much personal information to set it up. I put it in a back bedroom with the door closed. The only thing I ever do with it is check the weather forecast. And I haven’t done that in over a month.
  10. Are you inferring that I’m implying that TBD falls into that category? TBD is only like that sometimes. Unless you go to Off The Wall, which is slightly more likely to degrade to inside jokes and insults. My intellect and intestinal fortitude are not up to the task of visiting PPP. I tried that once and I still have nightmares.
  11. Many times the comment sections are filled with two or three people trading inside jokes and insults. Occasionally somebody posts something informative or thought provoking, but that is getting more and more rare.
  12. It’s interesting/funny/scary/WTF. Safe to look.
  13. Here it is as a link... https://i.redd.it/qihiwclg5r711.gif
  14. I would realize that there are plenty of girls who are worth paying attention to, and not waste my time trying to get the two or three best looking girls to go out with me.
  15. I’m reluctant to post this because of the whole hard core left wing situation, but I’m a sucker for big, sleepy eyes....
  16. There are many news and weather women who could be on this list. However, they don’t usually get to the national level unless they are better than average looking, so that may disqualify them for this. There are are also plenty of women athletes who clean up nicely.
  17. Have we decided if Michelle Beadle is hot or not? asking for a friend.
  18. I wanted to find out where that picture was taken so I opened the picture in a new tab. After studying the web site for several minutes, I never figured out where that picture was taken. Maybe somebody else will have better luck.
  19. I feel dirty looking at these. But #2, #47, and maybe #15 to support Upstate NY.
  20. I got this in about fourth grade. They didn’t have video games in the ‘60s. Every birthday or Christmas I would get more cars, more track, etc. I still have it in storage in the attic. The last time I used it was in 1982, and that was just to see if it still worked before I stashed it away.
  21. That silly convertible is partially blocking the view of your ride
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