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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Good to know! i often watch History, Discovery, Smithsonian, Science, Food, etc. Their content is hit or miss, but with so many nerd channels to choose from, I usually can find something to watch.
  2. Very sorry about your dog. It’s never easy. It’s been a year since our dog died. We still miss her. Our lives are too busy now and the people who used to dog sit for us have gotten too old. I don’t know if we’ll ever get another dog, and that’s a sad thought.
  3. Alyson Hannigan as Willow on Buffy the Vampire Slayer ? Is she too hot for this topic?
  4. All that Florida sun sure did a number on her complexion.
  5. The sphincter helps to control a hole in your body, but how does it help with the holes in your mind and spirit?
  6. I enjoyed You’ve got Mail a little more, but it’s not my favorite Tom Hanks movie. A little too predictable, and too reliant on the Meg Ryan cuteness factor.
  7. Romantic Comedy Genre: Sleepless in Seattle You've got Mail I can’t decide which is my favorite. My first thought was Big, so I’ll just go with that one.
  8. She looks like a few years ago she might have been reasonably attractive to look at. But alas, that ship has sailed.
  9. Don’t know Pacific City. I’ve been to Cannon Beach a few times. Loved it. Beautiful scenery, tourist towns that aren’t too crowded. Hiking trails everywhere. COLD ocean water. I’m not much of a nightlife kind of guy, so I don’t have anything to say about that.
  10. Just make sure he doesn’t have one hand on each of your shoulders when the “exam” takes place.
  11. Not sure if this one is up to the usual standards from GBID.
  12. I’ve been going to the dentist (hygienist) every six months for many years. After I turned 60 the annual physical turned into a six month physical. Cholesterol and blood pressure aren’t quite where they should be. Good times. Don't forget those colonoscopies every five years starting at age 50! When the pretty nurse comes into the room (and there’s always a pretty nurse), I just lie there and wish they would hurry up and knock me out so I don’t have to think about what’s happening and what she’s looking at. And since I’m nearsighted and wear glasses, I get eye exams every two years. I’ve got good insurance, at least for the routine stuff. I wouldn’t be so diligent about all this stuff, except my wife nags encourages me to go.
  13. Whatever it is, he wants her to please him just like he pleases her.
  14. I am currently visiting my daughter/son in law/granddaughter. It’s her third birthday. She’s mostly potty trained. We are going to a burger and ice cream place for lunch. No nervousness here. edit... Made it through the day. Some drama when my daughter took her daughter to use the bathroom at the restaurant. Three year old doesn’t like strange bathrooms, but mom calmed her down.
  15. I am! My wife and I used to put the Today show on in the morning as background noise during breakfast. Lately the silly, mindless drivel of NBC has become too annoying to tolerate. We briefly tried ABC and now we have settled on CBS. Alex Wagner is a bonus for sure.
  16. Now you’re talkin’! The Odd Couple and Love, American Style were shows I looked forward to. The Brady Bunch and The Partridge Family, not so much. My kids watched the shows mentioned by the OP.
  17. It’s from the movie Wargames https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086567/
  18. For some reason I’m under the impression that Erin Andrews is widely considered to be hot. Heck, there was a peeper lawsuit and everything. I never understood why. Hawk nose, nasal voice, not particularly curvy figure. Eh.
  19. Best line from that movie is when the general says, “I’d piss on a spark plug if I thought it would help.”
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