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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Researchers say STEVE isn’t an aurora
  2. I went there once. Never again. Too many fights. I also don’t want to know the fanatical political views of my fellow posters. I might not enjoy the banter on the other forums if I know that the posters have over the top political views, regardless of which side of the aisle their views are from.
  3. I enjoy watching them. F5, Get the Popcorn, etc. i don’t generally have detailed enough knowledge or strong enough opinions to get involved.
  4. Ages are 22 and 17. Not at the same school. A little weird, but why illegal? Can’t tell whether she’s a yes ar a no. First thought is probably.
  5. It seems like a soft barrier that triggers lights and horns to tell drivers to stop would be appropriate.
  6. I learned in college what the term “balls out” really means. In the old days of steam engines, the speed was controlled by a govervnor that used centrifugal (or centripetal, if you prefer) force. The faster the engine went, the farther out the balls on the governor would swing, or fly. It was referred to as a “fly ball governor” since the balls fly out at high speed. Thus, when the engine is going fast, the engine is going “balls out.” The term “balls to the wall” is a variation of the same thing.
  7. Words of advice: 1. Don’t go to Red Lobster 2. If you go to Red Lobster, don’t order the linguini with shrimp 3. If you get the linguini with shrimp, don’t take leftovers home 4. If you take leftover linguini with shrimp home, DON’T eat it the next day
  8. I’m not sure if the Dead music was necessary. I love The Honeymooners. I’ll bet the original music would be just as funny, maybe funnier.
  9. Isn’t this normal pre-game parking lot activity?
  10. I was recently talked out of getting a metal roof by the roofing contractor. My father in law was also talked out of it. For both of us it was because we don’t plan on being in our houses long enough to realize any cost savings. We were also warned that seams, valleys, flashing, and connectors are possible failure points. In fact, the reason I had my thirty year old shingle roof replaced was because flashing had been leaking due to deep snow piles. The new roof has bigger, better flashing. Our neighbor has a metal roof and we like the look, but we decided that the financial advantage wasn’t as clear cut as we thought it would be.
  11. How the West was Won Big Jake The Magnificent Seven City Slickers just to name a few. I’m not really a fan of westerns.
  12. I try not to eat too many fried foods. As a result, most fair food is “look but don’t touch” for me.
  13. I like to think about Steve’s wisdom... Smoke all of what you have today, because it will be gone tomorrow.
  14. What was the play? Who was the receiver? How many yards?
  15. I watch UConn women’s basketball. I have several friends and relatives who went there or work there, so I have a little bit of home team mentality. . They usually win by such a large margin that I fall asleep in the second half. Rarely any excitement until tournament time. There are a lot of grown men who follow them way too fanatically, and that creeps me out. They don’t look like they will be as dominant this year, and it may start a stretch of down years for them. Maybe that will coincide with a stretch of good years for the Bills.
  16. Lexus, I think. Kind of cute. Not really sexy. Dirty double meanings a little forced. Insufficient instructions to actually change a tire. She bounced in the lug wrench, but did she ever really get the nuts loose? Video editing makes it hard to believe. In the end, the only thing that matters is a yes.
  17. I had a coworker in the ‘80s who once said that whenever cars are backed up because somebody can’t get up a slippery hill in the winter, it always turns out to be one of those cars with the big doors.
  18. I would say that’s not something most people have done. I’ve skiied several places in the northeast, but never out west.
  19. I had a friend whose girlfriend got one of those four cylinder Camaros in 1980 or 1981. A bright red one. I had another friend with an RX7 and he just teased the heck out of her for it. I couldn’t bring myself to tease her because she was incredibly cute. She’s married to a big shot hospital CEO now. I’ve always been the guy who researches all the new cars. Whenever I go to buy a car I quickly realize that I know more about it than the guy trying to sell it to me. My favorite year for cars was either 1967 or 1968.
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