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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. That doesn’t seem logical. Sad or confused might be a legitimate reaction to a post. If somebody is sick or injured, I might hit the sad button. If somebody comments on a strange call by the refs, I might hit the confused button. It doesn’t reflect on the person who posted, rather it is a reaction to the information.
  2. Remember the time she said she wanted to shove her racquet down the line judge’s throat? For some reason she is thought of as a role model. I never understood that. Her sister, on the other hand, has been much more gracious in victory or defeat.
  3. If one unit plays poorly, then it’s not too hard to identify the problem. The coach may not call out the bad unit publicly, but he knows what went wrong. When almost every unit plays poorly, the head coach should stand up and take the blame. In fact, I think sticking with the hurry up offense was dumb once the score got lopsided. Again, that’s on the coach.
  4. This is ironic. There is another thread right now about how annoying it is to lament that good players have been traded away. I like to to root for Fitz. He seems to be a good guy, and he is always the underdog. We we all know that Fitzmagic is only good for about four games and then the magic is lost due to his old age, aches and pains, lack of arm strength, questionable decision making in the fourth quarter, other teams game planning better, etc. Maybe it won’t even last for four games since he’s getting older, and everyone has seen his weaknesses before.
  5. Not if you sit on them. oops. Wrong thread.
  6. We have a winner! I also think the amount of dead cap space will be mentioned every week. And rightly so.
  7. Fitz is good for about four games. After that his old, tired body catches up to him. A perfect backup.
  8. Hurry up offense is just dumb in this situation. Slow down, step back, do something positive.
  9. The Pats* tend to over perform based on their talent. I know a lot of it is because of #12, but the other players also buy in to their system and habits.
  10. I’m on my third pair of progressive lenses. The first and third pairs were great. The second pair was not quite right. I think the lenses were too small and there was no sweet spot for distance or reading. Whenever I get new glasses I make note of things in my peripheral vision that look curved even though I know they aren’t. After a couple days my brain adjusts and things look normal again.
  11. I work for a company that does a lot of work for the government. White collar work. If you work for the government, either directly or indirectly, you are constantly reminded of tolerance, politeness, professionalism, etc. There are people who are very religious, young mothers, old Gentry types, etc. Cursing just doesn’t go over well. In small groups with my peers I can get away with it, but I have to be so careful that I just train myself to avoid it.
  12. A long pass along the sidelines on third and short is a pet peeve with me. It’s not just the Bills who are guilty. I think anyone with even an inkling of the concept of analytics would realize that that play has a low probability of success.
  13. I bet one of the first few plays will be a long pass. Probably to a well covered receiver along the sideline on third and short.
  14. I curse in my head a lot. My wife is offended by it. At work it is frowned on. I don’t have many people or places in my life to curse without it feeling unwelcome. If I curse around my wife it is to prove a point and emphasize my anger. I would probably curse much more if I could find a place where I can relax and not worry about offending someone.
  15. I visit message boards for car repair, appliance repair, hiking, kayaking and probably other things that I don’t remember. I even have a user name for a couple of them. This is the only message board in which I actually participate in the discussions.
  16. You can pick your friends, You can pick your nose, but don’t pick your friend’s nose. It’s better to be pissed off than pissed on. People who follow the rules have more fun. Woody Boyd:You know, when I left home, my father gave me some very sound advice. Never trust a man who can't look you in the eye, never talk when you can listen, and never spend venture capital on a limited partnership without a detailed analytical fiduciary prospectus.
  17. What I think is ironic, and humorous if it wasn’t so serious, is that marijuana is being used to help wean people off opioids. So now we have opioids as a gateway drug to marijuana.
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