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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. My In laws have two or three dogs buried in the back yard. They probably won’t be able to stay in that house for more than a few years at this point. I imagine the memory of what dogs were buried and where will be forgotten. We have ashes in a nice box on a bookshelf.
  2. Tried to read it. Too long. My reading comprehension ain’t what it used to be. Apparently a bunch of young, athletic, good looking people are having fidelity issues. I hate it when that happens.
  3. I’m trying to picture McCoy’s thoughts right now. Would he be happy to go back? Does he actually like the team and/or the town? Is he upset that the Bills would even entertain the idea? Is he thinking that it’s just business? Is he thinking he needs to be on a better team for HoF consideration? Is he thinking it’s a better probability of playing for a ring?
  4. I think he’s Rob Johnson 2.0. More rugged than Losman. I am am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. This could be a throwaway year for the Bills. As long as he stays healthy, let’s see what happens next year with another off season to practice and learn, likely better receivers, likely better O line.
  5. A lot of pies are actually custards. Lemon, key lime, pumpkin, even some cheesecakes. They contain a lot of egg yokes in the recipes. Probably why they are so good. Even Boston cream pie can have a custard filling.
  6. You may be correct in predicting that Allen will never be any good. I believe it’s too early to tell. I don’t think he is playing great. I am concerned that he will be like Rob Johnson... he looked like he’d be good, he showed flashes of being good, but in the end he wasn’t good enough. It’s just too early to tell. I want to believe. I want to like the guy. I also think he has bad receivers, a bad line, and bad coaches. I have a hard time condemning the guy under those circumstances.
  7. Penn and Teller. Only one of them talks. Clint Eastwood and Christopher Walken. Quiet tough guys.
  8. The great QBs are always studying formations on the side. Brady and Peyton immediately come to mind. They usually have an assistant helping to provide photos or screenshots of recent plays. I often find it odd when I see a QB just sitting there. Is he mentally putting himself in a good place, or is he just missing out on an opportunity to learn? It seems like a QB coach or some other assistant should be going over things with him. By the way, when the OP starts with “With Allen looking as bad as he does...” ...that’s not a diplomatic way to start an intelligent debate. That’s a man on a mission.
  9. I was wondering why nobody is talking about this. I hope his shoulder is ok.
  10. I think Allen has figured that out. He stopped throwing to him after a while.
  11. I was ranting at the tv that with three turnovers you should win by more than one point. Glad to see the ground game get some respect. The ground game sets up the passing game. Now if only there was someone on this team who could catch.....
  12. Even though I feel as though he is starting to become productive, I noticed at least once he caught it on his chest rather than with his hands.
  13. Agree all the way. I was hoping to see more passes to Zay. He seemed to be the only receiver who was trying. KB was hit in the hands at least twice but didn’t want to dive or stretch to make the catch. He should be embarrassed. He’s apparently given up and/or feels this team is beneath him.
  14. I agree with good football. I don’t think the Bills have a good chance to get into the playoffs this year. Good play from young players would be a good sign for the future. A lot lot of good thoughts.
  15. Pick plays and short passes. I hope Daboll is watching this.
  16. “The Patriot Way” is a culture. Win and then the players buy in. “I don’t want to be the weak link”
  17. I have a few relatives who are teachers. A relatively new rule is that if a student gets a concussion, then there shall be no homework or tests for that student for about a week, depending on a doctor’s recommendation. I get it, and they get it, but for the teacher it’s one more task since eventually the student has to be given extra attention in order to catch up to the rest of the class. It turns out that knocking heads in soccer is one of the most common causes, and it is just as likely for boys and girls.
  18. In ninth grade I hit my head on the ice while skating. Threw up a couple hours later. Saw flashing lights and had headaches many times over the next few weeks. I’m pretty sure it was a concussion. My mom took me to a neurologist a few days later, but there wasn’t really anything he could do or say other than I should rest for a week or two.
  19. I truly believe Allen will turn out to be a keeper. He seems to have the work ethic, the desire to be a leader, and probably a higher talent ceiling. His height and overall ruggedness are also significant advantages, as long as he stays healthy, which is a big concern to me given the hits and twisting tackles that he has been subjected to.
  20. I see Mahomes has several plays that involve quick passes. I wish Allen had some.
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