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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. He’s old for a running back. Injuries add up. He should be allowed to have his talents used and recognized on a playoff team. if he has trade value then use the draft picks for more talent on online or a WR. A shifty RB is not a particularly valuable weapon in the modern NFL. Power RB who can move the pile is more in vogue.
  2. I think the multiple TE offense is great. I think the NFL will be going that way. They already are starting to. Short passes to a big guy is impossible to defend.
  3. The comments are pretty good. One guy said “I would have when I was in” How did I miss this? Practically my neighborhood. A Utica 10? Maybe a 7.
  4. Next spring there will be an opportunity to rebuild the team. They have the draft picks and the money. A once in a decade (or less) opportunity. I don’t have confidence that these guys will get it right. I wish they could get a guru to help with the task that they are facing. Not just any guru, the right guru, whoever that would be. I predict massive melt downs on this forum next spring when the moves are being made and about half the posters will be hating every move, and many others will be saying wait and see. It’s not likely that many will approve.
  5. Don’t you dare give up draft picks for marginally better players Beane! No lipstick on this pig.
  6. I live pretty far from my high school. Graduated in ‘75. I went to my 35th reunion. I exchange Christmas cards with a couple of them. I check in on Facebook rarely. We live in the town where my wife went to high school. She has a few friends that she still sees occasionally.
  7. There was a play in which Milano had to chase the ball carrier out into the flats. It ended up as a pretty good gain for the Colts. He looked around at the end of the play as if to say, why am I out here all alone? The announcers commented that Edmunds was stuck in the mass of bodies and couldn’t come to help.
  8. I don’t follow hockey closely, but there seems to be a similarity between the Sabres and the Bills. About three years ago people were saying the Sabres were tanking and in a year or two everything would be great. How has that worked out? I don’t have a good feeling about this
  9. This week the QB doesn’t stink. So now the rest of the team does.
  10. The leaves are turning in Upstate NY but I don’t think it will be a good fall for leaf colors. They will go from green to fall colors to falling off the trees all in about a week. Your comment about being cold and sweating at the same time from shoveling snow was a harsh reminder of what’s coming. ☹️
  11. I give you an A on the assignment of using the Pantom of the Opera to help describe the Bills quarterback situation. For your next assignment, use Shrek to describe the Bills receivers, or Snow White to describe the offensive line.
  12. IF Anderson had been ready last week, and IF he had played instead of Peterman, then MAYBE the Bills would have beaten the Texans.
  13. Sirius XM deals Mexican drinking water lake effect snow forecasts i have new friends on Facebook
  14. Isn’t there a Peterman drinking game yet? one shot for an INT. two shots for a TD pass.
  15. I saw a few that didn’t get called. The guards are a few inches behind the center. The tackles are a few inches behind the guards. By the time you get to the receivers, it’s not clear who is on the line and who is behind the line. I’ve seen similar things on other teams, but for some reason the Bills seem to get called for it.
  16. Bears and Rams look like good choices. Jets-Colts I would call a toss up. Should you think about next week? Who are your remaining teams playing? Should you save a good team for later or just live to survive this week?
  17. Interesting thought. I assume you’re being at least partially serious. I would be curious to find out, but it’s really none of my business.
  18. Just goes to show that hormones of 15 year old boys are very strong.
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