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Gray Beard

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Everything posted by Gray Beard

  1. Wait... you’re younger than me? I always think of you as the voice of maturity and wisdom! . Happy Birthday PTR! Welcome to the ranks of the sexagenarians!
  2. Brady hits the dirt to avoid a hard hit. That’s why he’s still playing at his age. I wish the Bills could count on winning by such a big margin so that their QBs could afford to do that rather than try to keep the play alive in desperation and end up getting injured.
  3. As I get older two things have happened: my weight has gone up, and my lactose intolerance has gotten worse. For these reasons I often skip the ice cream if it’s offered. When you ask has toilet paper gone the way of ice cream, I immediately thought that you were wondering if I should skip the toilet paper if it’s offered. I ain’t no stinking millennial. I intend to continue using it.
  4. I remembered that picture because somebody commented on the weird short shorts on the guy in the back. I pointed out that it was not a guy. Since I commented on it, I remembered it.
  5. I would like to see him back in action this season. I wish they could train him to save himself. Limit the runs. Hit the dirt if being sacked. Throw it away after a few seconds. He/they won’t.
  6. I was wondering about that. Seems more like a media production job. I took a shot. Probably a miss.
  7. i remember this picture from a thread last August entitled “Training Camp Practice Day 13” The person in the background holding what looks like a large microphone bears a resemblance to the person in the picture posted earlier in this thread of Phoebe Schecter. If it is her, that is not a job you would give to someone with significant input into the coaching process.
  8. I didn’t realize she was 48 until I reread the article. Impressive for 48 but something doesn’t make sense. She can’t be that age, have a sun tan, and have perfect skin. Either those pictures are touched up, or she is putting makeup on with a trowel.
  9. I was at Disney World when my kids were little, maybe 25 years ago, and the It’s a Small World ride got stuck. We heard that song nonstop for at least a half hour. During one of the semesters when my daughter lived in a dorm, the guy next door played Eye of the Tiger on repeat. Every day. For a semester. At high volume. People asked him to turn it down, and he wouldn’t.
  10. I agree. I don’t mean to say I’m not impressed, but there are plenty of hot 35 year olds out there. Is she really all that special?
  11. They messed up by thinking that AJ McCarron would be a good bridge QB until Allen was ready. McCarron and Peterman as your “experienced” guys wasn’t a smart move. Plenty of people on this forum pointed that out in August. What kind of “professional” team builders would make that choice?
  12. I remember. I don’t really know what to look for in a college QB. I tend to think it’s more mental than physical. How can you predict that?
  13. Some toilet papers are 4 inches square. Some are 3.94 inches by 4 inches. Some are 3.94 inches square. Blame it on the metric system. 3.94 inches is 10 centimeters, which is obviously a convenient metric system measurement.
  14. Thanksgiving is in October in Canada, so Christmas is the next big thing up there. We still have Thanksgiving at the end of November, so for sane people it’s too early to start thinking about Christmas. Of course, Christmas shopping could or should be well underway, unless you are either a procrastinator, or can only make decisions under pressure, or just like the thrill of the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping.
  15. Sorry for your loss. When I was in fourth grade my mom took me to have my eyes examined because I was having trouble reading the blackboard in school. Not only was it confirmed that I was nearsighted, that’s also when we found out I was red-green colorblind. When we got home and told my dad, he was visibly relieved. He was quite artistic, and he couldn’t understand how I never learned to correctly identify colors. His comment still makes me smile, “all this time I just thought you were stupid.”
  16. Thank you for writing this. I agree completely. Brady throws to a spot within about a second of receiving the snap. He and his receivers have read the defense. They know what to do. His throws are not only instantaneous, but they are also accurate. Many people, including me, have been screaming for an offense with quick throws to open receivers. I have assumed that Daboll was the problem. Perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps it’s the talent difference that is the issue, not the play calling. This goes back to that argument that has been discussed mostly about the defense.... why do coaches claim they need different players to make their scheme work, why can’t they design a scheme based on the players they have?
  17. I still dream that he will see the defenders who are baiting him and not fall for it. I still dream that he won’t have interceptions caused by the ball bouncing off the intended receiver. I still dream the defense holds tough, the running game works well, and he just has to be a game manager. I still dream the coaches call plays that don’t expose his weak arm. I still dream that Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy all come to my house with backorders of stuff for me.
  18. I get what you’re saying, but the “run, run, pass, punt” offense of the Bills won’t cut it. If you could change that pattern, especially against a mediocre opponent, then I would be eternally grateful. I’m sure that’s what you’re advocating, but I just don’t think the Bills brain trust will do it.
  19. You never really completed the thought in your OP. You said the Eagles never made the Pats punt. Are you saying a shootout, high scoring approach is the way to go?
  20. Fitz can put together two or three good games and then his skills diminish dramatically. I assume the wear and tear catches up to him. He’s the perfect second string type. Just don’t tie your season’s success to his abilities.
  21. Watch and learn, Jameis. Watch and learn.
  22. Dungey was making all the throws last night. Short, medium, long. Hard, and with touch. Impressive. Does it translate to the pros? Hard saying.
  23. I always thought it was about drugs, but according to Wikipedia it’s written for Fogarty’s three year old son. Today I learned something.
  24. Me and Bobby McGee “I pulled my harpoon out of my dirty red bandanna” Lookin Out my Back Door “take a ride on the flyin spoon”
  25. If you aren’t familiar, listen to Henry. Please.
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