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Formerly Allan in MD

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Everything posted by Formerly Allan in MD

  1. Dobbins, who isn't listed for some reason.
  2. I'm less concerned about how we handle cap space than I am about how short this season might be, if we even have one. That concern aside, Beane knows what he's doing.
  3. Say we sign this guy, will this board still include threads attempting to justify the need for more receivers, or will it finally end?
  4. Allen showed a major deep ball upside his rookie year. Yet he inexplicably regressed last season despite having better receivers. "Inconsistent" is a term easily earned. It's also something that's not necessarily easy to fix. So the jury remains out and eagerly awaits additional evidence.
  5. Hot take of the day, perhaps, is will there be a full season, let alone a season, this year? (The blond in Seasons post keeps distracting me)
  6. Looks like they deliver beef butts.
  7. I want Dobbins or the kid from Boston College, but we may have to move up a bit in two.
  8. Second round - or Dobbins if available.
  9. Patriots are probably singing "I've Been Looking For Love."
  10. No one's going to trade for a guy with arthritic knees, unless O'Brian's interested.
  11. If Star gets his uniform dirty this year it will definitely be better.
  12. A recession obviously leads to a shortage of material for clothing. The top one looks like she has a splint down her back to keep her from falling on her face, although she'd bounce back up.
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